View Full Version : Do I develop my fantasy from reading very acquainted books?

03-31-2006, 08:06 AM
I always reread books that I like, and right now I'm into The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien. :love:
However, I'm so acquainted with the events in the book now, that I don't really need to think any more:
the scenes kinda take place automatically.
Does this really develop my ability to fantasize, or should I read some new stuff, where I'm forced to invent images from the beginning?

a nirvana fan
03-31-2006, 08:43 AM
Well I think anything by J.R.R. Tolkien is very fantasy themed. So someone who reads books by him develop a fantasy land of there own.

03-31-2006, 12:31 PM
Tolkien does inspire me to create my own fantasy worlds, he just does an excellent job with his writing and descriptions.

The Captain
04-01-2006, 05:55 AM
Tolkien is considered one of the foremost fantasy writers of all time for that very reason, that he gave us such a huge amount of information and backstory, as well as visually painted a picture through his words that it became easier to create in our mind's eye our own fantasies.

That being said, I also think it's a wonderful idea to branch out and see what else is out there. You may find that other books have concepts that can heighten your enjoyment of Tolkien's work as well as your own fantasies.

Take care all.

04-01-2006, 01:53 PM
I've read the books of Tolkien a couple of times, and it really helps out my personal fantasies. Either it's drawing, or making short stories, or add-ons: notes supporting existing stories and places^^; so yes, i really think it develops your fantasy.

Although i've got many different sources for my fantasy ^_- that also'ld be quite important ^^that you've got fresh inspiration.
Normally, for me, it happens automatically, that i'm no longer fantasizing in the World of Middle-Earth, but then all of a sudden in the World of Oddworld. My interest in fantasy just changes^^

Twilight Edge
04-01-2006, 04:19 PM
Read anything that is not related to the real world(LOTR,Harry Potter,manga etc.) or real world stuff that do not exist(Manga).Believe me,it REALLY DOES help.I can assure you with proof of my haywire imagination.