View Full Version : weird IM i wanted to share

01-31-2006, 05:51 PM
it will make sence when you get to the end..

[23:14] carbuncle776: to get a copy of tetris
[23:14] carbuncle776: words in hell
[23:14] carbuncle776: right........
[23:14] carbuncle776: maybe we can play scrabble or something
[23:15] magemasterkuja: there is no tetris in hell
[23:15] carbuncle776: their must be something to do on sunday
[23:15] carbuncle776: hm were is that game boy...
[23:15] magemasterkuja: POSSESED
[23:15] carbuncle776: no their are no batteries!
[23:15] carbuncle776: no!!
[23:15] magemasterkuja: thats right
[23:15] magemasterkuja: ur in hell
[23:15] carbuncle776: bastard
[23:15] magemasterkuja: where the batteries have been extracted
[23:15] carbuncle776: well at least i can play tic tack too
[23:15] magemasterkuja: to usse as battery acid
[23:15] magemasterkuja: to make people suffer
[23:16] magemasterkuja: ull play with what?
[23:16] carbuncle776: well if i cant die
[23:16] carbuncle776: bleh
[23:16] magemasterkuja: exaclty
[23:16] magemasterkuja: bored as hell
[23:16] carbuncle776: lol
[23:16] carbuncle776: excuse me oscar has a meeting with satan
[23:16] carbuncle776: *walks in*
[23:17] carbuncle776: i have a petiton for all the people of hell that you bring tetris to us!
[23:17] carbuncle776: we hae sufferd long enough to play that
[23:17] carbuncle776: you jerk!
[23:17] carbuncle776: and in retuen
[23:17] carbuncle776: we will rise up
[23:17] carbuncle776: and destroy the world
[23:17] carbuncle776: muahaha!
[23:17] carbuncle776: were you go satin
[23:18] magemasterkuja: hmm
[23:18] carbuncle776: *gives charachtre sheet of kefka*
[23:18] carbuncle776: oh my this perosn is briliant
[23:18] carbuncle776: and with no rebels to stop me
[23:18] carbuncle776: i shall rule the wold
[23:18] carbuncle776: yes me lord
[23:18] carbuncle776: now
[23:18] carbuncle776: first we need to get some part members
[23:18] magemasterkuja: hmm
[23:18] magemasterkuja: kuja
[23:19] carbuncle776: (kuja is not in hell with me)
[23:19] carbuncle776: your up their
[23:19] magemasterkuja: in heaven?
[23:19] carbuncle776: um ya
[23:19] magemasterkuja: or earth
[23:19] carbuncle776: your in heaven
[23:19] carbuncle776: im in hell
[23:19] magemasterkuja: oh
[23:19] magemasterkuja: k
[23:19] carbuncle776: now then
[23:19] magemasterkuja: ^-^
[23:20] carbuncle776: we need to get 6 of the strongest people of hell to join our group
[23:20] magemasterkuja: your group
[23:20] carbuncle776: yes my party members
[23:21] magemasterkuja: do i get to choose some?
[23:21] carbuncle776: well how do you know were gona rebel yet
[23:21] carbuncle776: hehe
[23:21] magemasterkuja: my homies
[23:21] magemasterkuja: we hang out all the time
[23:21] carbuncle776: lol
[23:21] magemasterkuja: up there with the G
[23:22] carbuncle776: now them we shall take gahdi as our white mage
[23:22] magemasterkuja: hes in hell
[23:22] carbuncle776: yes
[23:22] magemasterkuja: who else?
[23:22] carbuncle776: were taking socrates, plato,
[23:22] carbuncle776: as our geomancers
[23:22] carbuncle776: and scholar
[23:23] carbuncle776: and prof einstein will be our calculator
[23:23] magemasterkuja: whos your black mage?
[23:23] magemasterkuja: lol
[23:23] carbuncle776: why me
[23:23] magemasterkuja: hes not in hell
[23:23] carbuncle776: he was a jew
[23:23] magemasterkuja: and?
[23:24] magemasterkuja: oh
[23:24] carbuncle776: he did not accept jeses as the messiah and their for is in hell
[23:24] magemasterkuja: only christians
[23:24] magemasterkuja: ok
[23:24] magemasterkuja: i get it
[23:24] magemasterkuja: go on
[23:24] carbuncle776: now how many left do i need
[23:24] carbuncle776: the devil will be our fighter
[23:24] carbuncle776: and i am a decent mage
[23:24] carbuncle776: we are ready
[23:24] magemasterkuja: ok
[23:24] magemasterkuja: so what happens now?
