View Full Version : FF Stucky Moments?

Desert Merchant
02-01-2006, 02:44 AM
During your first playthrough of Final Fantasies there is always one or more places where you seem to get stuck, whether its something you just cant figure out, something you can't see or you just plain didn't level up like you should there always seems to be that one anoying spot that took you hours your first time. I want to hear about these moments.

for me it was like

I - Didn't get stuck
II - Coudn't find the WARSHIP right away
IV - The lunar cave.... due to poor leveling on first play
V - Got stuck on the boss of the fireship....once again poor leveling
VI - The final boss gave me quite a run for my money
VII - 1 couldnt find my way out of the train graveyard (couldnt see well enough) 2 the damn demon wall took me forever the first time because I leveled very poorly the second playthrough was a breeze though

These are just the ones I can remember at the moment...

02-01-2006, 03:27 AM
IV- Zeromus.
V- Like Sea Merchant, Fireship boss.
VIII- Near the end of disk III... Or possibly in the middle.
X- Got stuck inside Sin on the first playthrough.

02-01-2006, 04:19 AM
For me:

VII- Hojo cuz he sucks
FFT-like every level
IX- that snake person in Memera
X-Seymor Flux

Those are the only FFs I've played.

02-01-2006, 08:04 AM
I - None
II - None
III - Garuda
IV - None
V - None
VI - None
VII - I haven't got stuck, but I just haven't had the effort to go back to the game since reuniting Cloud's mind
VIII - Adel
IX - Necron
X - Jecht
X-2 - None

Captain Maxx Power
02-01-2006, 07:56 PM
I - Nope
II - Unhuh
III - Nevar
IV - Nope
V - Nah
VI - Nay
VII - Nada
VIII - Negative
IX - Neinen
X - No
XI - Subscription Fees

02-03-2006, 10:34 PM

Uhh lets see, the wall dude in the ancients place in 7. Leveling sucks.

02-03-2006, 10:42 PM
I get stuck trying to find out which object is supposed to be grabbable so that squall, rinoa, and irvine can climb up the ladder to get out of this friggin' hole.

02-04-2006, 05:33 PM
VIII- Adel
IX- Kuja
X- Seymour Flux, Final Aeon,

Thats it basically.

02-04-2006, 05:43 PM
FFI - Lost in Kraken's dungeon
FFII - II's map is so confusing that I got lost in the VERY BEGINNING in my first play. XD
FFIII - never played it after Jinn ;_;
FFIV - Zeromus
FFV - Never, really @_@
FFVI - I ALWAYS get lost at Phoenix Cave, after getting Locke (when I come back to pwn some dragon's ass). ALWAYS. o___o
FFVII - Again, never. Too easy.
FFVIII - Balamb at Disk 2. Really, that part of the game is OH-SO-BORING @_@
FFIX -In my first time I got stuck against Deathguise. Meteor + Spin is mean. x.o
FFX - Yu Yevon. *SHOT* Well... Yunalesca. Only once. I can't understand why people have problemss with Seymour Flux.
FFX-2 - Easier than VII kthxbai

02-04-2006, 08:52 PM
IV : Evil wall
Only one I have a distinct memory of.

02-04-2006, 11:23 PM
The place when you get trapped in an area surrounded by quick sand in FF7

02-05-2006, 02:21 AM
When I first played FFVIII, I got stuck on Dollet for a long time. Both of the bosses.

02-05-2006, 02:26 AM
FFVI - Phoenix Cave
FFVII - None
FFIX - In my first play-through I got stuck in the Desert Palace. I missed one of the candles and couldn't find it.
FFX - None
FFX-2 - None

Bart's Friend Milhouse
02-06-2006, 12:27 AM
VIII - looking for the Tomb of the unknown King

02-15-2006, 09:52 PM
FFI-a little while trying to get airship
FFII-only in the bonus area in the dawn of souls GBA game
FFIII-never played it
FFIV-getting odin(i was pretty weak)
FFV-i cant seem to progress due to lack of interest
FFVI-i cant seem to use blitz on the fight on mt. gulg
FFVII-the frozen wilderness was annoying
FFVIII-the ragnarok the first time through
FFIX-same excuse as FFV
FFX-nothing was really too chalenging there i blew through it
FFX-2-never played it due to horrible reviews
FFXI-just takes forever to level
FFXII-i just hope it doesnt suck

02-15-2006, 10:28 PM
I- I'm stuck in the Ice Cave because I abandoned the game for a long time and now I don't know what I'm doing there anymore. XD

III- Salamander. I messed up with savestates so that I couldn't level up anymore. I had to import a savestate for another version of the game I was luck enough to have not to restart from the beginning.

IV hardtype - Demon wall. And Lunar Bahamut. He handed my ass to me on a silver plate at least 10 times. And Zeromus, until I levelled up.

VII- Gaea Crater, after the Schizo boss battle. That bitch that Cloud is didn't want to climb the mountain.

IX- I couldn't find Jabberwook, so in the end I went to beat the crap out of Ozma with an all-mage party.

I Don't Need A Name
02-15-2006, 10:44 PM
I- saving the water crystal i belive
II-the first boss! i didnt know how to train up! lol
IV-Rubicant! hard guy!
V-the elemental crystals
VI-not as such
VIII-saving Rinoa in space, found that quite hard!
X-2- your kidding right?