View Full Version : Raw or Smackdown!

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 05:24 AM
RAW and Smackdown are both competing brands in the WWE and have large fan bases but which of the 2 brands is the dominate brand and/or ur favorite brand. I might have to go with RAW on this one....just with Benoit was back on RAW

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 05:26 AM
chaos: RAW has been crap for quite a while long. Smackdown's been the show full of injuries, and one major death (RIP Eddie Guerrero), yet it pulls out to be at least thre times better than RAW.

Rubedo: It's not crowded with 20 minute crappy segments, but some vital ones are put in, and are executed well. Tons of wrestling on Smackdown too.

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 05:26 AM

Del Murder
03-25-2006, 05:29 AM
Raw is so much better. Smackdown has...Angle, Rey, Orton, and Benoit, but the undercard is horrible. Fit Finley? Mark Henry? Animal? Tatanka? No thanks.

I don't like Cena that much and Triple H is getting too repetitive, but I love HBK, Edge, and RVD. And the lesser guys are at least watchable. Better storylines too.

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 05:30 AM
The cruiaserweight division is basically the under card. The people you named Del are the mid card.

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 05:33 AM
Ya i have to say that at the moment Smackdown has alot more action going on and i dont know about anyone else but the fued between shawn michaels and Mr.McMahon is getting old. HBK is a awesome wrestler they could have done something alot better using HBK. Besides HBK's not as good as Stone Cold Steve Austin or the undertaker fueding with McMahon. At least thats what i think

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 05:37 AM
What they should have done was HBK vs John Cena. HBK could win the match resulting in a fued that would propel Cena higher into fame and HBK back intot the uppercard. HHH vs The Undertaker could have been a great inter-promotional fued.
WWE missed out on many good ideas.

Del Murder
03-25-2006, 05:39 AM
Problem is HBK and Cena are both good right now. I think Cena should have feuded with Edge a lot more. Edge winning the belt was a great storyline. Triple H in the main event again is so boring.

Anyone who is not a major player is the undercard to me.

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 05:39 AM
Ya that sounds lk it would have been an awesome storyline as well as the interpromotional match. Undertaker beat HHH at wrestlemania 17 if im correct and i wouldnt mind seeing a rematch between these superstars. It would be lk another HBK vs. Kurt Angle which was awesome

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 05:42 AM
I miss the old Unified title days. I could watch Jeff Hardy on Raw then two days later watch rock woop whoever the challenger was's ass.

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 05:46 AM
All of this Raw and Smackdown has actually led me to another question i cant figure out these days...which title is better now the world heavyweight or the wwe title? I think it might still be the WWE Title.

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 05:49 AM
World Heavyweigh but the WWE recognizes the WWE as the bigger ttitle ecause its on the flagship show.

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 05:50 AM
good point

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 05:56 AM
Its also sad as the better show is Smackdown and they just teat whoever and whatever is on it like crap. John Cenas saturday night math is all but proof of this.

03-25-2006, 07:42 AM
Raw is better simply because it's live and has HHH.

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 07:47 AM
Its also sad as the better show is Smackdown and they just teat whoever and whatever is on it like crap. John Cenas saturday night math is all but proof of this.

Rubedo: I know. Granted, the roll-up pin counter to the RKO was ingenious, but man, can Cena please suffer a loss? And I'm not talking about a super cheap "He's just out of the Elimination Chamber and he's still fighting" win, I'm talking about LOSING. Hell, if he lost the title at Vengeance 2005 to Chris Jericho, everything would be hell a better. Edge could win it from Jericho, and Cena could then win it back as an OVER face. Sadly, though, the WWE gave the belt back to Cena after a measly month, even though Edge was doing great.

Albedo: It truly is pathetic. Ah well, I know there is one thing I'll be doing when Chicago yells out a giant "Cena Sucks" chant: *laughs maniacally*

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 09:30 AM
They gave it back to Cena becaus edges options were limited.

