View Full Version : Jarhead

The Shoeless Hobo
02-16-2006, 06:35 AM
Has anyone seen this movie? What are your thoughts on it?

It just came out in the cinemas over here and I have high intentions of seeing it. From the Director of American Beauty and the main character is Jake Gyllenhaal from Donnie Darko, it sounds like a winner. :D

02-16-2006, 07:26 AM
Wow, where are you? That movie was in and out of the theaters here months ago.

I loved American Beauty, but I hate war/military films with a passion, which is why I have no interest in ever seeing it.

02-16-2006, 07:49 AM
I loved it. Loved the moment when the bombs started going off and Swoff just stood there with the dust swirling around him. It was beautiful.

In fact, the whole movie was gorgeous. The ending was a bit odd, and I'm not sure how much I actually liked the voiceovers but I thought the characters were really great and the fact that they never got to kill anyone was really interesting.

And Peter Sarsgaard is one of the most underrated actors. Ever.

Edit - I really should mention that I laughed a lot during this movie. It was funnier than I expected with a movie like this.

02-16-2006, 07:56 AM
I have yet to see it but, I REALLY want to.

02-16-2006, 08:26 AM
a) It was kinda good but really frustrating at the same time. It's a movie about nothing, and it spends the whole time building up to no pay-off, which is annoying. And I know the movie is meant to be like this, cause that's how it was for the soldiers, but it's still frustrating.

b) Jake Gyllenhaal is hot

c) The scene where all the soldiers go mental over the war movies rocked

d) Jake Gyllenhaal is hot

e) A video of your wife doing it with a stranger? Harsh.

f) Jake Gyllenhaal really is rather hot.

02-16-2006, 03:00 PM
American Beauty was really good, Jarhead, not so much.
From the adverts that were on TV, it looked like a Comedy, well its not. Juts another By the Books War Movie.
I dont mind War Movies, Full Metal Jacket was a great movie.
I think near the end, there was some great effects used, without the technical effects
When he is walking through the cars that were destroyed with all the soot on the ground, with every step he takes, he leaves a White footprint,