View Full Version : Which one...?

Ramza Beoulve
03-28-2006, 03:43 AM
Which one is the most EVIL videogame song you have ever heard and why?

I think the ones are:

Enchanted Banquet (Castlevania SotN)
Because the music takes you to a nightmare, and you can only think in them. Glorious.

Black Banquet (Castlevania SotN)
Same feelings than the one above. Superb.

Ultimecia's Castle (FFVIII)
This killing feeling...


Markus. D
03-29-2006, 12:32 AM
symphonic poem ''forbidden prelude'' (Drakengard 2), I mean... its not so mutch murder evil, but its definetly twisted.

Most compositions from Drakengard 1 give the mood that your being stalked.

Graveyard from WoW.... judge for youself.

the ambient music from Devil May Cry (1.2.3.), all have that evil intent that gives you a chill.