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 04:42 PM
Rubedo: No they weren't. He could have had so many enemies. Edge vs. Cena vs. Triple H or a one on one contest between Triple H and Edge would've done good, because Kurt vs. Orton vs. Mysterio should be the main event. Next, Edge could face a returning Jericho (solidifying their main eventer statuses) in one hell of a great match, and lose it after that, being less of a transitional champion. :D

Trowa: 'Cause Trips in the Main Event of Wrestlemania is getting less good every year. *sits and stares and sits and stares*

Reeno the Alchemist
03-25-2006, 04:59 PM
man this is hard cause batista is on smack down and so are alot of people i like and foley hbk and cena are on raw i guess fer now both but untill batista comes back its gonna be raw

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 05:35 PM
chaos: You should really rate it according to the quality of the show, not the wrestlers. HBK is great, but he's been booked like crap, and is really losing his credibility. The only good thing in the whole Michaels-McMahon fued was the Street Fight at SNME, which IMO should've been saved for Wrestlemania. :)

Rubedo: It wasn't a spotfest, and it had wrestling psychology.

03-25-2006, 05:52 PM
Ive only just got back into watching wrestling since this year royal rumble and i'm a RAW fan, not that it matters anyways, though i'm not that keen on Cena, he's isnt a great champ, nothing compared to Stone Cold anyways. If Stone Cold came back on either, i'd would be more into that show.

03-25-2006, 09:13 PM
raw............cause of cena.............stone cold was my fave in the wwf days to wish he comes back too

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 09:14 PM
raw............cause of cena
Never post here again.

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 09:31 PM
If only benoit was drafted back to raw i could watch him in action more. the only person i know what powered out of the crossface so far is batista

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 09:33 PM
The problem with Edge as champion waas they wanted whoever was the WWE champion to face HHH . They wanted EDGE as a Heel and HHH as heel. Heel vs Heel works less than face vs. face

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 09:33 PM
chaos: Benoit has already faced the majority of Smackdown. He needs to go to RAW.

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 09:36 PM
Benoit is world champion material they should give him a world heavyweight title shot or WWE title shot which will be harder to do. Hes too good for the united states champion. Besides benoit has beaten most of smackdown already now with the exceptioin of batista but i cant say i didnt see that coming

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 09:37 PM
He needs a few title shots.And #1 contender shots Rey vs Benoit. Benoit vs Orton. Benoit vs Kurt Angal

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 09:37 PM
Rubedo: If Rey Mysterio wins at Wrestlemania, Benoit should face him. The match would be amazing. :)

chaos: They could look at it as an "Eddie Guerrero Tribute Match", or Benoit could have a heel turn.

Luther X-Rated
03-25-2006, 09:39 PM
I think Raw, cause it was the very first.

I like Smackdown though cause of the crusierweight division.

Paul London was screwed out of his cruiserweight title!

London needs to win it back!

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 09:40 PM
That would be an awesome match. Or another kurt angle vs. benoit. I dont really care because benoit can beat any one of them: randy, kurt, and rey rey. But it would be awesome if rey rey won. Im rooting for him!

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 09:41 PM
Rey vs Benoit vs Orton sounds good.

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 09:42 PM
chaos: It should be singles. Kurt Angle and Benoit have had many matches- as have Orton and Benoit. Benoit facing Mysterio is fresh and hasn't been tried on the other hand, so I'm sure the fans would eat it up.

Albedo: Definetly... *laughs maniacally*

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 09:43 PM
It does and why do i have the feeling rey rey will probably win that one. I think rey reys good at triple threats

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 09:44 PM
i saw a match between rey rey and benoit once in singles competition...rey rey won it. But benoit came close

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 09:45 PM
I like the idea of Rey vs Benioot or a tournament for #1 contender status against Mysterrio

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 09:46 PM
chaos: One thing, please don't double post. Use the edit tool to add more to your first post.

Rubedo: I hope Orton wins the triple threat. It really should be him. The buildup has been great, and he plays one hell of a great hell.

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 09:48 PM
Rey should win then lose to Orton and get sent to Raw. HHH vs REY would be good.

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 09:50 PM
ya having rey rey on raw would be pretty cool. A match between him and HHH would be just what i need.

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 09:50 PM
Rubedo: Rey shouldn't go to RAW yet. He's still can get great matches out of Smackdown main eventers, and a few dream matches can still happen (vs. Benoit, vs. Undertaker). Plus, when some more people cross over from RAW in the draft lottery, he could face them too. (Here's hoping for HHH and RVD)

Trowa: Next year's draft lottery should send Rey though.

