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01-31-2006, 02:10 AM
I had a good idea for a thread, thinking about an odd thing that happened today.

So, I walk into my 2nd Period Math class, and a giant fake tree is in the corner. No one, especially the teacher, has ANY idea where this tree came from. There's no "Here's a giant fake tree, love _______" card or anything. It's a mystery.

Then this very crazy internet saavy guy (I know this because he regularly yells out internet slang and once randomly sang all of Ultimate Showdown. Guess who was the only person who understood what he was singing? :p ) comes up to the tree, writes something on the board besides it, then draws an arrow to it

"The Yaoi Tree ----->"

I was laughing so hard, and so was my friend, the only other internet saavy person in the room and the only other person who understood. The Yaoi Tree. I was kicking myself for not bringing in my camera. I still wonder who left that tree. But I could understand why now, if it truly is a Yaoi Tree. Who wants a Gay (or any sexual orientation) Anime Sex Tree? Not I.

So tell us the most unusual/funny/random occurances you've experienced this week? :)

ff7+ff10 gurl 100
01-31-2006, 02:32 AM
Well there arent any unusual things that happen in my school really.
But my science teacher is so dis respected.
I even feel bad about it.
My class is like the 2nd most disrespectful 7th grade class in the whole school.
Dont even get me started about the first most disrespectful.
We interupt him while hes talking even though he doesnt really teach us anything.
We have random paper fight. But today he was so frustarated he started swearing right when the principal walked in.
In my mind i was like "Oh crap, not another detenion", but i thoght it was a bit funny...:)

01-31-2006, 02:43 AM
It was lunch, and I realized I forgot my jacket. I went back to the classroom to get it, and when I came back, some jerkwad took my spot at the table. I go to another table where my other friends are sitting. They're messing around, and there happened to be a piece of taco on one of thier lunch bags. My friend starts cracking up and pounds the lunch bag and sends the little taco piece flying and it hits the jerkwad right between his eyes. We all start cracking up. Then Dylan couldn't breathe becuase he was laughing too hard. It was one of those things you had to be there for.

01-31-2006, 11:40 AM
That sounds funny. xD I love when stuff like that happens.

01-31-2006, 11:47 AM
I guess it would be when we were in high school and we had to play rounders and we loathed the sport so much. So one day my friend Betty said she was determined to hit the ball to show she wasnt a waste of space to the teachers. So we sat and watched her bat. And she hit the ball so damm hard that it went flying past the PE teachers ear and almost hit the head of PE! We were crying with laughter and she was given a round of applause.

02-01-2006, 11:24 PM
I got a photo of the Yaoi Tree. xD


02-01-2006, 11:28 PM
Well, I went downtown today and I met this old guy on the road. He was standing still with a camera, so I looked at him weirdly. Then he was like "Do you know kids between the age 9-12 going to a school up that hill?" and I said no. then he said "ok I'm waiting for them to cross the road." and it was still two hours till school quit. I'm not going to ponder why an old man with a camera wants to wait for little schoolgirls.

02-02-2006, 02:40 AM
Well, the other day I was at a photo store looking for stills of Bob Dylan, and I met a tall African man who was looking at stills of Shaq. He was pretty young, and we talked a little bit. Then, about two weeks later, I went into my friend's apartment building and he was working there as the doorman. And then, just a few days ago, I was planting a tree in the mall parking lot to protest urban expansion, and just before I was tackled by a security guard, a minivan pulled up near me and he was in the passenger seat. The same young/tall African man at three diffferent times.

What do you think that could mean?

02-02-2006, 02:49 AM
Well, the other day I was at a photo store looking for stills of Bob Dylan, and I met a tall African man who was looking at stills of Shaq. He was pretty young, and we talked a little bit. Then, about two weeks later, I went into my friend's apartment building and he was working there as the doorman. And then, just a few days ago, I was planting a tree in the mall parking lot to protest urban expansion, and just before I was tackled by a security guard, a minivan pulled up near me and he was in the passenger seat. The same young/tall African man at three diffferent times.

What do you think that could mean?
Just a second ago, I saw Alixsar rip off a movie on the internet forums, and I fell in love.

Also, I embarassed the cute guy in my anthro recitation today. That was pretty funny.

02-02-2006, 05:28 AM
well this one time at band camp i fell out of a tree and broke my neck

02-02-2006, 05:49 AM
Just a second ago, I saw Alixsar rip off a movie on the internet forums, and I fell in love.

I'm just glad someone got it.

Zell's Fists of Fury
02-02-2006, 06:15 AM
I got it too. :(

02-02-2006, 06:25 AM
Everyday is funny when your teacher speaks Engrish. Basically = Baysickerry. lawl