View Full Version : A wild goosechase . . .

01-27-2006, 12:01 AM
Someone told me that the makers of the Legend of Dragoon are making a sequel. My "source" is pretty unreliable, so I can't possibly believe them straight up. I'd like to play a sequel though, despite logic's nagging suggestion that it won't happen. I haven't found anything about a new LoD, but I'm pretty bad at the info-hunt anyway. Does anybody have any reliable info about this?

Hypothetical question: If there were to be a sequel, what kind of evil-doer could replace the originals?

Emperor Doel
Once upon a time, he was the loving uncle of Bale's high king. A corrupted heart caused him to resent his nephew when his brother died, leaving the little 6-year-old to sit on the throne. Doel believed that with a great enough power, he could overcome his nephew and rule all of Serdio in peace.
Silver-haired Wingly Lloyd
Not an entirely evil man. He sought the unification of all species in peaceful co-existence. He was mislead to believe that the 108th species could brings this fantasy to fruition.
Emperor Diaz/Dragoon Zieg
Not entirely himself. Zieg, possessed by Melbu Frahma (an ancient Wingly dictator), sought the birth of the God of Destruction, claiming it to be Soa's will. However, like FF's Sephiroth, Melbu-Zieg had a plan to merge with the G.o.D. to become the planet's ruler once again.

Markus. D
02-01-2006, 02:45 PM
I dont know how you could make a sequal.

everything was answered in this one :)