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 09:52 PM
Benoit should switch back to raw and so should the undertaker. I bet can finally come up with something good using the undertaker

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 09:52 PM
That Gregory Helms guy is pretty entertaining what yall think of him

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 09:54 PM
Rubedo: While I'm guessing Taker will be sent to RAW, I doubt it'll do anything, really. Hell, he shows up like once every month. :)

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 09:54 PM
I think every cruiserweight can be entertaining. The nine man free for all match at no way out with gregory helms defending the title was a awesome match. I lk watching high flying cruiserweight action too.

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 09:56 PM
Kane will be sent to smackdown

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 09:57 PM
Trowa: Agreed. He's got a lot more success as Helms than "The Hurricane". Maybe if they gave him more screen time with Rosey, and more hilarious segments. *sits and stares and sits and stares*

Rubedo: But london needs to take back the title. He and Spanky could then have a grudge match (It feels like they're slowly building up to one).

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 09:58 PM
London vs Helms in a cage sould be a verygood match

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 10:00 PM
That would be cool. I dont think kanes ever been to smackdown and its time for him to terrorize the smackdown roster

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 10:02 PM
Kane vs Boogeyman would be his forst match though

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 10:04 PM
Its been all weird that the boogeyman can be anyone with one pumphandle slam. jbls was kinda pathetic after going down after one pumphandle slam

Death Penalty
03-25-2006, 10:04 PM

Sing the Sorrow
03-25-2006, 10:08 PM
Its gonna be funny watching jbl and benoit at wrestlemania 22. Jbls got no chance beating benoit. Benoits is one of the best and if not the best technical wrestler alive today

03-25-2006, 10:11 PM
Benoit beats JBL at WM22 because he's been advertised to defend the US title at a house show in April in England

Trumpet Thief
03-25-2006, 10:15 PM
chaos: And according to house show matches, his opponent for the US Title will be Mark Henry.

Rubedo: If you like the surprises of wrestling, then I suggest you don't read the above. :)

03-26-2006, 08:35 PM
my other friend should join these forums. he knows alot more about wrestling than me and he said he liked raw.

I posted again so what

Death Penalty
03-26-2006, 08:50 PM
I was just playing around dont take alot of the suff I say seriously

03-26-2006, 11:17 PM
I'm a big Undertaker fan, and his fights with Angle have been some of the best match's of the year!!! I'll side with Smackdown, as me and my buddies find it more entertaining. Raw needs more quality matchs. Besides Cena needs a decent feud ( Edge was a good enemy for him, I actually didn't mind watching Cena fight). Johnathan Coachman is another reason I'm siding with Smackdown...he's become very annoying. :eep:

Sing the Sorrow
03-27-2006, 12:44 AM
I like the HHH and John cena fued going on right now...im anxious to see their match april 2nd.

Amarant Odinson
03-27-2006, 01:45 AM
Wrestlemania XXII is going to suck this year. They havn't don enough to build the storylines going in to the PPV and half of the matches no one really cares about.

Take the Money In The Bank match. First off, why is Sheldon Benjeman in this match and not defending the I.C. Title? Same thing happened to him last year. Ric Flair is 57 years old. That man should not be wrestling let alone in a god damn ladder match. Bobby Lashley? This guy could the next Brock Lenser, he should be squashing people left, right and center and a ladder match is not the way to build a guy like him. Finlay is another guy as well. great in ring skills, but since he wrestles with an old school style, half the fans don't get it and his style doesn't fit in a ladder match either. That leaves us with Matt Hardy and RVD, both of whom have proven themselves time and time again in a ladder match.

Next, Chris Benoit vs JBL. Explain to me why JBL is still is this match. Better yet, explain to me why Benoit isn't in the World Heavyweight Title hunt? I'm saying that JBL sucks but he's nowhere near Benoit's level.

Big Show & Kane vs Carltio and The Masterpiece of Crap.: Oh we still have tag champs? Didn't notice it since they hardly ever defend the titles in the first place.

Undertaker vs Mark Henry: Well, at least we know that Taker's streak isn't in jepordy this year. And why in the blue hell does Mark Henry still have a job?

Booker T vs The Boogyman: We had a name for the Boogyman back in the early 90's. He was called Papa Shango.

