View Full Version : Stop whining!

Darth Cid
03-22-2006, 11:52 PM
Here's the facts, FFIX seems to get ALOT of crap put on it by people, they purposely post hate threads, our most recent thread is "I felt so dirty" by Cipher, he gave no real valid point in his first post, the other FFIX haters came in and started actually giving reasons, all of which were irrelevent. We should go through it all here. First FFIX is a reference/tribute post for all previous Final Fantasies, references can be found all over the place. Prince Puck attacked by Antlion, similar to Prince Edward attacked by Antlion in FFIV, you run a sidequest in Madain Sari, that tells you Garnet's birth name is Sarah, there is a Princess Sarah/Sara in FFI and FFIII. A Buster Sword in Lindblum does what Zidane comment about it sound familiar FFVII fans? Next, FFIX is ripped on by its characters.

Hater's Opinions

Zidane- a horny pimp monkey

Garnet- Eyecandy

Vivi- dumb kid

Steiner- a bumbling idiot

Eiko- Stupid brat

Quina- stupid and unnecessary

Freya- Sad

Armarant- Stupid personality

True Fact

Zidane- personality of a breathing male, who would have thought?

Garnet- Magic-based, troubling past, adds to story, personality of a diginfied lady, the main male character actually has to earn her love, not the other way around. For those of you who call her eye-candy, we're oh so sorry Square managed to create a girl hotter than Tifa without Tifa's breast.

Vivi- Overrated, questions existence but that's because he's worried about death, everyone worries about death.

Steiner- His loyality blinds his intellienge, c' mon he's been a knight a long time, the "I am only to follow my orders" kicks in after a while.

Eiko- Bratty, yes, most 6-year olds are.

Quina- Appearence is a reference to Gogo, personality doesn't develop, so what? S/he's actually optional, if you can find Fossil Roo by yourself.

Freya- You'd be sad too if your lover doesn't remember your name.

Armarant- Wow, someone in the game with a personality similar to Cloud and you don't like it. You just can't please people.

Now let's compare to FFVII and FFVIII, keep in mind, this doesn't mean we don't like FFVII and FFVIII, these are the things we don't like. Zidane acts like a normal single teenage male, as opposed to Cloud and Squall who act like males if males had periods. FFIX is regarded as linear, it's "GET KUJA!", excuse me, FFVII "GET SEPHIROTH!" c'mon people, FFVII and FFVIII are just as linear as FFIX. Garnet is eye-candy? Hello? People HELLO? Garnet has a lot more to offer than looks, 1) she's magic-based, 2) she has a troubling past that adds to the story, 3) her personality in secret she's full of doubt about herself and Zidane has to teach her self-esteem, 4) her lady personality vs. Zidane's male personality makes a beliveable love story, as opposed Tifa and Rinoa, please FFIX haters, tell us where Tifa or Rinoa have ever gone Lara Croft. The love story is believable because it's a guy hitting on a girl, as opposed to a girl hitting on a guy, the guy's personality changes to love her, but the girl really doesn't develop at all. And that's where the endings compare, we've seen FFIX haters say, "Yeah, Zidane banged Garnet and left her." Sorry, we both have a hard time believing that and if you think that's true, then we have the right to say, "Yeah, Cloud banged Tifa, and Tifa left him." or "Yeah, Squall banged Rinoa, and Rinoa left him for Sefier, then Sefier banged Rinoa, and Rinoa left him." For the love of Bahamut, Zidane & Garnet's story is alot more complicated than you FFIX haters make it out to be. Zidane's liking to Garnet is first in her looks[/fact] Zidane develops better feelings for Garnet actually getting to know her he falls in love with her for who she is truely, through their talks together and rescues together, and some reason the minor spats that go on continue to develop feelings more[/another fact] Zidane is also badly emotionally destroyed by the true of his birth, and his reason(according to Garland) for existence, Garnet is there to save as he has saved her in the past and help him through his personal crisis as he helps her through hers, giving him more developed feelings for her[/omg, yet another fact, there might actually be something to the Zidane & Garnet relationship]. Garnet is annoyed a tad by Zidane's corny jokes but is consistly moved by his want to help her for no reason, disc 2, Garnet in her mind misses Zidane, this lets her know she's in trouble, why? Since the day, because she has feared the idea of falling in love since the day Brahne ordered her horn be cut off. Let's face it, providing she fell in love with Zidane, Brahne would never let Zidane near Garnet due to his job, thief. A noblewoman and a commoner isn't this similar to her favorite story by Lord Avon? Brahne's death allows Garnet a blessing and curse because she couldn't just say she's developed feelings for Zidane, out of his want to help her through her crisis's. Something finally gives on Disc 3, maybe it was the fact that the castle was about to be destroyed and they believed it was about to be the end for them, maybe it was that this third rescue by Zidane confirmed to Garnet that he truly loves her, maybe it was I don't care anymore what people think, but the embrace that reveals the truth about how they feel about each other finally happens. By working together, they both developed feeling for each other which typical of developing a relationship, there's truely no real explanation for how true love is discovered. It's a one thing lead to other deal, where a new friendship by chance evolved into passionate relationship. And folks, just because we just completely dennounced the "Yeah, Zidane banged Garnet and left her." theory, doesn't mean Zidane & Garnet never have sex, no, it would be a natural thing for them to lose virginities to each other(YES, WE SAID THEY LOSE VIRGINITIES TO EACH OTHER as in Zidane is Garnet's first, Garnet is Zidane's first), married. Now to compare with FFVII and FFVIII, Cloud & Squall have Tifa & Rinoa hitting on them, since when do girls hit on guys? We see no change in Tifa's nor Rinoa's personalities at all. It's a technological era in these games too, in FFIX, omg, women who want to be treated with diginity and respect. And there's a difference between Garnet and Tifa & Rinoa, Garnet is naive, Tifa & Rinoa are naive and stupid. Garnet is smart enough to have a teammate, the only person in the party who wants her to return to Alexandria, Steiner to come along, where Rinoa walks up to Edea alone all nervous because hopefully she just realized how stupid her idea is, if the item she going to use on Edea actually worked, why wouldn't anyone else have tried it already? Rinoa launches a dog out of her arm, it looks like the dog's sticking his ass in Rinoa's face. And speaking of Limit Breaks, Omnislash and Lionheart made FFVII and FFVIII unbelievable easy, you could kill Sephiroth in like 2 rounds. Where Trance doesn't give Zidane a move that does 20 slashes of 9999 damage, omg, what a concept a game that reverts back to actually being challenging. The battle system sucks? The battle system is meant for people who bought Final Fantasy before spiky-haired PMSer was on the cover. The game is linear? What's your point? All Final Fantasies are linear. Only bad point is the amount of time at the end, it's like a year to most, well, we believe Square slipped here, with how deep Zidane & Garnet's love is, it wouldn't have taken a year for him to reunite with her, better move, a month, Garnet's hair still growing back or stay short, and no Vivi kids(because that makes no sense anyway), because it would still take a while for Zidane to reunite with Garnet, considering there's one way back to Mist Continent, the boat in Madain Sari, because the Outer Continent's opening of Fossil Roo stays closed, but that's how we feel the story should go. FFIX haters, please free to try to dennounce what we have said here. We'll just keep bouncing back by dennouncing you back with facts; otherwise, get out of this thread and get out of this forum.

--Zidane & Garnet, VIVA LA GAIA!

03-23-2006, 12:29 AM
I can disprove your theory by saying this:

Most of the people who play FFIX also played FFVII, VIII, X, and X-2, and never even TOUCHED the old generation games. That makes them stupid, retarded fanboys who like it just because it is mainstream, and everyone else likes it. FFIX was made as a tribute, and Square knew it; but they offered something new; actual personalities of characters based on REAL people.
Some of the people who played IX who actually did play the old games first are a bit alienated by it because of it being like VII and VIII (graphics-wise only), with a plot from the old-school.