[23:24] magemasterkuja: i got my homies
[23:25] magemasterkuja: a lonley person
[23:25] carbuncle776: we go up to the land and tear a huge hole in the earth
[23:25] magemasterkuja: a helpful person
[23:25] carbuncle776: and out purs demons and rage the land
[23:25] magemasterkuja: my turn
[23:25] carbuncle776: the people shout it is the end
[23:25] carbuncle776: your tuen
[23:25] magemasterkuja: *in heaven*
[23:25] carbuncle776: duh
[23:25] magemasterkuja: its nice and beautiful
[23:25] magemasterkuja: music plays
[23:25] magemasterkuja: yo mah nigga kuja
[23:26] carbuncle776: kuja sits on his cloud eating tacos
[23:26] magemasterkuja: Kuja: what the smurf do you want?
[23:26] carbuncle776: lol
[23:26] carbuncle776: their is cursing in heaven>
[23:26] magemasterkuja: angel:come look
[23:26] carbuncle776: *kuja looks*
[23:26] magemasterkuja: Oh /xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif!
[23:27] carbuncle776: lol
[23:27] magemasterkuja: God: Kuja!!! what the smurf did i tell you about cursing? i dotn know where the smurf you get thos smurfing bad words from i dont ever want to smurfing hear that smurfing language from you again, smurf!
[23:27] carbuncle776: lol
[23:28] carbuncle776: god being all perfect
[23:28] magemasterkuja: Kuja: sorry sir
[23:28] carbuncle776: can do as he pleae
[23:28] magemasterkuja: yep
[23:28] carbuncle776: go on
[23:28] magemasterkuja: Kuja: now lets see what to do what to do?
[23:28] magemasterkuja: *goes to the mountains along side a golden river*
[23:29] magemasterkuja: hmm
[23:29] magemasterkuja: i shall call upon my trumpet with wings
[23:29] carbuncle776: a trumpet with wings?
[23:29] magemasterkuja: *little squirrles comes out skipping happily*
[23:29] magemasterkuja: *kuja squishes them*(
[23:30] magemasterkuja: *thinks*
[23:30] magemasterkuja: *puts up a fire*
[23:30] magemasterkuja: *eats squirrles*
[23:30] magemasterkuja: 6 people come with the sound of trumpet
[23:30] carbuncle776: *mean while on earth while kuja takes his sweet ass time, satin and crew have taken over 80% of europe, and the revalation prohsesy is almsot compete*
[23:31] magemasterkuja: i shall take on hmm... whos in heaven?
[23:31] carbuncle776: when all of this land is under one ruler it is time for the apacolyps
[23:31] carbuncle776: well thas up to you
[23:31] carbuncle776: who desered to goto heaven
[23:31] carbuncle776: and belived in jese as theri savor
[23:32] magemasterkuja: but all the tite people are in hell
[23:32] carbuncle776: exaclty
[23:32] magemasterkuja: i get the wussies
[23:32] carbuncle776: lol
[23:33] magemasterkuja: *thinks*
[23:33] carbuncle776: mean while all that is left is to take over tha vatican. while god is in the can, we take over and are now the rulers of all of the former roman empire*
[23:33] magemasterkuja: who kicks ass
[23:33] magemasterkuja: hmm
[23:33] magemasterkuja: think think think
[23:34] magemasterkuja: screw it
[23:34] magemasterkuja: im taking god
[23:34] carbuncle776: lol
[23:34] carbuncle776: you suck
[23:34] magemasterkuja: next
[23:34] magemasterkuja: Jesus
[23:34] carbuncle776: fine you take jesus
[23:34] carbuncle776: as your white mage
[23:34] magemasterkuja: Jesus is my white mage
[23:34] magemasterkuja: God is my fighter
[23:34] carbuncle776: god has no body
[23:34] magemasterkuja: he can
[23:34] magemasterkuja: if he wants
[23:34] carbuncle776: how ever he can change form
[23:35] magemasterkuja: yeah now i know who
[23:35] carbuncle776: but can not change again while on earth
[23:35] magemasterkuja: Archangel michael
[23:35] magemasterkuja: as my figher
[23:35] magemasterkuja: screw God
[23:35] carbuncle776: k
[23:35] magemasterkuja: he can be hmm...
[23:35] magemasterkuja: ill take mother teresa...
[23:35] magemasterkuja: as my...
[23:36] magemasterkuja: dammit
[23:36] carbuncle776: lol
[23:36] magemasterkuja: ok so