Trish Stratus vs Mickie James: This is one of the few storylines that has had some sort of decent build over the last 6 months. The match itself won't be 4 star caliber but considering who else is still on the roster? this is the best we're going to get unless you add Victoria into the mix.

HBK vs Vince: Why is Vince on this card? the only thing that would make the match tolerable is if Bret Hart comes down and knocks both men out. And as much as we'd all love to see it, it's not going to happen. Bret has always been very adament about the fact that he doesn't want to be involved in any storyline what so ever. And does anyone else think that this new whole drug testing thing is a little retarded when the owner of the company looks like he's on more roids than half the roster.

Edge vs Mick Foley: This match shouldn't be happening. It serves no purpose at all. They havn't done enough to get people interested in the match until Mick's promo last week. Edge has done the best he could with what he's got but I expected a lot more out of Foley in terms of building some momentum and he's failed to deliver. Edge should've never lost the belt in the first place. The people hated Edge, they loved to hate Edge. they even loved to hate him more than they love to hate Cena. He was the best heel that Raw's had in a long time and they killed it all when they didn't listen to the fans and gave the belt back to Cena.

Kurt Angle vs Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio: This match should be the match of the night. Angle can carry a wet paper bag through a good match as can Rey Mysterio. My only problem is that I don't think that they've done a good enough job building up Orton as a legitimate contender. And with him in the main event, it makes Rey's Rumble win almost null and void. Having Orton in the match doesn't add anything to the match. I would have much rather have just a one on one bout between Mysterio and Angle. Orton won't drag the match down, but he won't boost it either.

HHH vs Cena: And now the main event that no one gives a rat's ass about. I don't know what worse. The fact that Cena still has the belt or the fact that everyone already knows that HHH is getting it back. Cena has failed. Simple as that. He's had a very divided reaction for a long time know. Little kids and chicks love Cena and guy our age and older (the majority of wrestling fans) hate him. It started at Summerslam with the kids and chicks chanting "Let's go Cena" and the guys answered back by chanting "Let's go Jericho"

Same thing happened during Cena's feud with Angle and Edge. But it's not happening as much with HHH because the fans are sick of him too. HHH is great in the ring, but he's always there and usually always with the belt. Most people fall alseep during his 20 mintue promos but at this point no one cares who gets the belt as long as it's not Cena.

Del Murder
03-27-2006, 01:57 AM
Haha, good points AO. I'm not interested in this Wrestlemania at all. Why <i>does</i> Mark Henry still have a job?

Trumpet Thief
03-27-2006, 02:00 AM
Haha, good points AO. I'm not interested in this Wrestlemania at all. Why <i>does</i> Mark Henry still have a job?

chaos: After his return, Mark Henry has improved, and hasn't really been bad at all.

Rubedo: And I don't see what's bad about this Wrestlemania. I've seen a lot worse, and I think this one will be really good.

Del Murder
03-27-2006, 02:05 AM
Mark Henry will never live down Sexual Chocolate and that's the bottom line.



Trumpet Thief
03-27-2006, 02:07 AM
Rubedo: Okay, that was a horrible gimmick. xD

Trowa: His match with Undertaker on Smackdown was actually pretty good. Add a Casket Match with a No DQ stipulation, and it'll be better. Put it on the grandest stage of them all, and you know both will try their hardest.

chaos: I think this Wrestlemania's great. It beats 21, 20, 18, and is on par with 19. It's behind X-Seven. (These are all the Wrestlemania's I've seen. I haven't seen any before X-seven)

03-27-2006, 09:50 AM
Wrestlmania 15 was awesome, Stone Cold v The Rock for the WWE belt, truely one the the best main events Mania has had imo.

And i'll tell you what bad about this Wrestlemania is that Stone Cold wont be there. For people who have seen him over the years knows he knew how to light up an event. *sigh* i wish he came back to wrestle, it definatley not the same without him.

"Austin 3:16 says: I just whooped your ass!"

Sing the Sorrow
03-27-2006, 08:39 PM
This year has to be better than last year. But im disappointed that benoits defending the united states title. He should be competing for the world heavyweight title.

