View Full Version : This is for all FF lovers but specificlly RPers...

03-13-2006, 10:11 AM
I'm working on a standard for forum and chatroom rpg
text games... It's a system I spent years in the designing of.

It's going to have everything...
so no more suddenly wanting to play a RPG text game and then
having to create a system, and then trying to teach it to people,
and then trying to play.

I've done all the hard work already.
I'll GM, you DM, someone else will story line write for your forum

I've done all the work,
no one will even have to recreate charaters when they switch from
forum to forum. All their stuff will be saved and registered on
this website.

welcome to a new age my friends...

Just incase you still don't understand...
-I created a system for all the world to use in their forum RPGs
and text games.

-I'll DM the entire thing you'll never have to worry...
-All you have to do is GM your own game...

-All of the charactors.. the progress... everything I'll save it all.

-And everytime you need proof of your charactor's abilities they
will be at the length of a hot link.

And for you Text game GMs..
No more suddenly wanting to play and RPG and deciding to
design a system... I've done all that for you..
all you have to do is find a story line writer and GM your own

This system will eliminate game set up time.
It will eliminate the down time of teaching RPers new to your game
how to play.

And no one will have to start the same charactor over 150million times...

oh trust me.
you'll love this.

check it out.

heres the link again.

03-13-2006, 01:59 PM