View Full Version : These guys rock-The Lonely Island

Vincent, Thunder God
03-25-2006, 03:53 AM
Anybody hear of the Lonely Island? If not, here's your chance. They absolutely rock! :D


Most of the movies on this link are great except Jonah's Scooter Ride. That one is just wierd.


These ones are uber long, 20 minutes plus. But they're right on the site. If you want better quality for these ones, download. Won't take long on the 2000/xp. Regarding Ardy's the best, White Power second best.


More randomness/ craziness. These ones are short. Best ones: My Pants, Backseatsmen, Stork Patrol, Nintendo. Worst: The Bu (except for episode 8, that one is good), Football Town

So start with the Quickies (Link A), try out the Shorts next (Link C), and if you are really like the material try the long episodes (Link B). There is some excellent stuff on the episodes, seriously.

Hope you like it guys and gals! This is definetly the best place to show this...I think this is your sort of humor. :D

03-25-2006, 03:56 AM
Stuff like this goes in the Lounge.

And yes, The Lonely Island rocks.

Vincent, Thunder God
03-25-2006, 04:07 AM
Goes in the Lounge...ok, got it. I have some forum background, so I know what moving is. Never had a thread moved before... but its all cool.

Ok guys... the thread is in the Lounge now... so lets hear some comments on the Lonely Island!

04-16-2006, 01:49 PM
I've only watched the quickies, but that Vanilla Sky clip: XD
It's so stupid, it's genius.:p :D