Amarant Odinson
03-27-2006, 10:32 PM
Rubedo: Okay, that was a horrible gimmick. xD

Trowa: His match with Undertaker on Smackdown was actually pretty good. Add a Casket Match with a No DQ stipulation, and it'll be better. Put it on the grandest stage of them all, and you know both will try their hardest.

chaos: I think this Wrestlemania's great. It beats 21, 20, 18, and is on par with 19. It's behind X-Seven. (These are all the Wrestlemania's I've seen. I haven't seen any before X-seven)

I don't know what matches you've been watching but it's not the same ones that I've seen. And for you to even suggest that WMXXII is going to better that XXI, XX or XVIII is a joke.

The is no way in hell that Cena vs HHH will be better than Brock vs Angle(WMXIX) Jericho vs HHH(WMXVIII), Batista vs HHH(WMXXI) or Benoit vs HBK vs HHH(WMXX)

Death Penalty
03-27-2006, 10:35 PM
Batista vs Triple H was one of the most boring matches I have ever seen

Amarant Odinson
03-27-2006, 10:36 PM
And Cena vs HHH won't be?

Death Penalty
03-27-2006, 10:38 PM
Never said it wouldnt be.

03-27-2006, 11:10 PM
Cena is boring.

Trumpet Thief
03-27-2006, 11:23 PM
Rubedo: Okay, that was a horrible gimmick. xD

Trowa: His match with Undertaker on Smackdown was actually pretty good. Add a Casket Match with a No DQ stipulation, and it'll be better. Put it on the grandest stage of them all, and you know both will try their hardest.

chaos: I think this Wrestlemania's great. It beats 21, 20, 18, and is on par with 19. It's behind X-Seven. (These are all the Wrestlemania's I've seen. I haven't seen any before X-seven)

I don't know what matches you've been watching but it's not the same ones that I've seen. And for you to even suggest that WMXXII is going to better that XXI, XX or XVIII is a joke.

The is no way in hell that Cena vs HHH will be better than Brock vs Angle(WMXIX) Jericho vs HHH(WMXVIII), Batista vs HHH(WMXXI) or Benoit vs HBK vs HHH(WMXX)

chaos: You've gotta be kidding me. Yes, you nitpicked bad matches from Wrestlemania XXII and compared them to the great's of those Wrestlemania's. Batista vs. Triple H was decent, and if Cena steps up to the plate, it can at least top one of those matches. I don't like it either, but the other matches make up for it.

Rubedo: Smackdown's main event will indeed beat all of those except XX's, which it could tie with. Do you think the over sub main events: Guerrero vs. Angle, Booker T vs. Triple H and John Cena vs. JBl can match up with it?

chaos: Plus, the undercard is great. Wrestlemania XXI also had a great undercard and horrible main events. Although, Trish vs. Christy, Akebono vs. Big Show, and the Piper Segment really brought it down. It's shining gems were Angle vs. Michaels, Orton vs. Taker, and Money in the Bank. Guerrero/Mysterio was alright.

Trowa: This year has Foley/Edge, Benoit/JBL, Money in the Bank (And it won't be just a spotfest), Taker/Mark Henry (Their Smackdown match was good), Michaels/McMahon (If Vince could put on a great match with Hogan, how can he not with Michaels?),

03-27-2006, 11:44 PM
It's sad really that the only reason Edge isn't in the main event right now is because HHH told Vince to take the title from him so Trips could have his Wrestlemania title match. But then i think of how Vince actually thought he could get Bret Hart to be the special referee for his match at Mania when the storyline came into play and the laughter overcomes the sadness

Amarant Odinson
03-28-2006, 12:18 AM
chaos: You've gotta be kidding me. Yes, you nitpicked bad matches from Wrestlemania XXII and compared them to the great's of those Wrestlemania's. Batista vs. Triple H was decent, and if Cena steps up to the plate, it can at least top one of those matches. I don't like it either, but the other matches make up for it.

If Cena steps up to the plate? How many times has he needed to do that and failed? Cena's time at the plate is over and it should've been over a long time ago. He hasn't improved at all in two years. He promos are bland, his skills in the ring are laughable at best and the majority of the fan want him shot.

Rubedo: Smackdown's main event will indeed beat all of those except XX's, which it could tie with. Do you think the over sub main events: Guerrero vs. Angle, Booker T vs. Triple H and John Cena vs. JBl can match up with it?