[23:36] carbuncle776: she can be a red mage?
[23:36] magemasterkuja: its me, jesus, michael, my homi G brian, edward, Rithika, and Jamie
[23:37] magemasterkuja: cuz they died on the same day as me
[23:37] magemasterkuja: and are normal people
[23:37] magemasterkuja: thieves
[23:37] magemasterkuja: sorry... its cuz i got sorry people
[23:37] carbuncle776: mean while the devil give me a new power. i got the holy grail!
[23:37] carbuncle776: oscar tips the holy grial
[23:37] carbuncle776: and becomes the messiah
[23:37] magemasterkuja: *blows a passage way through the skies*
[23:38] carbuncle776: people belive me as the mesisah
[23:38] magemasterkuja: Kuja: holy /xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif *jesus taking a crap*
[23:38] carbuncle776: and step 2 of revalations is compete
[23:38] carbuncle776: and now since a huge majoriy of people beive me as the mesiah
[23:39] carbuncle776: they all get the new 666 tatto on their head to prove their loyalte
[23:39] carbuncle776: and at a discount
[23:39] magemasterkuja: *thinks*
[23:39] magemasterkuja: but there are a few loyal to jesus
[23:39] carbuncle776: yes the 144,000 chossen ones
[23:40] carbuncle776: as stated in the bible
[23:40] magemasterkuja: *jesus kills all the rest*
[23:40] magemasterkuja: only leaving the chosen ones
[23:40] magemasterkuja: and the world is now restored
[23:40] magemasterkuja: i win ^-^
[23:40] carbuncle776: you suck!
[23:40] carbuncle776: lol
[23:40] carbuncle776: thats not what happens in revelations!
[23:40] carbuncle776: haha
[23:40] carbuncle776: oh man
[23:41] carbuncle776: that was enterttaining
[23:41] carbuncle776: ^_^
[23:41] magemasterkuja: lol
[23:41] carbuncle776: now that
[23:41] magemasterkuja: i won
[23:41] carbuncle776: is something people will buy as a plot
[23:41] carbuncle776: so new
[23:41] carbuncle776: so controversial
[23:41] magemasterkuja: thats ture
[23:41] magemasterkuja: hmm
[23:41] carbuncle776: and jesus as a part member
[23:41] carbuncle776: ^_^
[23:41] magemasterkuja: Heaven vs Hell : U decide bitches
[23:41] carbuncle776: lol
[23:41] magemasterkuja: thats the name
[23:42] carbuncle776: now thats a title!
[23:42] magemasterkuja: lol
[23:42] magemasterkuja: yep
[23:42] magemasterkuja: cuz its funny
[23:42] magemasterkuja: the liberals will just laugh
[23:42] magemasterkuja: u kno the concervatives would ban
[23:43] carbuncle776: who says were selling in america
[23:43] carbuncle776: ^_^
[23:43] magemasterkuja: lol
[23:43] magemasterkuja: nice
[23:43] carbuncle776: its all the rage all over the world
[23:43] carbuncle776: and banning something make you want it even more
[23:43] magemasterkuja: damn
[23:43] magemasterkuja: $$$
[23:44] carbuncle776: and we become rich
[23:44] carbuncle776: and live in japan
[23:44] carbuncle776: the en
[23:44] carbuncle776: d
[23:44] magemasterkuja: over a stupid game
[23:44] carbuncle776: lol
[23:44] magemasterkuja: heck yes
[23:44] carbuncle776: make it an online game
[23:44] magemasterkuja: an mmorpg
[23:44] carbuncle776: with many new alternative endings
[23:45] carbuncle776: and import your charaters
[23:45] carbuncle776: imagine sailor moon fighing for heaven, basing satin with her moon stick. Tippiing the holy grail, busting out as the mesiah to test man kind.
[23:45] magemasterkuja: hmm
[23:45] carbuncle776: lol
[23:45] magemasterkuja: thats creative
[23:45] carbuncle776: hell ya
[23:45] magemasterkuja: just the fact that jesus is fighting
[23:45] magemasterkuja: and u could use him
[23:46] magemasterkuja: we can make him say things too
[23:46] magemasterkuja: and talk like a hippy
[23:46] carbuncle776: and since the licence expired for sailor moon, we can use her as a character and not get sued
[23:46] magemasterkuja: nice
[23:46] carbuncle776: and jesus action figures!
[23:46] magemasterkuja: man...
[23:46] carbuncle776: with praying actino poses!


