View Full Version : Red Wings vs. Avalanche.

02-05-2006, 11:12 PM
So I was watching TV, right? And then the TV went "beepboopbopboop" and I saw a show that said Red Wings vs. Avalanche. So that got me thinking. Who do you like better, the Red Wings, or AVALANCHE? I say Red Wings.

02-05-2006, 11:41 PM
Red Wings were a bunch of clowns who asked rhetorical questions and answered themselves with silly responses- in other words hilarious guys. Avalanche had more meaning, but most of them died so I prefer the Red Wings on that pronciple... but otherwise Avalanche especially after they remake it at Cosmo Canyon.

Captain Maxx Power
02-05-2006, 11:58 PM
Red Wings : Airships
Avalanche : Crude plans and a bar

I say Red Wings win. Googlefight says likewise. (http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=Avalanche&word2=Red+Wings)

02-06-2006, 12:04 PM
Red Wings : Airships
Avalanche : Crude plans and a bar

The airships don't have a bar though. Avalanche.

02-06-2006, 01:29 PM
avalanche.one of them is emo.

02-06-2006, 03:35 PM
Can't decide. They're both so cool

02-06-2006, 09:53 PM
Since I'm from southeast Michigan, I must naturally say the Red Wings. Besides, avalanches kill people.

02-06-2006, 10:43 PM
Since I'm from southeast Michigan, I must naturally say the Red Wings. Besides, avalanches kill people.
Red Wings killed people too. Like in the carpet bombing of Edward's kingdom. And since I'm from Colorado, I must say Avalanche.

Lost Number
02-06-2006, 10:50 PM
Avalanche! Oh yeah, Biggs rocks!

02-06-2006, 11:46 PM
I great hockey rivalry as well as the battle of the greatest groups in FF history well seeing how I too am a Michigan native, Red Wings!!!!!!!! and btw we dont know if they didnt have bars in the ships anyway :D

Hikaro Takayama
02-07-2006, 12:54 AM
Lesse... Red Wings, realatively crude possibly steam powered airships armed with low-tech bombs.

AVALANCHE: They gots the Highwind, as well as the most kick-@$$ pilot in FF history (Cid Highwind). The Highwind is an advanced Mytril-hulled, materia powered airship with a metric buttload of high-tech missiles. Judging by what Cid could call down in one airstrike during his Highwind limit break, the Highwind could take out the entire Red Wings airship squadron with one salvo.


02-07-2006, 09:03 PM
Red Wings killed people too. Like in the carpet bombing of Edward's kingdom. And since I'm from Colorado, I must say Avalanche.

Good point. I guess its just where we're from that makes us choose. Then again, RSL lives in Iowa, and adores the Lions, so...

02-07-2006, 09:14 PM
Lesse... Red Wings, realatively crude possibly steam powered airships armed with low-tech bombs.

AVALANCHE: They gots the Highwind, as well as the most kick-@$$ pilot in FF history (Cid Highwind). The Highwind is an advanced Mytril-hulled, materia powered airship with a metric buttload of high-tech missiles. Judging by what Cid could call down in one airstrike during his Highwind limit break, the Highwind could take out the entire Red Wings airship squadron with one salvo.


Wow, I can fudge stats too.

Avalanche: has 8 members, one is afraid of heights, one is a plush toy, and one is ttly emo 2 teh max. Only has one airship.

Red Wings: Has DOZENS of airships which have enough armor to navigate MAGMA. 3 can raze an entire castle, so taking out 1 insignificant ariship with a crew of (sorta) 8 should be no problem at all.

boys from the dwarf
02-07-2006, 09:51 PM
although the highwind is probly more powerful than any of the redwings ships the numbers will be too much. most of the ships will be so weak that it will be like pecking the highwind to death but the more advanced red wings would win through sheer number power.

02-07-2006, 10:42 PM
Wow, I can fudge stats too.

Avalanche: has 8 members, one is afraid of heights, one is a plush toy, and one is ttly emo 2 teh max. Only has one airship.

Red Wings: Has DOZENS of airships which have enough armor to navigate MAGMA. 3 can raze an entire castle, so taking out 1 insignificant ariship with a crew of (sorta) 8 should be no problem at all.Adding onto DJZen's post, since Cecil and Co. do capture a Red Wing, and eventually command all of them with Cid's help, and since it's for Cecil King Giott would probably lend some of his dwarf tanks, and together they can just put the Red Wings on auto pilot and dock, and Cecil and the other would totally kill the others since it would be 5 on 3 (until the AVELANCHE crew is all dead), Red Wings probably win, but since I'm still in Colorado I'll Say AVELANCHE wins anyway.

But, if Hiedeggar was on...

Hikaro Takayama
02-07-2006, 11:01 PM
Wow, I can fudge stats too.

Avalanche: has 8 members, one is afraid of heights, one is a plush toy, and one is ttly emo 2 teh max. Only has one airship.

Red Wings: Has DOZENS of airships which have enough armor to navigate MAGMA. 3 can raze an entire castle, so taking out 1 insignificant ariship with a crew of (sorta) 8 should be no problem at all.

Okay... some more "stat fudging" then... since this would be a serious threat, the FF VII team could do the 3 party split thingy. FIrst up would be my ultimate doom party: Cloud, Cid and Yuffie with full limit meters. Since each of their best limit breaks, Omnislash, Highwind, and Doom of the Living (note: I said best, not necesarily LV 4), all of which do over 800,000 points of damage (cumulative) each, so those three alone could take out at least 3 squadrons (considering that such a combo completely wiped Sephiroth out in my FF VII game... Yuffie used doom of the living on Bizarro Sephiroth, followed by Cid's highwind, finishing that version, and Cloud's omnislash took out Safer Sephiroth). The other two backup parties will just cast W/summon Knights of the Round and mime ad infinitum (720,000 damage x6 to all enemies). As you can see, the Red wings wouldn't have a change. And yes, I'll be the first to admit that the FF VII charachters were way too munchkined out, but that's just the way it is.

Also interesting that someone mentioned the dwarves. If this were on the FF IV world, since Avalanche's goals would be similar to Cecil's (remember, the Red Wings were commanded by the main villian), then Giott would more than likely add his MBT's to help Avalance and Cecil defeat the Red Wings...

Edit: I'd like to call your attention also to a recent war in a country I referr to as the Godforsaken Hellhole (due to having done a TOD there), but the rest of the world knows as Iraq. During that conflict, althoug the Iraqi tanks outnumberd the US ones, Iraq lost every single one of its tanks and other heavy military vehicles, while the US lost a mere 3 M1A1 tanks, all of which were actually merely disabled, but were destroyed by the crews to prevent the Iraquis from capturing and repairing them.... And the tech difference between the US and Iraq is not near as large as the one between FF IV (mostly medieval with some elements of early industrial) and FF VII (Roughly equivalent to ours, but with some ultra advanced weaponry that's about 50 years ahead of us, i.e. the Highwind and Makou Cannons, but some that's not so advanced, i.e. only a very rudimentary manned space program that has a rocket similar to the original Russian Vostok (1965 vintage), that never got off the ground).

Therefore I stand by what I said before.

02-07-2006, 11:06 PM
Gun + Human Target(s) (In this case, the FFVII Party) = Dead humans.

Plus, Cid sorta commanded the Red Wings after Golbez ditched 'em.

Hikaro Takayama
02-07-2006, 11:23 PM
Gun + Human Target(s) (In this case, the FFVII Party) = Dead humans.

Plus, Cid sorta commanded the Red Wings after Golbez ditched 'em.

Then this whole argument has become moot, due to the fact that Cid from FF IV and Cid Highwind would get along great:

FF IV Cid: "Whatta ya say we just forget this whole stupid fight and go grab a beer?"

Cid Highwind: "%&#$! YEAH! Let's go, I'm buying!"


02-07-2006, 11:26 PM

02-08-2006, 12:01 AM

02-08-2006, 02:03 AM
Since when did Yuffie, Cid, Cait Sith, Vincent, or Red XIII decide to join AVALANCHE? AVALANCHE didn't have a huge airship with guns and stuff, they had six members (Biggs, Wedge, Jesse, Barret, Tifa, Cloud). Other members don't decide to join AVALANCHE, AVALANCHE decides to join your team.

Nevertheless, Red Wings win.

02-08-2006, 02:42 AM
The Returners :D

02-08-2006, 03:31 AM
The Returners :D
They win very muchly.

02-08-2006, 10:20 PM
The Returners :D


Hikaro Takayama
02-08-2006, 10:24 PM
The Returners :D

Heck, yeah! They got the BlackJack, Terra, Locke, Setzer, and Shadow, the baddest Ninja to ever grace any Final Fantasy with his prescence.