Guerrero vs Angle at WMXX was a great match and is by far the best out of the 3 mentioned. Smackdown's main event for WMXXII is really the only match that I'm looking forward to and I fully expect it to top at least 2 out of those 3 mentioned matches.

chaos: Plus, the undercard is great. Wrestlemania XXI also had a great undercard and horrible main events. Although, Trish vs. Christy, Akebono vs. Big Show, and the Piper Segment really brought it down. It's shining gems were Angle vs. Michaels, Orton vs. Taker, and Money in the Bank. Guerrero/Mysterio was alright.

I'll agree that the undercard is tolerible but the difference that last year they did a great job of making the matches worth something. They had the feeling that you were actually interested in who won or lost. Even the bad matches had a decent story to them. This year, the undercard just seems thrown together. Like no real thought was put into them and most of the storylines suck.

Trowa: This year has Foley/Edge, Benoit/JBL, Money in the Bank (And it won't be just a spotfest), Taker/Mark Henry (Their Smackdown match was good), Michaels/McMahon (If Vince could put on a great match with Hogan, how can he not with Michaels?),

I was fine with everything you said until you mentioned Vince getting a good match out of Hogan. That match sucked. As did almost anything that either man had ever done in the ring. However, HBK did get a decent match out of Hogan at Summerslam and I hope he does the same with Vince. I has to. For the love of God, get something that resembles a match out of Vince, please.

Trumpet Thief
03-28-2006, 12:23 AM
chaos: I've got to admit, the hype is bland. And hype adds a lot to matches. But whether they mean anything or not, a lot of these matches will be very good.

Rubedo: Angle/Guerrero was good, but IMO, not that great. It didn't meet with expectations either. Orton/Angle would be good on it's own, but puttting a man like Mysterio who's really earned his way to the top wouldn't hurt anything.

Loony BoB
03-29-2006, 10:46 AM
RAW: Kane needs a decent run for the top belt, because he'd give it something new for a change. I'm so freaking tired of the same-old-same-old right now when it comes to wrestling style. This is why Mankind, Rock, Stone Cold and Undertaker all did really well when they were all right up there - they had different styles and were all capable of doing something different. The current guys - HHH, Cena, Edge etc. - are pretty much all in the same model. And if not Kane, maybe the Big Show or something. Maybe a small guy, even. Just anyone but the same-old-same-old we've had for so long now. The most "different" champ we've had for the past however-many-years is Batista, and he's gone. However, if they do insist on carrying on with the Cena vs. HHH stuff, take it to the next level. Make it a real match. I'm talking Last Man Standing, here. Maybe Iron Man. Something big. Something that will last a long time and really go places. Something that is worth talking about afterwards.

Get Lita into a feud that isn't to do with Edge. I wouldn't mind seeing her take on the women's title... although wait until after the MJ/Stratus affair. I miss Lita as a face, personally, so her Edge stuff merely annoys me.

I'm really glad Vince & Shane'o'mac are back in the ring. Seriously, it's been way too long. I don't know just how well it will work after the HBK stuff is over, but if he does stick around long enough then I hope HBK eventually gets the title so we can have a replay of the Champion Face vs. Boss & Lackeys again. I don't care if it's been done, it's better than the crap we have going on right now for the title. You know, people looking at each other with angry faces. Oh no!

Y2J shouldn't be anywhere until he gets rid of that fatty midrif. High flying guys shouldn't have that big a belly. And Y2J shouldn't have hair that short, either. Short for him, anyway.

Smackdown - Boogey man is fun, although it concentrates too much outside the ring for my liking, because I quite like watching him in the ring. I'm enjoying watching Angle wrestling lately, especially in his match against the Undertaker a while back. That was good stuff. I would love to see Angle vs. Undertaker in a submission match someday.

I never ever thought I'd say this, but Mysterio is getting a bit boring... he needs a partner again, as hard as Eddie will be to replace. Maybe Chavo and he can group together, maybe Benoit, I don't know. I would like to see him back in a tag team championship fight, but obviously that's stuck over at RAW right now and I'm not sure RAW is ready for him again just yet.

Mark Henry is indeed a bit of a joke. Undertaker needs to do something a bit more evil / sinister, because he's doing too much talking and too little "oh my God" stuff lately. Casket match? God, that was predictable.

As for others... Randy has too pretty a face to be a champion. That's all I have to say about that. Lashley and Cloverboy are doing alright as enemies, I loved watching the car get pushed over, pity it didn't actually land on the guy, but oh well. I wish Angle would say "It's true - it's true" again. :( I wish that Japanese samurai-like guy was around longer, I found him pretty funny. JBL was cooler when he was Bradshaw.

They need to get some kind of thing going on, though, overall... a stable or a man-on-a-mission-against-everyone or something. Something that will affect everybody in either RAW or Smackdown, even possibly both. Maybe a mystery, a sort of "whodunit" thing. Something different.

Random thoughts, pretty much over now.

Both are decent, neither are great at the moment. I don't think I could really put one above the other, but if I have to pick, I'll go with Smackdown at the moment.

Meat Puppet
03-29-2006, 12:13 PM
HBK will probably be taking leave after Wrestlemania 22.

Oh and didn't they have a Champion vs. Boss with Cena vs. Bischoff?

03-29-2006, 12:22 PM
I'm really glad Vince & Shane'o'mac are back in the ring. Seriously, it's been way too long. I don't know just how well it will work after the HBK stuff is over, but if he does stick around long enough then I hope HBK eventually gets the title so we can have a replay of the Champion Face vs. Boss & Lackeys again. I don't care if it's been done, it's better than the crap we have going on right now for the title.

I agree, i mean they did it with Stone Cold for like 2 years by trying to screw him all the time and it never got boring, had me on the edge wondering what would happen next. It's also how Vince's entrance music/video came about, sugesting Stone Cold had no chance in hell in winning the title.

I did hear something that Austin was in the gym getting himself fit and ready to come back to the WWE some time this year, i hope its true. He can come back and kick cena's ass. :)

Loony BoB
03-29-2006, 12:35 PM
I have to say that the worst thing to happen to WWE was the big stars moving to Hollywood to make movies.

That and Sting not joining.

a nirvana fan
03-29-2006, 05:22 PM
Raw is the best although Smackdown! does have The Undertaker who is a all time great in the WWE but since Smackdown! was first aired keep in mind Raw was aired first making it the superior brand of WWE entertainment. The best type of Raw was the RAW IS WAR era.

Moon Rabbits
03-29-2006, 05:42 PM
Both are lame, if I wanted a soap opera I'd watch All My Children or something...

03-29-2006, 10:00 PM
Both are lame, if I wanted a soap opera I'd watch All My Children or something...

which is why so many wrestling fans are switching over to TNA, it concentrates more on action than storylines/promos

Meat Puppet
03-30-2006, 02:26 AM
That's what they say to people who don't like Mark Henry (bless 'em). Go watch some rasslin'.

Del Murder
03-30-2006, 04:00 AM
I have to say that the worst thing to happen to WWE was the big stars moving to Hollywood to make movies.

That and Sting not joining.
Yep! Ah man, Sting vs. Rock. We'll never see it. :(

Timber Maniac
03-30-2006, 04:31 AM
Both are lame, if I wanted a soap opera I'd watch All My Children or something...

which is why so many wrestling fans are switching over to TNA, it concentrates more on action than storylines/promos
TNA still has Double J as thier top main eventer. Until they can overcome that hurdle, they will never catch up with the WWE. Also, I dislike all the attention they give to the WWE castaways. If they continue giving main event pushes to people (albeit some of them deserving) who were constant jobbers on RAW or Smackdown!, TNA is always going to look like an inferior promotion.

Some of thier homegrown talent need to hold the belt in order to look like a more legitimate threat, namely Joe, Daniels, Abyss, or even Monty Brown. With all that being said, I did enjoy seeing Christian Cage finally getting his due.

03-30-2006, 01:13 PM
Raw is so much better. Smackdown has...Angle, Rey, Orton, and Benoit, but the undercard is horrible. Fit Finley? Mark Henry? Animal? Tatanka? No thanks.

I can understand the last three, but what's wrong with Fit Finlay? He may be old, but he can easily outwrestle about 90% of the roster, including Rey and Orton. He's brought out the best in Lashley with their feud.