Ohh, wait, that just reinforces your position. DARN!! MY DIRTY EMO TEARS CRY LAMENTATIONS FOR CLOUD :cry:

I couldn't say it with a straight face...

People dislike the game because it is believeable. Considering how dumb and whiny the new generation of gamers is, I wouldn't be surprised if someone came in here and said the game was hard, or boring, or not like FFVII, so therefore is unlikeable.

Half the people in the world also WANT to be emo. Therefore, they must disdain everything that gives any remote possiblity of joy to anyone else, despite the fact that they are dumb idiots. And the attention spans. I would not be surprised if someone stopped reading your speech half way through and respionded with a HILARIOUS one-liner that was easily disproved by your next letter.

Garnet- Eyecandy

Aren't most royalty/celebrities able to fall under such a category? They get gay people tending to their every need 24/7. Of course they look like eye candy; they don't actually have to DO anything,

Armarant- Wow, someone in the game with a personality similar to Cloud and you don't like it. You just can't please people.

Well, Amarant has morals. Suddenly a good guy has to have no morals if he at one point worked for the enemy? Sucks for Leonheart, Cecil, Kain, Rydia (yes, the 5 year old girl is the enemy), the ENTIRE cast of FFVI, most of VII, VIII, and half of the party in FFIX.

Darth Cid
03-23-2006, 12:37 AM
Zidane: I fail to understand, are you agreeing or disargeeing that people need to stop whining about FFIX?

03-23-2006, 12:39 AM
I did find it boring. But not because I'm some kid with a short attention span. Both IX and VIII were a chore to finish for me. And X I still haven't beaten. Which is why I say I'm falling out of FFs. And having played all the games that IX references didn't really help me to appreciate the game. But I also don't like Chrono Trigger. A widely loved Square game. But I refuse to bash games that are respected. And people that respect them give a lot of valid reasons for that respect. And I'll respect that myself. I just can't share their appreciation. But I won't go saying its a bad game. Just not my style of game. Or rather. Not my style of RPG

03-23-2006, 12:41 AM
Zidane: I fail to understand, are you agreeing or disargeeing that people need to stop whining about FFIX?

I am agreeing with you 100%.

I did find it boring. But not because I'm some kid with a short attention span. Both IX and VIII were a chore to finish for me. And X I still haven't beaten. Which is why I say I'm falling out of FFs. And having played all the games that IX references didn't really help me to appreciate the game. But I also don't like Chrono Trigger. A widely loved Square game. But I refuse to bash games that are respected. And people that respect them give a lot of valid reasons for that respect. And I'll respect that myself. I just can't share their appreciation. But I won't go saying its a bad game. Just not my style of game. Or rather. Not my style of RPG

For anyone else who wants to complain about FFIX, make your statement like this guy. He knows how to defend his opinion.
Plus three respect points. You are now at IX + 3.

Darth Cid
03-23-2006, 12:43 AM
I did find it boring. But not because I'm some kid with a short attention span. Both IX and VIII were a chore to finish for me. And X I still haven't beaten. Which is why I say I'm falling out of FFs. And having played all the games that IX references didn't really help me to appreciate the game. But I also don't like Chrono Trigger. A widely loved Square game. But I refuse to bash games that are respected. And people that respect them give a lot of valid reasons for that respect. And I'll respect that myself. I just can't share their appreciation. But I won't go saying its a bad game. Just not my style of game. Or rather. Not my style of RPG

Garnet: Well, please allow me to be the second to thank you for your honesty. In saying, you refuse to downgrade a game you don't like knowing others enjoy it shows you have true honor as a gamer.

03-23-2006, 01:12 AM
Nah, I really wanted to like IX. In fact, I did like a lot of it. Who can't love Vivi? And I adored Steiner's personality and comic relief. And Freya was so mature and respectable. I really don't know why it suddenly lost my interest really..

03-23-2006, 04:44 AM
It's a fun game... i havent played the originals so i suppose you have the right to call me a retarded fan boy and what not but i dont have a snes and i havent found them for ps1 newhere (havent looked too hard)...

This game was fun and all i have to say is at least it doesnt get as much crap as X-2 (Off Course X-2 deserves it more!!)

PS- lol i have Off Course! stuck in my head... lol stupid cloud

03-23-2006, 04:49 AM
You didn't need to catch the references to enjoy it. Vivi and his kin was based off of black mages of the days of old. But not knowing/realizing that didn't make him any less cute.

03-23-2006, 04:51 AM
I knew he was based off of old black mages but i did not find him cute...

He was nifty but i didnt like to use him in battle

03-23-2006, 06:44 AM
I love FFIX, almost as much as FFTactics, but only because it's a welcome change from the previous two in-series games. FF7 and FF8 didn't seem too fantastical to me: fine places, but the world wasn't kind of adult-ish with respect to architecture and general citizenry. FFIX is a double-whammy right off the bat: a world filled with mist, a huge sword sticking out of a castle, a main character with a monkey's tail, hippo- and fish-people, moogles... I found it a breath of fresh air from the rigidity that FF8 presented (and the soundtrack is more adventurous, I'd say, too). The game is generous in that it's set in a wondrous world, which is something that earlier games lacked severely -- the return to a medieval-type setting paints a great picture. Another tidbit I enjoyed was that all the NPCs had _names_. It helps give a little personality to the game's fairly unimportant characters, which tempered my interest a bit. The previous two games forewent that nicety. =/

I can respect criticism, though. The game pays homage to earlier icons and cameos, and as such, has a bond of rehashed features. The characters are all based off of a single trait they've internalized a bit, which you can see if you let the opening title run a bit (Virtue, etc.). It's so easy to pick on everyone -- take Amarant. He's the typical "I strive for power and I only like power, etc." guy. He's not that interesting, says stereotypical power-hunter quotes ("Come on, fight me!") and stuff. Personally, it never mattered to me, 'cause I thought he was intriguing just because background is given little by little; anyone who's hinged on that aspect of his personality and is put off is, by my standards, completely put off for a legitimate reason. Not everyone has to understand immediately or at all.

Twilight Edge
03-23-2006, 01:21 PM
Hey shotgunnova,wasn't it a crystal sticking out of the castle?

03-23-2006, 01:34 PM
I agree with ZidaneAndGarnet. I really like FFIX, in fact I like it ultimately. Vivi is my most favourite character followed by Kimahri (FFX).

Darth Cid
03-23-2006, 02:03 PM
It's a fun game... i havent played the originals so i suppose you have the right to call me a retarded fan boy and what not but i dont have a snes and i havent found them for ps1 newhere (havent looked too hard)...

This game was fun and all i have to say is at least it doesnt get as much crap as X-2 (Off Course X-2 deserves it more!!)

PS- lol i have Off Course! stuck in my head... lol stupid cloud

Zidane: We won't call you "retarded", just pointing out that VII and VIII aren't perfect works of art either, so perhaps those who make hate threads about FFIX should take the time to look at their game's bad points.

Hey shotgunnova,wasn't it a crystal sticking out of the castle?

Zidane: That's a common misconception, it's a huge sword. After Alexandria is wrecked, you can return to the town in Disc 3(after the haircut and airship scenes) and Disc 4, and a guy walking around in the back alley, where Vivi and Puck met, will make a comment about how the castle doesn't look the same now that sword is off. We don't have it quoted though.

03-23-2006, 03:12 PM
lol Zidane. You're the only person I know that would make a thread like this:)

But yeah, FF IX is a great game. One of my favorites actually:D

The Devourer Of Worlds
03-23-2006, 03:20 PM
I thought that I would just point out that the "I felt so dirty" thread was actually a rather old thread that was revived. Really, it's very rare for anyone to give FFIX crap, namely because it would appear that not many people have played it.

Darth Cid
03-24-2006, 12:34 AM
Zidane: Well, that isn't right. How can someone tell us our favorite game sucks, when they've never given a chance?

03-24-2006, 05:08 PM
Zidane: Well, that isn't right. How can someone tell us our favorite game sucks, when they've never given a chance?

