View Full Version : Worst Party Experience

02-21-2006, 12:44 AM
I was just now in my worst party ever.

As our WHM said when I announced that I was leaving: "It was chaos from fight #1." The party set-up was fine: NIN/WAR, NIN/WAR, WAR/THF, DRG/WAR, WHM/BLM, RDM/BLM (me). The first sign that this was going to be bad was that one of our NINs didn't have any macros--not even a provoke macro.

In the first fight, our WAR/THF pulled hate off of both NINs by slapping on sneak attack, berserk, and warcry. The WHM and I had to frantically throw out cures to keep him alive. The NINs never were able to get hate back.

On the second pull, our puller managed to link three mobs. One link is understandable, but how the hell do you get three links? After that, our first voke got really lazy. One fight our WHM almost died before he got the voke off. That time the second NIN (the one who hadn't had any macros) just provoked in his stead.

I was willing to forgive up until this point, but the next fight was the end of it.

Again, the first voke took forever to get provoke off. It came after me this time (I was resting) and knocked me down under 100 HP. Instead of provoking, the NIN uses mijin-freakin'-gakure. The crawler turns and takes out the WHM and the rest of us died shortly after. I didn't even have the chance to throw any cures out before we got raped.

I HP'd back to Jeuno after that, and the NIN (who happened to be the leader) kept begging me to come back. She said "we were doing fine." I just want to know what her definition of bad was. That party was a trainwreck.

So, I'm assuming people have better stories than that. I want to hear about the worst party you've ever been in. I won't feel so alone that way--maybe I'll even feel a little better once I hear some really bad stuff.

02-21-2006, 01:51 AM
Ouch, that would have really hurt! *no pun intended from your name*

The worst I've been, would have to be he times I've leveled NIN to 40. It's pretty much hell to duo-tank, and I spent a lot of the time trying to figure out ways to single-tank (i.e. spaming paralyse, blind and slow tools). I really wish people would know what they're getting into when they get to level 30 and decide they want to unlock NIN.

Germ Hamee
02-21-2006, 05:55 AM
It's been a long time since I've played, so I can't really think of any off the top of my head. We've all been in some dosies, though. Most of the experiences I can think of happened in the Dunes, and everything from that place is just merged in my mind as one big WEEK OF HELL, so I don't know.

Lately, though, I seem to be under a curse. I get into a party, the setup's good, we're pulling steady and bringing in good EXP. So I use my Empress Band. Almost instantly a player DC's, somebody has to go, or there's suddenly no mobs. Ultimately the party disbands or has massive downtime that lasts until right before my exp bonus goes away. It's really irritating.

02-21-2006, 02:14 PM
When I was invited to a party in Valkrum in which we had a lv 7, two lv 10s, a lv 11 and a lv 15. I didn't examine them when I first got invited because I was just happy I had finally gotten an invite, and then after I did I was like "Woah this party is messed up. No way am I staying." and then the party leader started cussing me out and saying my mom was fat. Because I was a WHM, and apparently if you're a WHM, leaving makes you an asshole. Or something.

Actually, now that I think about it, that wasn't a bad party experience at all.

02-21-2006, 02:38 PM
my only party experiance so far was onetime i got invited by a friend who was showing me the ropes, he was a level 30 at the time, and i was level 6 whm we started in bastok(my home area) and ended up past windurst, then he had to log out and said he would be back in an hour, so i was just exploring around and then he loged back in and said he couldn't get back to where i was, well long story short i was left to fend for my self and i had no idea how to get back to bastok, i ended up geting to the ship and then i died on the ship, and that was the second to the last time i played it because my pc needed to be rebooted and i lost my account name, lol

Markus. D
02-22-2006, 12:13 AM
bad party experiences..... hmmm, Not being thanked for healing after a battle.


02-22-2006, 12:33 AM
I've had tons of horrible experiences in the dunes but you expect dunes PTs to suck. The bad PTs that stick out in my mind are bad endgame PTs.

So my most recent horrid PT was in Lufaise Meadows. You go here normally expecting to fight Abraxas' and Tavnazian Rams. So we get here and decided to fight the birds but for some reason everyone was afraid to take the Rams even though we had a WHM who could DS+Erase+Curaga and I had Capriccio ready to go. This has never been an issue for any PT I've been in. We just took the Rams.

Not this PT... and when our puller accidentally got one instead of us fighting it he decided that the BLM should solo it sleep/nuke style instead of the full PT actually risk fighting it. Well it was taking quite a while and then the BLM DC'd. I decided to sleep it and told everyone to log. The plan was that we would all relog hate and then just come back. Well now we're 15 minutes into the Ram.

Someone says I should sleep and then run it out of range and it would disappear without realizing that with any PT (like the WHM and puller had) this wouldn't work... and it didn't. So I come back to sleep it again. My lullaby is getting shorter and shorter because of the resistance that builds up after a while.

I didn't wanna MPK the group by logging and leaving them all to die to it but eventually I tried after several people had managed to pull hate and got killed like morons (including the RNG that died twice in this process). Now at 15+ minutes it had been far too long. I couldn't keep it asleep for long enough to relog. I died. When I got raised by the WHM (after she died and reraised) I dropped the PT and went on about my business.

In and endgame PT where I'm using to getting 8-12k/hr I managed to make 2k in one hour in that PT not counting what I lost when I died.

02-22-2006, 09:45 PM
All my bad PT experiences just involve people trying to take over roles that they really shouldn't. Some choice quotes...

"Torren, tank for us while we find a new one."
"But I've only got DD equipment. My defense is really low."
"Don't worry, we'll keep you alive."


"Theoriginalg, please stop voking mobs. You're not the puller."
"Im just levaling up wile we wait"
"You're aggroing everything in sight! Our mages can't keep up with you!"
"Not my problam lololololol"


"Ummm, why aren't you tanking?"
"I hate tanking"
"...You're a NIN"

and my favorite...

"We need to stop pulling ITs. This isn't working. People keep dying."
"We're doing fine"
"Ok, only we're not. Our tank keeps dying. We have downtime every battle."
"If u dont like it u can leave"
*gets booted*

02-23-2006, 12:06 AM
"We need to stop pulling ITs. This isn't working. People keep dying."
"We're doing fine"
"Ok, only we're not. Our tank keeps dying. We have downtime every battle."
"If u dont like it u can leave"
*gets booted*

I've given up hope that people will ever be able to understand that small fast XP with no down time is more XP/hr than killing one IT+++++ for 200 XP and waiting 5 minutes to recover.

3x150 > 1x200 Why is this so hard to people?

02-23-2006, 12:31 AM
I get invited and when I accept invite I see a party of 6. I check members and relize there are 4 blm 1 war and a rng. "they say come one we're going to secret beach, B-6" or something like that and I say "I only got a great sword on me so I can't really tank" They say "oh I was in a pt with 5 blm and I tanked. we did fine" I said "only if we fight clips" they said "no pugils give more exp" I said "well lets try and crab first" and they agreed. we got there and as I came to the camp there was this undead guy that looked like an npc but was a monster. He came from the sea and us and the 2 other parties that were there all died. Lucky we got raise I disbanded pt and logged off. Dang that guy was tough.

But on other note. I was in Kazahm. we had a party of 5 and our whm left to go eat. I tell a whm to come to our location but when she reached near the the spot our whm came back and begged for an invite. So now the other whm that came out of the way comes and I tell everyone to disband and the two whm to invite the melee to party. They got it settled who was in who's party and we formed an allience with three people on one team and 4 on the other. This was easy and we killed fast. the 2 whm'es were caption and only had to heal 2 or three people cause whm don't get hit. plus the exp was still the same, kinda. so if you do have 7 people or more always think of making an allience cause the exp won't bend to far with just 7 or 8 people. Anyways we all got along and after we all leveled up we guided each other to town did the /befriend with each other and still we group up cause we were so compatable with each other and mature.

02-23-2006, 03:31 AM
I've given up hope that people will ever be able to understand that small fast XP with no down time is more XP/hr than killing one IT+++++ for 200 XP and waiting 5 minutes to recover.

3x150 > 1x200 Why is this so hard to people?

This is why I love partying with Japanese people.


02-23-2006, 05:40 AM
This is why I love partying with Japanese people.


Yeah, XPing with JPs is fun.

"You mean there are zones other than Valkurm>Qufim>Jungles>Garlaige>CN.... *GASP*!!!?"

02-23-2006, 06:47 AM
Um Chronic..thats someone else's NM for WHM AF and i dont think you should have gotten that regularly.

02-23-2006, 10:08 AM
This was about two years ago.

A poorly organized party in the Garlaige Citadel took a lot of time to kill and chain monsters successfully. We had waited a lot of time for replacements to arrive and for our party to finally get started on its way, but right as we had all gathered and began fighting, some of our party members had to go for different reasons. We decided to disband right in the middle of the fight since we had a link, and we required an Escape spell to get out of the mess and get back to town. The Black Mage had casted Warp instead of Escape and the party was slaughtered.

I was the Black Mage that casted Warp instead of Escape. I saw the link and went to my magic list to cast Escape since I was already in the list looking for another spell to cast. I had recently used the sort option to sort my magic list since I had learned a lot of spells recently, and in the lag and intensity of the fighting, I had selected Warp instead of Escape. When I noticed that the spell I was casting was the incorrect one, I tried to cancel, but it was too late!

We all acknowledged the party as a poorly made and organized one and went on our way. One of the replacements felt a little angry because they were called into replace a party member, fought one battle, and died and had to respawn back in the city. It was a loss for almost every party member.

I felt a little bad about what had happened, so I put in my search comment what had happened. "One time, I accidentally casted Warp instead of Escape," and I would always follow it up with a random comment.

I ended up getting a lot more invites just because the comment made party leaders laugh, apparently.

02-23-2006, 01:20 PM
I get invited and when I accept invite I see a party of 6. I check members and relize there are 4 blm 1 war and a rng. "they say come one we're going to secret beach, B-6" or something like that and I say "I only got a great sword on me so I can't really tank" They say "oh I was in a pt with 5 blm and I tanked. we did fine" I said "only if we fight clips" they said "no pugils give more exp" I said "well lets try and crab first" and they agreed. we got there and as I came to the camp there was this undead guy that looked like an npc but was a monster. He came from the sea and us and the 2 other parties that were there all died. Lucky we got raise I disbanded pt and logged off. Dang that guy was tough.

lol... you got owned by Marchelute. He's an NM and he's level 44. yeah... I'd say 'dang that guy was tough' too.