Also, Smackdown! has way more than just Angle, Rey, Orton, and Benoit. There's Taker, Booker, Hardy, Regal, Burchill, MnM, Mexicools, London, Kendrick, Helms, Kash, and more that I'm forgetting. Raw's undercard isn't nearly as good, and the main event scene is awful. Smackdown! is far better, but I don't get to see it often due to the stupid Friday night time slot.

About Wrestlemania: It will indeed suck this year. I can't think of a worse main event thsn Cena vs. HHH since Bam Bam Bigelo fought Lawerence Taylor, and at least that match had a good babyface. I can't stand either of them and I hope the crowd chants "YOU BOTH SUCK" loudly throughout the entire match. The undercard is very lackluster too. If the WWE is smart, then they'll end the show with Rey winning the belt, it's the only moment I could see that would send everyone home happy.

03-30-2006, 01:45 PM
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and predict that Mysterio will never win the Heavyweight championship. I don't know why, I just get the impression that they won't give the title to someone like Rey. Even if i'm wrong and they did, I wouldn't see him holding onto it for very long, which is a shame, because he's great. But they never seem to give the title to people like that. Remember the Booker T/HHH match at Wrestlemania? That match was great, the racism angle had got Booker over bigtime and it would have been the perfect time to give him the belt. But they didn't.

03-30-2006, 07:49 PM
I think Rey will definately win the belt sooner or later, whether or not it is at Wrestlemania. It's too good of an opportunity to pass up. Rey is the most over person on the Smackdown! roster, and it would be a great angle to play, as "the smallest World Champion in wrestling history". I do agree that if he wins it, it will be a short run, and he probably won't ever win it back.

But they never seem to give the title to people like that. Remember the Booker T/HHH match at Wrestlemania? That match was great, the racism angle had got Booker over bigtime and it would have been the perfect time to give him the belt. But they didn't.

Actually, the original plan was for Booker to win the title. That changed when they signed Goldberg right before Wrestlemania, and they thought it would make more sense for Goldberg to chase after the heel champion, Hunter, so the plan was scrapped. So Booker losing was only circumstantial, which is a shame.

Ballistix Man
03-30-2006, 11:18 PM
When it was so much better

03-31-2006, 12:49 AM
Good days Ballistix Man

Also check these out, this is what made the WWE so great.

This is definately what the WWE is missing, you couldn't name another wrestler in the WWE at the moment, thats get fans crazy like this.

03-31-2006, 12:58 AM
Actually, the original plan was for Booker to win the title. That changed when they signed Goldberg right before Wrestlemania, and they thought it would make more sense for Goldberg to chase after the heel champion, Hunter, so the plan was scrapped. So Booker losing was only circumstantial, which is a shame.

I didn't know that and that's shocking. I've never liked Goldberg. Booker T was over so much at that point and he was working great in the ring. That angers me greatly D:<

Well, I suppose the same thing could have been said about RVD a few years ago as Rey being the most over now, and they never gave him the title either. Although I don't know how over Rey is at the moment not having access to cable. I do know I don't like this whole "For Eddie" stuff that's still going on that I saw in clips. I don't know what it is, it just strikes me as disrespectful to use it in an angle. :\

Ballistix Man
03-31-2006, 01:01 AM
Rey is so over tis almost a crime. If they screw up and make him lose they are killing themselves dead in the water.

Black Mage FF1
04-03-2006, 10:48 PM
Wow they totally messed up the main event for smackdown at mania. I mean 9 FRICKIN MINUTES?!? Are you serious? God, get rid of that crap pillow fight and booker t vs boogyman. That match could have been so great. And I really wanted Orton win. :(

HHH vs. Cena was actually great. I was expecting this to be boring just like the Tist vs HHH at 21. But damn did both of them deliver in this match. Plus the crowds reacting was great. I wanted HHH to win but oh well. He will at backlash im sure.

Del Murder
04-04-2006, 02:57 AM
That match was only 9 minutes? No wonder it felt strange. Would have been better if it was just Angle and Mysterio.

04-04-2006, 03:44 PM
I loved how they booed the rapper wannabe and HHH made him look like a fool at the beggining, greatness.

I couldnt believe they had the pillow fight after the World Heavyweight Championship, it was just stupid. They botched i all up, definately not the best Wrestlemania. They needed Stone Cold even if it was for like 5-10 minutes.