3 words. Final Fantasy Seven

03-24-2006, 06:58 PM
3 words.
Final Fantasy Six. Err, I mean...

X-2. Defintely. BEST ONE EVER! *extremely sarcastic*

03-24-2006, 11:48 PM
Zidane: Well, that isn't right. How can someone tell us our favorite game sucks, when they've never given a chance?

They can, but they lose their credibility for pigeonholing a game on hearsay.

Darth Cid
04-01-2006, 04:39 AM
Zidane: Well, that isn't right. How can someone tell us our favorite game sucks, when they've never given a chance?

They can, but they lose their credibility for pigeonholing a game on hearsay.

Zidane: I like the way you think Shotgunnova, you're right, because when I don't giva a game a chance, I don't badmouth it, I never give Kingdom Hearts a chance(I just find ff and Disney characters in the same game weird) but I won't say too much bad towards it, because I don't know the story, it could be really good.

04-01-2006, 05:12 AM
I was a lot slow with the hearing about the FF games. I first gor introduced to them in october of 05 and FFIX was the first of th FF games that I had played ( I played it 2x's ) and I loved it. Then I played FFVII ( 2x's ). I liked it but for some reason I just liked IX more. Now I am playing FFX and I just got FFX-2. As far as I can tell their all really great games. So far I love all of the FF games that I have played. But I think that my fav. would have to be either FFIX or FFX.

04-01-2006, 07:53 AM
I say let the haters make there complaints as long as they actually know what they are talking about. I mean I take many oprotunities for bashing FFVIII, made it around halfway through disc three. I mean after playing a game you don't like its actually quite fun to complain about it, it gives the game meaning and you don't feel like you comletely wasted you time. So even though I love IX, I condone poeple to bash it.

04-01-2006, 09:28 AM
I grow tired of that attidute, but for all the games. :cat:

Yeah, people whine way too often. :cat: People can never enjoy the good things about a game, and complain about little worthless things, and end up hating the game for stupid reasons. Oh well, it's their loss :cat:

04-01-2006, 01:25 PM
Currently, I'm playing Final Fantasy IX as well (Disc 2, I'm in Cleyra, after the harp broke). Having at least played FF I to VI, I fully can understand the references ;)

But, to be honest, it's one of the best FF's I played (it just can't beat Six, please don't blame me, but I love a certain clown-villain who has a wicked laugh and has just completely lost his mind.)
And I can't understand soemtimes, why people hate it. It is their opinion, true. And if they can give good arguments, like Vyk, that's fine with me.

Let me compare IX and VII. How, don't start to shout. Let's compare the 'greatest' FF VII game ever in the opnion of many fans, to FF IX.

I have played FF VII. So all FF VII lovers or FF IX haters, don't start shouting: "You think IX is great just because you haven't played VII!", stop, I did play it. And I will finish it after I completed IX and V. VII is not a bad game, but it's certainly not a reason to hate IX.

If you ask me to choose between Zidane or Cloud, well, Zidane gets my vote. You are right, the game feels believable.
And it also brought back the fantasy, something I just missed too much in VII or even VIII, for that matter.

I haven't seen Sephiroth in VII yet, so I can't compare him to Kuja, and perhaps I just saw to less of Kuja up until now. But Kuja is not a bad villain at all, if you ask me, I just find it a bit disturbing that he looks like a woman... (I heard that in Japan, he originally was intended to be a woman...). But I just like his attitude.
So yeah, there is a better villain than a certain guy with a very long sword, although that guy with a very long sword seems pretty cool to me, though.

The story of IX... Well, again, if people hate IX because of that, again I have to disagree. It is a very interesting story, ya know. When I first came in Dali, and hadn't heard of Kuja at all, and found out about those Black Mages, I really wanted to know what exactly was going on in this game. It really urged me to continue playing, something I don't have in VII.

The gfx... No, this can't be the reason at all! FF IX gfx are WAY better than VII. But, I can forgive VII, because the bad gfx make the characters look funny...

Music... Well, there's no One-Winged Angel song in FF IX, but I downloaded some music of IX which I have yet to hear in the game. Like Necron's battle music. I must say, it rocks in my opnion. I really can't wait to beat up that blue (?) demon while listening to that nice music.

Speaking of Final Bosses... Well, this is something I have to agree on. I heard Necron's appearance is very sudden. Perhaps that's not really fun. You just defeated Kuja and cry: "Hell yeah, I have beaten the game!", then there's that blue dude showing up wanting to do something like Neo-ExDeath wanted to do (They even use the same attack! "Grand Cross"!). I nowhere could find a good picture of NEcron, I found a small one, and, I must say, I like the look of Safer Sephiroth better. Not saying Necron is bad.

You don't like Necron, FF IX' haters? Why? Because he came so sudden? What about Chaos in FF I? Garland showed up in teh beginning of the game, and came back as Chaos at the end. Isn't that sudden as well? And Zeromus? He too, came a bit sudden, didn't he? I mean, for the whole game, you thought Golbez was the baddy, until Fusoya says it is all Zemus' doing! (Hey, makes me think a bit of Kuja...)
Me myself, I don't mind sudden Final Bosses. It won't ruin the game, it just ads some more excitement, IMHO.

I can't think of anything else to say, except for this:
"You have to come with a very good reason on which many otehr people will agree, to hate FF IX."
Or you must be able to defend you opinion as to why you hate it. If you can do that, no problem. I can defend my reason as to why I don't really like VII, too.

04-01-2006, 01:51 PM
First, Kuja was never meant to be a girl, as one of the admins put it that was a rumor started my some man who felt immasculated because he orignally thought Kuja was sexy until he realized it was a guy. I think it was Kawashi, or however you spell it. And as far as NEcron goes at Game FAQ's someone made a reasonable theory behind Necron, as to show that he was not so sudden. Mind you I haven't played for quite a while, so some of my stuff may be a bit off.

He said Garland Created NEcron which was the spiritual form of the Lifa Tree. I'll post the Link when that site stops with the april fools think. Anyway, he backs up his theory by liniking quotes from Garland, the creator of the Lifa Tree to things Necron had said. Necron had been oberving Kuja and came to the conclusion the world didn't deserve to exist, and also since he was the other form of the Lifa tree that wasn't physical could control souls, so when Kuja blew up the Crystal in the end Necron called your soul to him, and by beating him you prove existance should continue, and he recreates the world that Kuja had just destroyed. I, actually, disagree a little. Necron pretty much Proclaims himself a god, and if he had full control over souls, there is no way the souls of your dead party could have fought with him and won. What I would say happened is Garland found a way to comunicate with NEcron. Necron at that point was probably thinking whether or not humanity deserved to exist, and since Garland was going to attempt to wipe out the world of Gaia by merging it with Terra and using the humans as vessels of a sort, NEcron decided to help Garland in order to see if Humanity really deserved to exist or not. He did so by observing Kuja, and when all was destroyed he went to where the crystal was. I think he used his power to protect your party from death, and came before you. This was his final test to see if Humanity deserved to live, and he did so by, assuming he really is a God like he claims, creating an avatar of himself to fight you. Your victory over him proves humanity deserves to continue.

04-01-2006, 01:55 PM
First, Kuja was never meant to be a girl, as one of the admins put it that was a rumor started my some man who felt immasculated because he orignally thought Kuja was sexy until he realized it was a guy. I think it was Kawashi, or however you spell it. And as far as NEcron goes at Game FAQ's someone made a reasonable theory behind Necron, as to show that he was not so sudden.
Well then, rumor solved, simple. I don't mind being pointed out I'm wrong.

I once read in the FF V a long long tehory which made my eyes hurt about how much Neo ExDeath is alike to Necron. And I like ExDeath, so I'm pretty sure I'll like Necron.

But, tell me if I'm wrong, I won't mind, but you have to agree, that in teh game itself,n before reading any theories or whatever, NEcron's appearacne is very sudden, because there is not really something in teh game that hints to his existence...

Quindiana Jones
04-01-2006, 01:59 PM
I've played 7 through 10. Not that many I know but...meh. 9 was (and still is) my favourite. It was the first FF game I had, I got it for a tenner. £10. Brilliant, if I knew what the game was like, I'd've gldly paid £50.

Back to topic. Yeah, FF9 haters don't say the game's crap. That just makes you sound like a d*ckhead. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it crap. If you don't like a game, just say you don't like it. That's why Vyk gets a very special Coconut of Not-Being-A-Prick-ness. I hope you're proud Vyk :D

Oh yeah, alot of people don't understand the Necron-icity of FF9. This is what I think:
He's the kind of afterlife. After Kuja goes suicidal on everything, our favourite 8 are near dead. I don't really understand the full thing of all the reawakening stuff but...meh. So yeah, Necron's the final judgement thing. He's the person that when you die, you go up to and s/he says "Well, you have been a good human haven't you? Good, up to [insert nice place name here] with you.". Of course, Necron's slightly insane and thinks that life's better without fear. In my opinion he's just the inner demon of every entity of the game. The part inside everyone that is scared of everything. For most people, this side is generally over-run by the feeling that whatever they're doing isn't THAT dangerous. So, that's it. To me, Necron is the gathered power of everyone's fears.

Oh yeah, Kuja means brother in Japanese I believe. So nope, he's all man.

04-01-2006, 02:02 PM
First, Kuja was never meant to be a girl, as one of the admins put it that was a rumor started my some man who felt immasculated because he orignally thought Kuja was sexy until he realized it was a guy. I think it was Kawashi, or however you spell it. And as far as NEcron goes at Game FAQ's someone made a reasonable theory behind Necron, as to show that he was not so sudden.
Well then, rumor solved, simple. I don't mind being pointed out I'm wrong.

I once read in the FF V a long long tehory which made my eyes hurt about how much Neo ExDeath is alike to Necron. And I like ExDeath, so I'm pretty sure I'll like Necron.

But, tell me if I'm wrong, I won't mind, but you have to agree, that in teh game itself,n before reading any theories or whatever, NEcron's appearacne is very sudden, because there is not really something in teh game that hints to his existence...

I just edited in the hints, just finished it. The hints it gives you are very subtle though, the only real one is Garland mentioning the Lifa tree's true form wans' tthe tree you see, though yes, its not a very good hint. So yes, it is a sudden appearance,

Quindiana Jones
04-01-2006, 02:06 PM
I still don't see it as a sudden appearance. Dunno why. Admittedly, I don't EXPECT it. But it makes sense to me when he does pop up. So I'm not "OMFG!!! WUT IZ DIS GUY DOIN ERE? OMG!!!! I DUNT UNDSTAND!", I'm more "Ah. Hello."

Darth Cid
04-01-2006, 02:44 PM
Zidane: Yes, Necron's appearnce was sudden but admit this, it was sudden what kind of form of Zeromus you had to fight the end. It was sudden you fought Neo ExDeath, at least it was for me, because I was expecting the final boss to be the guy who originally tried to take the Void, Envo. In Chrono Trigger, when you fought Lavos it was sudden how many forms you had to fight. RPGs are made on sudden plot twists, if you don't expect a sudden plot twist at the end it makes for a boring game, for example in FFX I found Yu Yevon easy, I said "please let there be a second form, there wasn't, and that made me mad with FFX for a long time.

04-01-2006, 03:26 PM
Zidane: Yes, Necron's appearnce was sudden but admit this, it was sudden what kind of form of Zeromus you had to fight the end. It was sudden you fought Neo ExDeath, at least it was for me, because I was expecting the final boss to be the guy who originally tried to take the Void, Envo. In Chrono Trigger, when you fought Lavos it was sudden how many forms you had to fight. RPGs are made on sudden plot twists, if you don't expect a sudden plot twist at the end it makes for a boring game, for example in FFX I found Yu Yevon easy, I said "please let there be a second form, there wasn't, and that made me mad with FFX for a long time.

Appearing suddenly and appearing suddenly with no/little plot direction are two different things. At least Lavos was in the story previous to the end, same with X-Death; Necron just...showed up. The little evidence I can remember to him even being there is when Garland says he's waiting for a time when there's no life or death, and even that's a stretch to use for Necron's entrance.

Quindiana Jones
04-01-2006, 03:48 PM
I can't find a good way to put Necron into words. I understand why he's there, and, though a bit sudden, I can see his part in the plot. I just can't describe it to anyone. Ah well....

04-01-2006, 04:56 PM
Necron is a Deus ex Machina final boss, as homage to the other final bosses in past FFs. (Cloud of Darkness, Zeromus, Neo X-Death, etc.) I honestly didn't find it surprising, given that the game is a tribute. And why the hell would anyone complain about that?

Anyway, that theory up there (somewhere) is just a theory. Though I do wonder how much time it took the person to think of all that. :eep: :cat:

Captain Maxx Power
04-01-2006, 07:43 PM
What are you talking about? Final Fantasy 9 to date is the most popular Final Fantasy ever. If you were to take the sum of sales from every other game in the franchise it would still only be 1/10th of the sales of FF9. At least fourteen people died attempting to get hold of this game when it came out in Japan. It even outsold Dragon Quest, but only by two and a half units.

boys from the dwarf
04-01-2006, 08:18 PM
i dont see anyone whining. FF9 is my favourite FF because of excellent gameplay E.G battle system and the new ATE system but mainly (this is the main reason i like other FFs too.) because of the interesting storyline that makes me want to play on. usually video games are just random pointless killing or driving E.C.T games like that are o.k but FFs and especially FF9 have excellent storylines which makes it like playing a great book. im not a retared fanboy who hasnt even gone near old school FFs (as rudely stated earlier.) and the only FF i havent played is FF3 which i shall be in my possesion soon enough. i dont realy know why some people (and there are hardly enough of them to even bother starting this thread in the first place.) dislike FF9. sometimes people are told that somethings bad and blindly hate it without even thinking. some people just skip text and dont care about the storyline. there are a lot of reasons but if you are someone who has played through the game thoroughly and fully understood the storyline and events of the game and still don't like the game i would like to know why because i cant realy think of any reasons.

Darth Cid
04-02-2006, 06:08 AM
Zidane: We're just saying, for some reason, a lot of boards we join is flooded with FFIX hate threads and we're tired of it. Most times, the author of the thread doesn't give a good reason why.

Angel Heart
04-02-2006, 03:07 PM
I just want to say, I LOVE FINAL FANTASY 9

04-02-2006, 08:45 PM
Zidane: We're just saying, for some reason, a lot of boards we join is flooded with FFIX hate threads and we're tired of it. Most times, the author of the thread doesn't give a good reason why.
That's because it's too difficult for them to give a good reason :P:cat:

Darth Cid
04-03-2006, 12:08 AM
Zidane: I like the way you think Zeromus_X. Thank you to those who support what I'm trying to say.

Deaths Child
04-03-2006, 04:44 PM
People don't like Final Fantasy 9:eek: What's there not to like?

Darth Cid
04-03-2006, 06:09 PM
People don't like Final Fantasy 9:eek: What's there not to like?

Zidane: Ask all the FFVII and FFVIII fanboys and fangirls, I've yet to get a good answer from the ones I've met.

04-03-2006, 06:28 PM
FFIX was the first FF I played and my favourite.
I suppose for most people their favourite FF game is their first.
And no matter how much I tried to like FF7 I just couldn't, I can't explain it because I can see for myself why so many people like that game just because it is so epic,

But teh thang which really annoys me about the way people percieve FFIX is the fact that they see as one big reference to all the other games an nuthin more.
Its a great game by itself, and if I'm going to be honest people seeing it only as a tribute to the other FF games are the problem.

if none of that makes sense don't be surprised.
It shouldn't

Darth Cid
04-03-2006, 06:37 PM
FFIX was the first FF I played and my favourite.
I suppose for most people their favourite FF game is their first.
And no matter how much I tried to like FF7 I just couldn't, I can't explain it because I can see for myself why so many people like that game just because it is so epic,

But teh thang which really annoys me about the way people percieve FFIX is the fact that they see as one big reference to all the other games an nuthin more.
Its a great game by itself, and if I'm going to be honest people seeing it only as a tribute to the other FF games are the problem.

if none of that makes sense don't be surprised.
It shouldn't

Zidane: What you said in English was, FFIX was full of references but the main story plot was still original and very clever.

04-03-2006, 07:51 PM
FFIX was the first FF I played and my favourite.
I suppose for most people their favourite FF game is their first.
And no matter how much I tried to like FF7 I just couldn't, I can't explain it because I can see for myself why so many people like that game just because it is so epic,

But teh thang which really annoys me about the way people percieve FFIX is the fact that they see as one big reference to all the other games an nuthin more.
Its a great game by itself, and if I'm going to be honest people seeing it only as a tribute to the other FF games are the problem.

if none of that makes sense don't be surprised.
It shouldn't

Zidane: What you said in English was, FFIX was full of references but the main story plot was still original and very clever.

yeah, thats pretty much it.

Quindiana Jones
04-04-2006, 12:46 PM
I'm quoting someone...damnit I can't remember who. But still:
"People don't like FF9 because they're horrible idiots"

I think that sums it all up.

Darth Cid
04-04-2006, 09:44 PM
Zidane: I don't think people who dislike FFIX are dumb, but I think people who dislike FFIX and post hate threads smiply saying "GRRRR, I HATE FFIX, BASH BASH BASH!" are giving people the right people to be called dumb.

04-04-2006, 09:49 PM
aggred!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I hate people that hate FF9.:)

04-04-2006, 10:47 PM

04-05-2006, 02:39 AM
I'm quoting someone...damnit I can't remember who. But still:
"People don't like FF9 because they're horrible idiots"

I think that sums it all up.

I believe it was DJZen, on FFII, but I've now adopted it to every FF game xD :cat:

Quindiana Jones
04-05-2006, 12:43 PM
It makes me laugh like a moose.

Darth Cid
04-05-2006, 05:27 PM
It makes me laugh like a moose.

Zidane: What makes you laugh like a moose?

Fatal Impurity
04-05-2006, 06:14 PM
this applys to all games really...but i ahve to admit there is a rather large fraternity of FF9 haters......personally its my fav overall FF (thats considering all elements including longevity, difficulty, graphics, battle system, and story)

04-05-2006, 10:48 PM
honestly, I've played 7, 8, 9, 10, and 10-2. Not sure where I'd rank 9 among them, but for the most part i liked it a lot. the characters were archetypes, and they didnt bother me. the dialogue wasn't really any worse than the dialogue found in the rest of the series.

that said, the game did fall apart for me towards the end. the whole thing with terra and gaia was boring to me, and the entire ending sequence was boring and a let down. It was a fun game, I just wished they had'nt caved to the old 'chase the bad guy' theme, and focused the plot more strictly around inter-kingdom fighting... kinda like I wished 8 had stuck more closely to seed/nation/etc conflict.

sure, 7 was chase the bad guy, but it felt more reasonable to me. not to mention, sephiroth seemed more like a bad guy - kuja seemed like a ballerina. 10 and 10-2 were tech advancements, so i'll leave those out.

Darth Cid
04-06-2006, 01:26 AM
honestly, I've played 7, 8, 9, 10, and 10-2. Not sure where I'd rank 9 among them, but for the most part i liked it a lot. the characters were archetypes, and they didnt bother me. the dialogue wasn't really any worse than the dialogue found in the rest of the series.

that said, the game did fall apart for me towards the end. the whole thing with terra and gaia was boring to me, and the entire ending sequence was boring and a let down. It was a fun game, I just wished they had'nt caved to the old 'chase the bad guy' theme, and focused the plot more strictly around inter-kingdom fighting... kinda like I wished 8 had stuck more closely to seed/nation/etc conflict.

sure, 7 was chase the bad guy, but it felt more reasonable to me. not to mention, sephiroth seemed more like a bad guy - kuja seemed like a ballerina. 10 and 10-2 were tech advancements, so i'll leave those out.

Zidane: Good post, you gave good and bad about FFIX, LOL about Sephiroth vs. Kuja, I like Kuja as a villain but I feel the same way.

04-06-2006, 01:31 AM
zidane is a monkey and sepiroth wants his tail removed before he grows into a giant ape and destroys planet vegeta

Darth Cid
04-06-2006, 01:43 AM
Zidane: Um, tenhitcombo, I'm not trying to be rude or flamish, but you haven't read the first post of this thread, please do. It gives reasons my wife and I like FFIX, now if you wish to bash FFIX, as mention so many times in this thread, it's better for you to give a logical reason, instead of

zidane is a monkey and sepiroth wants his tail removed before he grows into a giant ape and destroys planet vegeta

Zidane: It tells me you haven't read through this thread to understand that a person who wants people to listen to them, post a reasonable complaint instead of a random fan fiction statement, again I mean no offense or flame.

04-06-2006, 01:46 AM
lol.sorry zidane

04-06-2006, 01:59 AM
I can't imagine that whining about people who whine about FFIX would be very productive. Live and let live. If someone hates the game, who cares? It's not going to detract from your enjoyment of the game, is it? Just let it go.

Darth Cid
04-06-2006, 02:08 AM
Zidane: To an extent, I agree with you; however, I just wish for reasonable complaints over mindless whining to debate on. That's the purpose of a message board like EoFF to debate and give your valid opinions on games and their best and worst qualities, it doesn't help your case if you just post a one line message saying "I HATE..." and pretty much nothing else.

The Fat Bioware Nerd
04-07-2006, 12:26 AM
I think the biggest problem that Final Fantasy IX has is that it was released after Final Fantasy VII & VIII. You see VII and VIII both had serious storylines so obviously the fan boys and girls who played those games were expecting IX to have a serious storyline too. I know this for a fact because I read a post on another message board(I can't remember the name all I know is that it wasn't Eyes On Final Fantasy.) he/she said-"Square went from a teenage audience to a preschool audience."-or something along those lines. Also some people have a problem with IX's music specifically the main battle theme those people say that it's annoying...But I don't feel that way I like IX it was the first Final Fantasy that I've ever played. My favorite scene in that game is when Zidane accidentally grabbed Garnet's butt when I saw that for the first time I laughed so hard that my cheeks began to sting.:D Really the only thing that I don't like about IX is the fact that the game didn't have voice overs. If FFIX had voice overs then it would have been perfect but..Oh well!:D

P.S. Oh! I almost forgot...I dislike Eiko because she was fricking annoying!

04-07-2006, 01:44 AM
Just another example of 'horrible idiots'. :)

Yeah, I laughed after hearing my friend look at me playing FFIX, since he absolutely despises FFVIII, say 'chibi doesn't work in a 3d game'.


Yeah, when only two Final Fantasies have non-chibi characters, it doesn't work in a 3-d Final Fantasy xD I dunno, I found it pretty hilarious. :cat:

Darth Cid
04-07-2006, 01:53 AM
Zidane: That's what I don't understand, the character design in FFIX is perfect, the characters look good and real, and it gives the old school, so what's there to complain that? I think the characters look real and chibi at the same time, and iw works, I wish more Final Fantasies worked like that.

Acid Raine
04-07-2006, 02:24 AM
Okay. First off, what is with the dissing of people who havent played the older generation games? Not only are those games pretty hard to come by, but the people who have played the newer ones are kind of bored by them, because they dont have the in-depth story (excluding 6) or the 3D graphics. That doesnt mean that there is anything wrong with them, it just means that they are used to a certain style. Now, I myself have played them all (except III), and I infact played them backwards. (meaning starting with X, then VII, VIII, and IX, and then moving in to V and VI and such). I found II, IX, and V to be kind of boring. It has nothing to do with whether they are a "retarded fanboy" it is a form of personal preference.

I didnt like IX myself. It was cool for a while, but I just kind of lost interest about 80% through and never finished. I have nothing against it, it was a fine game, It just wasnt my kind. I cant stand it when people like to diss the game, and try to make everyone else hate it, too (which never works). If you dont like it, feel free to say it, but dont try to change someone elses mind (-.- why does Death Knight come to my head right now?).

All in all. I dont think people should constantly diss FFIX.

Darth Cid
04-07-2006, 02:31 AM
Okay. First off, what is with the dissing of people who havent played the older generation games? Not only are those games pretty hard to come by, but the people who have played the newer ones are kind of bored by them, because they dont have the in-depth story (excluding 6) or the 3D graphics. That doesnt mean that there is anything wrong with them, it just means that they are used to a certain style. Now, I myself have played them all (except III), and I infact played them backwards. (meaning starting with X, then VII, VIII, and IX, and then moving in to V and VI and such). I found II, IX, and V to be kind of boring. It has nothing to do with whether they are a "retarded fanboy" it is a form of personal preference.

I didnt like IX myself. It was cool for a while, but I just kind of lost interest about 80% through and never finished. I have nothing against it, it was a fine game, It just wasnt my kind. I cant stand it when people like to diss the game, and try to make everyone else hate it, too (which never works). If you dont like it, feel free to say it, but dont try to change someone elses mind (-.- why does Death Knight come to my head right now?).

All in all. I dont think people should constantly diss FFIX.

Zidane: Well done post Raine, good job, you've given a reason why you prefer other FFs over IX and these are the kind of people I applaude. It's not people who hate a game(in this case, FFIX, the game in subject) that offend me, it's those who gives you a vague one-liner that really says nothing. This post is good, you give your reasons why you don't care for FFIX, and you show your respects to the fans. Good job, you have our respect.

Quindiana Jones
04-07-2006, 11:18 AM
I just think it's pointless coming onto a forum of a game you don't like. It's like....walking into the White House wearing a T-Shirt saying "I'm a Terrorist" on it. You only do it to stir up trouble (and in the latter case, die). If you prefer FF7 (just as an example) to FF9, go on the forum dedicated to FF7 and say FF7's great, don't go onto FF9's forum and say how crap it is.

There's nothing wrong with going on a forum of a game you don't like and giving a valid reason why YOU don't like it. But that's also kinda pointless. I'm not trying to have a go at the people who do give valid reasons, cos that's all well and good, but the fact remains: if you don't like FF9, why do you go on it's forum? I just don't see the point.

Darth Cid
04-07-2006, 05:45 PM
I just think it's pointless coming onto a forum of a game you don't like. It's like....walking into the White House wearing a T-Shirt saying "I'm a Terrorist" on it. You only do it to stir up trouble (and in the latter case, die). If you prefer FF7 (just as an example) to FF9, go on the forum dedicated to FF7 and say FF7's great, don't go onto FF9's forum and say how crap it is.

There's nothing wrong with going on a forum of a game you don't like and giving a valid reason why YOU don't like it. But that's also kinda pointless. I'm not trying to have a go at the people who do give valid reasons, cos that's all well and good, but the fact remains: if you don't like FF9, why do you go on it's forum? I just don't see the point.

Zidane: Quoted for truth, nice analogy there Quin.

Acid Raine
04-07-2006, 07:17 PM
Actually, you walk into the White House claiming to be a terrorist, you will get arrested, if you go into a forum for a game you dont like, then you will just suck.

04-07-2006, 09:55 PM
Actually, you walk into the White House claiming to be a terrorist, you will get arrested, if you go into a forum for a game you dont like, then you will just suck.

George Bush is making it illegal to do the later.
Thank God I'm in England.
And can suck as much as I want.
And that wasn't meant to sound sexual whatsoever.

04-07-2006, 10:15 PM
I, for one, am tire of people dissing FFIX, including my friends.. I had a friend that hates FFVI and IX, just because of VII. I like FFIX because it brought back the old school. I can't stand how FFVII and VIII went in the futuristic aera, but you don't see me complaining about it. I just wish people would shut up. We all have our differences and flavors..

04-07-2006, 10:40 PM
This is the back of the case saids The Crystal Comes Back "Without quesestion. FFIX is the best-looking game in the series. In every way. FFIX takes the best of the old and mixes it with the best of the new." - Electronic Gameing Monthy

Acid Raine
04-07-2006, 11:00 PM
And can suck as much as I want.

Ahaha! Good one!

Quindiana Jones
04-08-2006, 12:04 PM
Zidane: Quoted for truth, nice analogy there Quin.

Thank you very much :D

Thank God I'm in England.

First, you're England? hehe
Second, your welcome :D

Fantasy Fan
05-06-2006, 12:28 PM
It's the FF7 fans, FF8 fans and maybe the FF10 fans that hate it. They're so use to fighter/warriors with huge and stupid looking swords as the main characters, they can't except a Final Fantasy without one. After all, Zidane is a theif with daggers.

05-06-2006, 12:49 PM
It's the FF7 fans, FF8 fans and maybe the FF10 fans that hate it. They're so use to fighter/warriors with huge and stupid looking swords as the main characters, they can't except a Final Fantasy without one. After all, Zidane is a theif with daggers.
No actually, wrong, wrong, wrong. Im a FF8 fan and I didnt love it because Squall had a GunBlade and I didnt love FF7 cause Cloud had a Bustersword. I love FF8 over the others because it introduced me to the FF series and the RPG genre. It holds wonderful memories of my summer and I still enjoy it today. Also I was a moody teen when I played it, so Squall was great for me cause I wanted to be on my own and not want to listen to others problems when I have my own.

Now 9 is my least fav. I did enjoy it, but like Acid Raine I too lost interest. The first disk was so much fun and I really liked playing it. The characters amde me laugh, although I wanted to hit Steiner for shouting "PRINCESS!" nonstop when they were trying to keep a low profile. And Vivi, of I wanted to hug him :) He was so mature for such a young person and his views on life were amazing.

I dont want to make FF9s stop playing the game, please do continue to play it and enjoy it. Im just 1 of Lord knows how many who dont like it.

05-06-2006, 01:30 PM
some people just skip text and dont care about the storyline. there are a lot of reasons but if you are someone who has played through the game thoroughly and fully understood the storyline and events of the game and still don't like the game i would like to know why because i cant realy think of any reasons.I played the game slow, reading through all the text, and exploring as much as I could. Up to then I had been playing only FPS games, and FF9 was my very first console based RPG, and still is to this day.

I haven't played the other games in the FF series yet, so I won't be saying anything about them until I actually play them. Naturally I expect fans of other games to do the same and not screw FF9 just because they heard someone else say it.

Quindiana Jones
05-06-2006, 03:40 PM
Im just 1 of Lord knows how many who dont like it.

Ooh subtle. (that might sound sarcastic but it's not. I mean it literally :D)

05-06-2006, 03:54 PM
Just like to say, not all us 'FFVII fanboys' are mindless when it comes to the final fantasy series. Yes the first ff game i ever played was FFVII and yes it is still my greatest game to date, also loved VIII. I had never played any of the I-VI games before IX came out but i read up that it was alot like the older ones. I bought it, completed it and i have to say its just behind VII as my greatest game ever, and thats from not playing and of the old games that it pays tribute to! Its the most 'fantasy' like of the whole series and i think its amazing. Of course i have all the games in the series now after completing it :p

Fantasy Fan
05-13-2006, 09:25 PM
Just like to say, not all us 'FFVII fanboys' are mindless when it comes to the final fantasy series. Yes the first ff game i ever played was FFVII and yes it is still my greatest game to date, also loved VIII. I had never played any of the I-VI games before IX came out but i read up that it was alot like the older ones. I bought it, completed it and i have to say its just behind VII as my greatest game ever, and thats from not playing and of the old games that it pays tribute to! Its the most 'fantasy' like of the whole series and i think its amazing. Of course i have all the games in the series now after completing it :p
I give you 12 thumbs up for that post :D

05-13-2006, 09:49 PM
I haven't heard anybody diss IX since the sorta-hype around it went away 6 years ago. Do I just live in a fluffy bubble where the numbers aren't at war, coz this is like the 20th "IX is the greatest and VII/VIII fanboys suck" thread in 2 weeks. Not to mention if the VII forums had topics like this all the IX folks would be freaking out and calling for locks. Most of this is positive stuff for IX, but it's positive in that "people who don't like it are stupid" kind of way (some, not all). I'm just not seeing it I guess.

