View Full Version : Elder Scrolls 4: Obilivion

Clouded Sky
03-22-2006, 08:43 PM
Ok, so I picked up the collector's edition yesterday,err, rather my friend picked it up for me. Now today, fortunately (or unfortunately) I came down with a high fever preventing me from going to school. So I've had the oppurtunity to play a bit of Oblivion (in between massive headaches and snot removal.) I'm playing it on my laptop, and it looks quite good, even on medium setting. It plays a lot like Morrowind with little tweaks here and there that make it even more playable. If you don't have this game already, go buy it. If you do, what are your impressions so far?

03-22-2006, 08:44 PM
Already have an Oblivion thread going: