View Full Version : Lets Discuss the FFVII AC OST....

02-21-2006, 10:24 PM
Whats everyones opinions on it, I just downloaded it and am a little disapointed with it. The thing is, there are some mind blowing Tunes from it, but theres so little of them.
I was hoping that they would re do some of the classic FFVII tunes, FFVII is my favourite OST, and I was hoping they could make the tunes better than great, well they didnt. Im not saying they shouldnt of made any new tracks, but I was hoping they would of given the FFVII OST some more class. There was a heavy metal vibe going throughout the Movie, I personally hated most of the tunes, Im not trying to say that I know better and they are bad, its only my opinion.
Ill go to the positive now, The Promised Land is a very good tune, probably one of my all time favourites, its that good. For The Reunion is also great,
Water is my last favourite, Brilliant.

Cruise Control
02-21-2006, 11:48 PM
Like the great northern cave. That was bad-ass. I would have liked to seen the black mages version of fighting, on it.

03-02-2006, 05:04 PM
Some of it really does get you going like Beyond The Wasteland, The Chase of Highway and all the 2 Those Who Fight tracks. I really like Opening as well. I know its the same FFVII theme, but at the end it gives me the goosebumps with the trumpets playing. Aerth's Theme (Piano Version) is just beautiful and so soft. J-E-N-O-V-A and Advent: One-Winged Angel are also brillaint. I was very impressed with the OST and I listen to it almost every day!

03-26-2006, 01:38 PM
I love it, too! Advent: One-Winged Angel was just breathtaking, JENOVA was OK, but I prefer the piano version. Chase of Highway is just... y'know! Ooh, and Promised Land and Divinity and....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nobuo did a terrific job!

Markus. D
03-27-2006, 02:43 PM
my faveorite is Chase of the highway, I like how in one of the parts it slows down, and sounds so Epic <3.

Kita no Daikuudou (great northern cave remix or something) is also rather amazing, it gives you a sort of cold chill.

Tenrai ~Divinity I~ is also amazing, it shows the beauty of real orchestral/choir in its fullest.

Battle in the Forgotten City is by far my faveorite :D, it sort of reminds me of that song in FFVIII, but... it sounds completely differant, but holds that same mood, then it goes into a more chaotic state which has a rather "keep you on edge" mood.

I have the other songs aswell, but these are some of the few that stood out for me.