Uh, anyway, yes IX is an excellent game, one of the best RPGs I've ever played, and one of the best games I've ever played at that.

05-14-2006, 12:11 AM
I loved IX, and I don't understand how someone can't like it. So what if it's a tad medival?

People should quit whining. This is our world, our world for us FFIX lovers to fun free and enjoy our space, not to feel flames! The people who don't like it are free to express opinions, just don't make stupid remarks like technitcombo made or whatever his name is. So, yes, I am VERY sick of people whining about this game. Just live it, love it, and breathe it, like me! If ya love it, ya love it, and if ya hate it, ya hate it. What are people going to do? Just stop posting stupid remarks, that's what ticks me off, though you are free to post your opinion about why you don't like this game in a mature manner. I learned this from my own forum.

Nuff said.

05-14-2006, 12:20 AM
But posting Stupid remarks are fun. I've done it on occasion, such as against VIII. But thats only because the ability to exagerate my hate makes me feel like the money wasn't a complete waste. I think the people who flame the game are taken far too seriously, as like me they most likely just like to exagerate. Quite a few of these people if you get them talking seriously will probably put forth logical explanations as to why they thought it sucked, but saddly this doesn't apply to most.

05-14-2006, 11:19 AM
I disliked it mainly because the battles were very slow and had too long loading times.
Yeah, a fast paced and smooth battle system is an absolute must for me in an RPG. Apart from that, the story was a bit boring now and then, but it was overall OK.

Darth Cid
05-15-2006, 05:53 AM
I haven't heard anybody diss IX since the sorta-hype around it went away 6 years ago. Do I just live in a fluffy bubble where the numbers aren't at war, coz this is like the 20th "IX is the greatest and VII/VIII fanboys suck" thread in 2 weeks. Not to mention if the VII forums had topics like this all the IX folks would be freaking out and calling for locks. Most of this is positive stuff for IX, but it's positive in that "people who don't like it are stupid" kind of way (some, not all). I'm just not seeing it I guess.

Zidane: Read the post date man, this thread's been around since March. And we said nothing about FFVII-FFVIII fanboys suucking, also I really don't care about FFVII love threads, I haven't bother to enter those when I'm in the FFVII forum because it's a bunch of people saying the same thing over and over and over and over and I think I left out an "and over" but oh well, about a game I don't love, so why should I enter an FFVII love thread? Likewise, why should an person who doesn't love FFIX enter an FFIX love thread? It's people talking about the same thing over and over and over and over and over and maybe one too many "and over"s there, but you get it, about FFIX and if you don't love FFIX, why should you enter an FFIX love thread? And one should always expect people dissing other people for dissing their games because it's a never-ending struggle which FF is the best, this thread comprises of mainly people who think FFIX is the best so they post here, likewise FFVII fans think FFVII is the best so they post in FFVII, FFVII fans should expect FFIX fans to diss them, likewise FFIX fans should expect FFVII fans to diss them, that's the Final Fantasy forums way, has been for some time, there's a struggle between two forces, it's not good vs. evil, it's not right vs. wrong, it's "before you continue to hat the game, consider this." and that remains true in all FF games, different people hate different games for different reasons, and we posted this thread because like FFIX vs. other Playstation era games and we gave logical reasoning.

05-15-2006, 02:48 PM
FFIX is one of the best game. If you don't think so, wear a glasses to know it, if you really can't, I don't think a doctor can help you.

FFIX have an interesting story among the other, the character is well-developed and the battle is fun. Zidane is the best protagonist, he know how to cheer-up the party and fun to be with eventhough his skill is not the greatest. Garnet is absolutely one of the best protagonist (I lke Yuna more), she is cute, fun, caring and kind. Vivi is my favourite character, he grows better as the storyline moves and I love Black Magic. Eventhough Eiko is a bit annoying, she is funny and she cares for the party, I love her when she is in Treno with Amarant. Steiner is Stubborn and Stupid but that does not mean he's the worst, he care for his kingdom and he do care about Brahne and Garnet. Amarant is cool but I don't like him much, he is still a good character. Freya is a well-created character, she is kind and mostly care for the party. Quina is quite funny and I like her/him. Other character such as Beatrix, Blank, Marcus, Baku, Cinna, Cid and Garland are very cool except for Cinna. and I love Kuja as a villain but Kefka beat him!

That's my opinion and I'm a bad writer...

EDIT: I'm the fanboys of FFVII but I don't hate FFIX, I just have one question: Is it destined to be like this:
1) People who like FF First Generation hate FFVII, FFX and FFVIII but adore FFIX.
2) People who like FFVII, FFVIII and FFX hate First Generation but are very cold to FFIX.
3) I want people to be in this option. They love both generation and like all of it.
EDIT2: FFVII brought me to these RPG world, and that makes me FFVII fanboy, please don't use FFVII as an examples of dirty opinion, I'm very sensitive to it. I know I'm selfish in this..please!

05-15-2006, 03:19 PM
EDIT: I'm the fanboys of FFVII but I don't hate FFIX, I just have one question: Is it destined to be like this:
1) People who like FF First Generation hate FFVII, FFX and FFVIII but adore FFIX. - NO
2) People who like FFVII, FFVIII and FFX hate First Generation but are very cold to FFIX. - NO
3) I want people to be in this option. They love both generation and like all of it. - YES
I enjoy ALL of them. I played FF1 on the NES back in the day when it first came out, and even FF Mystic Quest on the SNES. I was completely addicted to FF1 in particular. I then got away from gaming for a while, because of university, and then happened to have a roommate who had a PS1, and FFVIII. I was addicted immediately upon playing it, all over again, although I didn't get a chance to finish it (it was another friend's game, and we had to give it back). A while later I was onto FFVII, but didn't get a chance to finish it. A little while after than, I downloaded the FFVI ROM, and was completely engulfed in that, but again didn't get a chance to finish it, either. All these incomplete games were due to the workload of university academic terms, and then travelling for workterms.

Finally, just a few years ago I got a PS2, and immediately got FFX and finished it, then went back to FFVII and finished it, FFVIII and finished it (multiple times), and finally between replaying FF7,8 & 10, I finally got and finished FFIX. Great game, although I didn't enjoy it as much as VIII and X.

My point is, is that I truly enjoy all of them, old school and new. At the moment I'm bouncing back and forth between FFVII, FFIX and FFX, and awaiting FFXII.

Quindiana Jones
05-15-2006, 04:48 PM
I'm planning on rebuying a PS2 (no particular reason really) and playing every FF game I can get my hands on. From the earliest to the latest if I can. Then I can be 100% unbiased and not just say "FF9 is my fave out of 7, 8 and 10" (I've only played 7 through 10). I'm going to force myself to complete them all, even if I don't particularly like it :D

Fantasy Fan
05-15-2006, 09:13 PM
Yeah, all the games are cool. People who don't like FFIX, obviously don't understand it.

FFIX=FF in a nutshell.

05-15-2006, 09:15 PM
People who don't like FFIX, obviously don't understand it.
Where are you getting all this?
First you assume any fan of 7 or 8 is a violence fanatic:

It's the FF7 fans, FF8 fans and maybe the FF10 fans that hate it. They're so use to fighter/warriors with huge and stupid looking swords as the main characters, they can't except a Final Fantasy without one.
And now people who dont like it dont understand it? We're not in the medevil ages now where that thing happened all the time. Understanding the game and disliking it are 2 different things.

Fantasy Fan
05-15-2006, 09:25 PM
People who don't like FFIX, obviously don't understand it.
Where are you getting all this?
First you assume any fan of 7 or 8 is a violence fanatic:
did I say that? :rolleyes2 all I said is that people who like FFVII, FFVIII and FFX don't like FFIX and they're usually the ones that hate it the most. And the majority of FFIX haters love those games.

And now people who dont like it dont understand it? We're not in the medevil ages now where that thing happened all the time. Understanding the game and disliking it are 2 different things.
no, and I didn't say that either, people who don't understand what FFIX means, don't like it. If you don't like it, that's fine. But if you don't know what the game is about, then how can you hate it?

05-15-2006, 09:35 PM
did I say that? all I said is that people who like FFVII, FFVIII and FFX don't like FFIX and they're usually the ones that hate it the most. And the majority of FFIX haters love those games.
I liked how you quoted my post and not the responce I mentioned:

It's the FF7 fans, FF8 fans and maybe the FF10 fans that hate it. They're so use to fighter/warriors with huge and stupid looking swords as the main characters, they can't except a Final Fantasy without one.
To me that says that we dont like FF9 because there is no big macho lead character with a big weapon. Meaning we prefer a lead character who can dish out violence because he is a warrior.

no, and I didn't say that either, people who don't understand what FFIX means, don't like it. If you don't like it, that's fine. But if you don't know what the game is about, then how can you hate it?
Understand what? The plot, the twists? What dont we understand then? And as I said
Understanding the game and disliking it are 2 different things.
People dont dislike something because they dont understand it. That just sounds simple.

Fantasy Fan
05-15-2006, 10:34 PM
did I say that? all I said is that people who like FFVII, FFVIII and FFX don't like FFIX and they're usually the ones that hate it the most. And the majority of FFIX haters love those games.
I liked how you quoted my post and not the responce I mentioned:

It's the FF7 fans, FF8 fans and maybe the FF10 fans that hate it. They're so use to fighter/warriors with huge and stupid looking swords as the main characters, they can't except a Final Fantasy without one.
To me that says that we dont like FF9 because there is no big macho lead character with a big weapon. Meaning we prefer a lead character who can dish out violence because he is a warrior.

no, and I didn't say that either, people who don't understand what FFIX means, don't like it. If you don't like it, that's fine. But if you don't know what the game is about, then how can you hate it?
Understand what? The plot, the twists? What dont we understand then? And as I said
Understanding the game and disliking it are 2 different things.
People dont dislike something because they dont understand it. That just sounds simple.
well, FFIX is a reference to all FFs, and if you don't know those references, and you don't know what it's about, then obviously you'll think it's crap. It's hard to explain and I don't want to argue, so I'm not gonna reply anymore ;)

05-15-2006, 11:17 PM
It's hard to explain and I don't want to argue, so I'm not gonna reply anymore
Then dont say things you cant back up or explain cause it confuses others and gets no where.

05-15-2006, 11:28 PM
Well, I think FFIX is the greatest, followed by FFVII and then FFX, and I don't like FFVIII. Those are all the ones I've played. I've played the "old" games and they were quite difficult, and I didn't like them very much. But I can't say that those games are crap, and I can't say FFIX is crap either. I think FFIX is similar to the old generation, yet it isn't. It takes the best of the old and new mixes. I think that quarrel is over. I just want all the FFIX issues to stop. They don't go on as bad anywhere else.

Darth Cid
05-16-2006, 01:01 AM
To me that says that we dont like FF9 because there is no big macho lead character with a big weapon. Meaning we prefer a lead character who can dish out violence because he is a warrior.

Zidane: But I see both "big macho lead characters" of the previous two games as total emos, and I don't like that in a lead male; therefore, I prefer Zidane over Cloud and Squall everytime. Zidane looks very young and he is young, so it matches very well. Zidane is not the kind to sit around and groan like I saw Squall and Cloud do many times, I only saw Zidane get emotionally unstable once and that's because what he saw and heard at Terra was a bit much for anyone to take in at one time. Also Cloud is a Kain ripoff, because it's too easy for Sephiroth to mind control him into giving him what he wants. Zidane never submits to any mind control, the only reason he gets the Gulug Stone for Kuja is because half of his friends are in danger.

05-16-2006, 07:50 AM
Yeah, I agree with you that Zidane is the best male lead. Cloud is Sephiroth clone and that's why Sephiroth can ask him to do anything until he realise. Anyway, Cecil is better than Kain and Rydia rocks!
I like FFVII, followed by FFIX and FFIV.

05-16-2006, 03:06 PM
did I say that? all I said is that people who like FFVII, FFVIII and FFX don't like FFIX and they're usually the ones that hate it the most. And the majority of FFIX haters love those games.
I liked how you quoted my post and not the responce I mentioned:

It's the FF7 fans, FF8 fans and maybe the FF10 fans that hate it. They're so use to fighter/warriors with huge and stupid looking swords as the main characters, they can't except a Final Fantasy without one.
To me that says that we dont like FF9 because there is no big macho lead character with a big weapon. Meaning we prefer a lead character who can dish out violence because he is a warrior.

no, and I didn't say that either, people who don't understand what FFIX means, don't like it. If you don't like it, that's fine. But if you don't know what the game is about, then how can you hate it?
Understand what? The plot, the twists? What dont we understand then? And as I said
Understanding the game and disliking it are 2 different things.
People dont dislike something because they dont understand it. That just sounds simple.
well, FFIX is a reference to all FFs, and if you don't know those references, and you don't know what it's about, then obviously you'll think it's crap. It's hard to explain and I don't want to argue, so I'm not gonna reply anymore ;)
The generalizations some people make are unbelievable. You don't have to get all the references to the other FFs in this game to enjoy it. I didn't play all of them, and I sure liked this game. Likewise, you CAN like the more non-medieval FFs like FFVII, FFVIII and FFX and really like FFIX.

If someone doesn't like FFIX for the reasons people have stated above, then fine. If 200 people feel the same way, then fine. That doesn't mean that it applies to everyone.

Quindiana Jones
05-16-2006, 04:40 PM
It's hard to explain and I don't want to argue, so I'm not gonna reply anymore
Then dont say things you cant back up or explain cause it confuses others and gets no where.

There's no need to be rude. Some people just want to get their point across but can't explain it in words. He said he didn't want to argue about it yet you still tried to bait him.

I didn't see anything wrong with Cloud or Squall. I thought they were good enough. Zidane is still my favourite though. If you wanna moan about a lead male character, then I suggest you go to the FF10 and talk about Tidus. By God was he a wuss.

This thread was origionally about the annoying people who come onto this forum even though they don't like the game, which is kinda pointless anyway. I didn't particular like 8 (though am planning on rebuying it and playing it again now because I wanna play them all), but I don't go there and tell everyone that I think the game they like is rubbish. Just stick to the forum you like and stop trying to annoy people.

05-16-2006, 04:45 PM
I wasnt being rude to him and no I wasnt trying to bait him. I told him what I thought, end of. I can enter which ever thread I chose. Its the peoples fault if they get annoyed because I state the reasons Im not a fan of the game or not. Your the one baiting here. Dont be rude yourself.

Quindiana Jones
05-16-2006, 04:52 PM
My apologies, it's just your posts tend to be laced with insults and baiting words. True, you can go wherever you like, and say whatever you like. But going onto a forum about a game, stuffed with fans, and saying you don't like the game is stupid. Most people don't care about an opinion if it's not one they like and, as your opinion on this forum are about how you like some bits but overall don't like the game, your opinions are those that people don't give a damn for.

I just want a reason. Why do you come on this forum even though you don't like the game?

05-16-2006, 04:56 PM
Yeah, this thread is going way off topic and I'm going to close it before it gets worse. It has served its purpose.

05-16-2006, 04:57 PM
~SapphireStar~: A warn would be good enough.

Pure Quin14: As long as a person is being respectful, they can post their opinions on a game, even if it's to say that they do not like it. I've read ~SapphireStar~'s first post here and there was nothing disrespectful about it. Your post in reply to her's though was trolling. Get back on topic.

EDIT: Didn't see you there, Psy. :cat: :)