View Full Version : The five most fun normal job classes to use in battle

02-13-2006, 03:15 PM
The five most fun normal job classes to use in battle, in my opinion, would be a monk, ninja, knight, summoner, and chemist. It's a well-balanced team. What does everyone else think of this?

02-13-2006, 05:37 PM
My favorite five generic classes (best things about them in parentheses):

Calculator (Math Skills)
Lancer (Armor, Spear)
Mediator (Invite)
Squire (Accumulate, Throw Stone)
Knight (Armor, Knight Swords, Break)

I use them all the time, they have useful skills/equipment and they're fun to use. I also use Thieves, but only in battles where there are unique items to steal.

02-13-2006, 07:13 PM
My favorite 5 generic classes are: Monk, Knight, Dancer, Black Mage (Wizard) & Lancer.
Thanks-BudSoda02 BudSoda02@yahoo.com

02-13-2006, 07:25 PM
I think the 5 most fun classes are:
and Ninja

02-14-2006, 06:33 AM
My favorite "generic" team that I usually use till I get some combination of Agrias, Mustadio, and Beowulf in my final group setup..

Ramza (Squire)
Summoner (Golem/Bahamut overpowered, Sub Time Mage)
Ninja (with sub Steal. Gotta get those equips)
Samurai (Draw Out is the closest thing to the "special knights" skills as you can come imo. I like Sub Punch Art for Revive, or I'll give him item command)
Priest (with Sub Yin/Yang magic for some more status control)

Cant go wrong imo :)

02-14-2006, 09:15 AM
Calculators are definitely the trickiest to use effectively. They're only okay once you've learned all the parameters.

I LOVE monks. Seriously. Ramza as a monk with Guts as a side skill. Unbeatable.

I alway found Samurais to be useless, though some think they are just the greatest thing in town. I prefer Ninjas, hands down. Two swords > Two hands.

And I still use Chemists for healing. I've never had a priest for healing purposes. I've mastered many a priest, but never found a practical use for one in battle.

Bards and Dancers make for interesting fights, but their songs/dances don't effect enough to actually make the fight easier, generally. Most of the time, when you do a dance that lower strength, it only hits 1 or 2 of the 6 enemies. Then 13 turns later, it hits them again. I'd rather spend that time with a Wizard, using Flare, or a Monk, just Earth Slashing them.

Though I can't say why, I've always liked the Geomancer. Their skills aren't too great, they do little damage, rarely ever inflicting the accompanying status ailment, and their physical damage is on par with that of a squire. But I still do like using Geomancers, and I do quite often.

02-14-2006, 02:50 PM
I LOVE monks. Seriously. Ramza as a monk with Guts as a side skill. Unbeatable.

Agreed. I have Ramza with the same skillsets. With the Power Sleeve and Bracer equipped, he's doing 888 normal points of damage with his physical attack, and that's just from one punch. I like to give him Concentrate as his support ability for accuracy.

Though I can't say why, I've always liked the Geomancer. Their skills aren't too great, they do little damage, rarely ever inflicting the accompanying status ailment, and their physical damage is on par with that of a squire. But I still do like using Geomancers, and I do quite often.

Geomancers are fun to use. Mine kicks ass with the Two Swords support skill and with the Rune Blades, Robe of Lords and Genji Gauntlet equipped. She does 532(266+266) normal points of damage with her physical attack and 220 normal points of damage with her geomancy.

02-14-2006, 07:38 PM
Wow, 220 per geomancy? Thats Agrias-level of special attacks. Incredible, I never really used Geomancers much, especially past the 4th chapter when you can start getting some massive +MA items (rune blades, accessories, hats/clothes). I just remember them doing 40-80 and being like wtf throw shuriken 150 dmg lawl!)

02-15-2006, 07:32 PM
Yeah, I can take out the juravi and bomb species in one hit. The attacks are based on both PA and MA; the higher they are, the more damage you do.

02-16-2006, 06:32 PM
YO! I love Lancers they are freakin' incredible especially if you up their speed a lot. Knights are also great with eqip gun you can break your enemies equips and stats from a distance. Summoners are great too with short charge they can quickly kill anything. Samurai with max brave the bets equip, two hands, and blade grasp can dish out massive physical damage and use draw out for all that goodness. Finally chemists when given a stone gun and equip armor and battle skill can be just as rowdy as the knights the possibilities with these two are incredible you destroy your enemies stats and keep your self healthy all at a distance and the stone gun can lay out some major damage so long as you have one character without it that can heal petrify. So those are my favorites.

02-19-2006, 07:48 AM
Summoner with Math Skill > All.

Samurais and Monks are fun as well.