01-31-2006, 06:04 PM
are you asking us to read through a lot chat log and then give you our impressions? why?

Flying Mullet
01-31-2006, 06:11 PM
Umm, can I get the cliff notes?

01-31-2006, 06:12 PM
it goes to a religose theam and makes a few points regarding regarding revalations in a humuros way
maybe this goes in the writing section sence it is telling a story...

01-31-2006, 06:13 PM
I read through an 8th of it and wanted to send you and that other person a dictionary. =(

01-31-2006, 06:13 PM
I didn't read it. I win.

01-31-2006, 06:23 PM
I read the following line
imagine sailor moon fighing for heaven and decided not to do it to myself.

01-31-2006, 06:31 PM
You guys are missing out, BIG TIME.

01-31-2006, 06:32 PM
it goes to a religose theam and makes a few points regarding regarding revalations in a humuros way
maybe this goes in the writing section sence it is telling a story...
Yeah, a really, really crappy, long story.

01-31-2006, 06:49 PM
no way am i finishing that.

01-31-2006, 06:57 PM
You guys are missing out, BIG TIME.

01-31-2006, 07:02 PM
I read through an 8th of it and wanted to send you and that other person a dictionary. =(

Anyways, I didn't finish reading the chat log - it's too damn long :p

01-31-2006, 07:48 PM
It's not that long, and I thought it was kinda funny. Beyond that, not really much to comment on...

you should make Jesus a mexican, and pronounce it 'hey zues.' Get Cheech to play the part.

01-31-2006, 07:58 PM
I didn't read it. I win.

Meat Puppet
01-31-2006, 08:23 PM
I bet the Grimm Reaper has at least one copy of Tetris.

Jejunum Jake
01-31-2006, 08:30 PM
it goes to a religose theam and makes a few points regarding regarding revalations in a humuros way
maybe this goes in the writing section sence it is telling a story...

This is why I read about an eighth of it.

It goes into religious themes and makes a few points regarding Revelations in a humorous way. Maybe this goes in the writing section since it is telling a story.

And that's not even correcting the God-awful grammar. :(

01-31-2006, 08:36 PM
I didn't read it. I win.
I couldn't read it. I win more.

01-31-2006, 09:03 PM
It tics me off when people post only to comment on someone else's grammar.

I'll close this now. It's not a bad read and I'm sure the two of you had fun while you were chatting, but I guess the rest of us just had to be there.