View Full Version : I'm Stuck Again....

03-13-2006, 11:08 PM
I have gotten to the part where it says to choose your path, I chose.....Egar, I think thats his name, he knows the move Blitz. I chose his path and I played though it and stuff, then I got on ghost train. I talk to this one guy, and he says I have to go to the controll room, but I go to both sides, I don't know where to go. Please tell me what to do.

03-13-2006, 11:27 PM
Please post here next time. The FF III forum is for the NES version. What you're playing is FF VI.


Anyway, here's what you have to do

Go across to the left to enter another car. Talk to the Ghosts. Either
they attack you, sell you stuff, or join you. Once your party is filled,
head across to another car, then another. After you go in, a Ghost will
prevent you from leaving. Of course, that won't stop you and a battle
begins. Beat it and leave the car. Climb up the latter and you will
jump across the cars. When you land, go into the car and pull the switch.

This detaches all the cars behind you. Pull the switch again to remove
the wall (that's one magic switch). If you sit down at the center table,
ever hospitable ghosts will serve you food. This will rejuvenate your
characters. After you're done grubbing off the ghosts go to the next
train car.

Go to the first room where there is a lone treasure chest. Try to open
it and you'll be attacked by Siegfried. Of course, he's very easy to defeat.

Still, he has the presense of mind to not only flee, but flee with the
treasure while your characters are left to scratch their heads.

The next room houses a few treasure chests. No reason to leave them
there, so practice your "borrowing" skills. Head to the engine.

At the engine room there are three switches. Pull the two on the ends.

Exit the car and climb onto the front of the train. You'll face off
against the Phantom Train.

03-14-2006, 08:54 PM
Hinthint: use a Phoenix Down on him.

03-15-2006, 02:03 AM
And you're playing as Sabin :p

03-15-2006, 03:07 AM
Well they are twins. It's easy to get them confused :p