View Full Version : New Judas Priest album/show

Brian The Pink Shark
04-09-2006, 02:32 PM

well priest fans what do you think? :choc:

Crushed Hope
04-09-2006, 03:18 PM
Very interesting idea, sadly ... Priest are way past their prime and if Angel of Retribution is any sign of how this will be, I'm not even slightly excited.

Brian The Pink Shark
04-09-2006, 07:13 PM
Very interesting idea, sadly ... Priest are way past their prime and if Angel of Retribution is any sign of how this will be, I'm not even slightly excited.

they still ahve more fans than cattle decapitation :p :choc:

Crushed Hope
04-09-2006, 07:16 PM
Very interesting idea, sadly ... Priest are way past their prime and if Angel of Retribution is any sign of how this will be, I'm not even slightly excited.

they still ahve more fans than cattle decapitation :p :choc:

Which obviously speaks volumes about how much better Cattle Decapitation are :tongue:

HEE IS THE PAAAINKILLAH! If this album is in the vein of Painkiller I'll love it though.

Captain Maxx Power
04-09-2006, 07:23 PM
It's about time we got some of the high-camp, over-the-top ridiculousness back into metal. Gawds knows we need it.

Brian The Pink Shark
04-09-2006, 07:53 PM
bpth previous points i agree on

painkiller is a fantastic album

the only thing im worried about is that they might not play any of their classic songs, ie Victim of Changes, Beyond The Realms of Deathe etc at thsi show, which means im gonan have to wait much longer to hear them play these songs live again :( :choc:

04-09-2006, 08:34 PM
I saw some of priests new live stuff, I'm not interested.

Brian The Pink Shark
04-09-2006, 10:12 PM
I saw some of priests new live stuff, I'm not interested.

no Heading out on The Highway on the new live dvd :( :choc:

04-10-2006, 02:57 PM
Judas Priest! the TRUE Metal Gods!

Man, I'd like to see a King Diamond approach to this album. I wonder WHERE they'll be doing this musical or whatever.

Brian The Pink Shark
04-10-2006, 04:06 PM
Judas Priest! the TRUE Metal Gods!

Man, I'd like to see a King Diamond approach to this album. I wonder WHERE they'll be doing this musical or whatever.

it says so,

im really looking forward to this :choc:

Itsunari 2000
04-10-2006, 07:39 PM
Breaking the Law !!!!

04-10-2006, 08:40 PM
YAY! My dad is a big fan of Judas Priest. Maybe I should tell him. :D

Or maybe I shouldn't.


I think I will. Because I am a nice girl :angel:

I wanted to sing one of their songs at the talent show... but nooo. Daddy wouldn't let me borrow C.D. Grr Him! :p