View Full Version : Ideas Square Enix should use if they ever make another Tactics game

03-13-2006, 11:20 PM
I hope Square Enix makes another Tactics game someday. The first two were cool. And they should use these ideas

1. A Sage class(based on the FF III class)should be added.

2. It should have a battle system similar to the Fire Emblem games

3. Bangaa, Viera, Nu Mou, and Moogles should return. Races from other FF games(like Ronso, Qu, Al Bhed, Tarutaru, Elvaan, etc.)should also be added.

4. It should have an extremely deep storyline

5. Add all the classes that appeared in the other two Tactics games

6. Have the ability to customize weapons, armor, items, etc.

7. Choose a gender and age for your characters

Nakor TheBlue Rider
03-16-2006, 02:41 AM
Well I deffinitly Preffered the JP Points system for learning Abilities Rather than learnign them off Equipment. I prefer Most of the Features from FFT more than FFTA. Only a few things I would say could be added if they made another Tactics.

-More Jobs (you can never get too many really)
-Good Story (always important)
-Multiplayer Ability, Online Capability would make a Final Fantasy Tactics game amazing.

I'd Like to point out that your idea of addign in the races from all the previous games would most likely ruin any chance of a good Story, because its very difficult to explain how 10+ races from many different Worlds and realms of reality end up together. and trying to come up with good backstory would be hard.

Id prefer to see new races, maybey similar but not the same. I liked how they created new races for FFTA that was good, and i liked the large choice of jobs in FFTA also.

03-16-2006, 03:44 PM
I'd Like to point out that your idea of addign in the races from all the previous games would most likely ruin any chance of a good Story, because its very difficult to explain how 10+ races from many different Worlds and realms of reality end up together. and trying to come up with good backstory would be hard.

True, but then again you don't really have to give an explanation. They would be like the Moogles and the Chocobos

The Devourer Of Worlds
03-16-2006, 04:00 PM
A Sage would be cool, just as long as it wasn't as ridiculously overpowered as it was in FFIII...

03-16-2006, 04:01 PM
i have been thinking,and i believe a hexagon battlefield might be good.every tile is hexagonal,and you can move more freely.

03-23-2006, 10:33 PM
-There be some way to attain special classes. Whether it involves mastering certain classes, fighting a number of battles, or defeating a certain class a number of times in a number of battles. For example, getting a Holy Knight class available would require someone to defeat 200 enemy knights in addition to mastering some class. When the quota for the Holy Knight requirement is up, then the 200 knights you fought would be nulled for any other class usage. You can get my drift, though.

-Make a map editor! Nothing would make the people happier than to battle it out on their own homemade turf. Maybe having a way to make that an actual battleground on the game would be a good idea.

-Two-player Option. Definately. Loading up characters from two different saves and battling against your friends........AWESOMEČ.

-More weapons that do something other than add +1 attack. Make weapons that don't have good attack but inflict status effects or something. The Blood Sword was desirable for a different reason other than attack; go off that, Square-Enix!

-Sidequests that do stuff. Propositions were cool and the user could get a better feel of what was going on in Ivalice, but it didn't really have that much of an impact. Make Propositions and Rumors open up different sidequests and such to keep the fun feeling alive!

-More skills? A double-edged sword, no doubt, but there's nothing wrong with adding a few more skills.

-Intelligent AI (oxymoron?). FFTactics had pretty smart enemies, but they need to be more difficult.

-Different modes of play. A la Resident Evil, have an Easy, Hard, Difficult, and Expert modes that offer less weapons, gil recieved after battle, and maybe even less classes or something in accordance with the selected hardness.

03-24-2006, 06:20 AM
:love: All grrreat ideas, s.g.n.! Has Square offered you a job yet?

Azure Chrysanthemum
03-24-2006, 07:33 AM
I'd like to see a multiple army system and possibly the ability to field more units.

Especially if you have online multiplayer capabilities, why limit yourself to just two armies battling it out at a time? In a high-level political intrigue type story, which I'd hope it would have, I would want to see three or four or possibly even more forces clashing at a time. That would be really cool.

04-02-2006, 03:20 PM
I'd like to see Proposition Treasures that you could actually equip and Unexplored Lands you could actually visit and find bonus dungeons.

Also I'd like to expand monster breeding so you could cross-breed different monsters to produce even more powerful hybrids that could be used as allies or poached for even rarer stuff.

Zodiac Stones that could be used in battle to spectacular effects. Maybe morph allies into powerful monsters that differ on who equips it.

Terrain that shifts during the battle. Imagine a fight during an volcanic eruption or on ice floes. It would add a whole new level of challenge to battles.

04-02-2006, 06:29 PM
YO! you guys pretty much have said it all it seems but other types of mosters would be cool.

Maybe like some super cool boss monsters or really hard to beat ones like ultima and omega weapons FF8 or Emerald and Ruby weapons from FF7.

A weapon upgrade system too like a swordsmith or something.

I have more but gotta go so I'll post them later.

04-02-2006, 10:30 PM
Oh, I forgot; this happens in FFV and FFX-2 but not in Tactics: I'd like main characters whose appearance changes with character class.

I'm annoyed I never got to see Agrias as a White Mage or Beowulf as a Calculator.

04-03-2006, 10:22 AM
Oh, I forgot; this happens in FFV and FFX-2 but not in Tactics: I'd like main characters whose appearance changes with character class.

I'm annoyed I never got to see Agrias as a White Mage or Beowulf as a Calculator.
Yes, that's my biggest complaint too. You gotta have the costume changes!!

Some other things:
More detailed graphics for summons,
All weapons being able to be Thrown/Caught,
More variables for calculating, like Gender, Speed, MA, PA...
A story that takes place either in the "Reign of Delita" or, even better, in the 50 year war! With the characters you know should be there.:cool:

Ballistix Man
04-04-2006, 05:11 AM
More jobs and better graphics. A less cryptic story would also be nice.

05-15-2006, 09:15 PM
Just say they used characters liek ramza and Delita they should go first you play as real main character and then when you beat that you can play as the other one...

05-15-2006, 10:01 PM
i think a good tactics game would let u have a bigger area to place your guys in. the enemies get like the whole map and u get 8 squares to place 6 guys, it seems kinda stupid that u cant put your guys in more stratigic positions.

05-17-2006, 04:35 AM
Somethings that I would add you have already said.

Online Play *ahem thats free like socom end ahem*

Playing through multiple times with different main characters

More Character class

Being able to get a special class.

Somethings that has not been said:

Create your own class. Similar to a map editor but with your own abilitys for a brand new class.

A larger party. This way you can keep more classes all at one plus will tie in to the next few things.

Bigger maps for bigger battles. The Game systems are getting better and can take on the heat.

More units in the bigger maps for the bigger battles.

Then finally more monsters in the bigger maps. Now imagine a battle with 7-10 of your units vs 13-17 enemies. :tongue: