View Full Version : FFXII - 4th Generation RPG?

04-10-2006, 05:18 PM
One of the Japanese game magazines broke down the FF series into the following:

FF1~FF4 1st Generation - Establish RPG Foundation
FF5~FF7 2nd Generation - Emphasis on Game System, Peak of RPG
FF8~FF10 3rd Generation - Emphasis on Story, Romance, and Movie
FF 12~ 4th Generation - ??????

What do you guys think of this? Any disagreement?

04-10-2006, 05:32 PM
Hells yeah I disagree.

1-3: The establishment
4-5: Gameplay evolves into something good.
6: /xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif /xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif and more fucking /xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif!
7-10-2: Story takes over and gameplay is dumb down to moronic levels.
11: Story is chucked out the window
12: Balance and greatness is achieved.

boys from the dwarf
04-10-2006, 08:12 PM
i agree with 1-3 being the establishment.
4-6 are when it realy begins. i dont know why you hate FF6 so much though. 7 is still sort of the same as the older ones but 3D. 8-9 have excellent storylines and although they are easy (especially FF8. FF9 was easier than most FFs but not as easy as 8.) they are very fun to play and the storyline of FF9 is mainly what makes it my favourite game. FF10 and 10-2 in my opinion gradually got worse. FFx good game and cant complain but not as good as some others and then all of a sudden the whole of square is taken hostage by stupid pervs who create FFX-2. ive not played FF11. seems as its online i wouldnt think is has much storyline but it looks fun to play. FF12 im not sure but it does seem very good in both storyline and gameplay.

04-12-2006, 04:53 PM
FF12 and future FFs I'm sure will take into effect more of a "in control" type of battle system, where your characters dont just stand still and you choose to attack or cast a spell, but like in FF12 you move them around and attack freely

Personally I love games like the ps2 Star Ocean and Radiata stories, where you run into an enemy and enter a 'battlefield' where you fight in a way, but then you have free movement controls of your character to duck in and out of enemy attacks and have much more control in your characters ability to attack and defend himself

04-12-2006, 05:51 PM
I agree with the guy above me. The graphics of the PlayStation3 is going to allow SquareEnix to make ANY kind of battle system. It's gonna look good since it's the FFX team making it:meditate: I'm looking forward to FFXIII more than FFXII.:tonberry:

Ballistix Man
04-13-2006, 09:01 PM
FF1-4:The gradual early evolution of gameplay.
FF4-7: Story and gameplay reachs an all time high.
FF8-10- Story and gameplay have gotten gradualy worse.
FF10-2: Story has been abolished and an attempt at a throwback to older FF games is made. Gameplay has become extremely bad.
FF11: Strides have been made towards making the FF fanbase larger. Older fans are irked at lack of story but MMORPG fans are drawn in by the familiar name of FF and the extremely good gameplay.
FF12: Gameplay has evolved into one somewhat like FF 11. Story has gotten a little better but is still relatively simple. The game leaves behind the constant FF archetype of a love triangle, lost love, and unrequited love. And the game is an attempt bring the series back to it's roots while at the same time garnering new fans.
FF13: ???

Moon Rabbits
04-13-2006, 09:05 PM
I disagree to the fullest.

FF1~FF4 1st Generation - Establish RPG Foundation
FF5~FF7 2nd Generation - Emphasis on Game System, Peak of RPG
FF8~FF10 3rd Generation - Emphasis on Story, Romance, and Movie
FF 12~ 4th Generation - ??????

I agree that FF 1, 2, and 3 were establishing titles, but 4 wasn't really...it was an innovating title I'd say. Anyway, I don't think 5 - 7 were the peak or rpg...i mean, emphasis was on the game's system in FF5 and 6 only, FF7 had a crappy battle system. I really don't think there's been a peak per ce, because everyone has their favourites so it's too hard to pin point.

As for me, the list goes more like so:

FF1: Groundwork
FF2: Adding complexity (slight) to the storyline
FF3: Innovation to the battle system (jobs)
FF4: Deeper characters and story
FF5: Nothing too special, a job system remake and mediocre story
FF6: Deepest of characters and story so far, new innovations to battle
FF7: Very good story line, little innovation
FF8: Very good story, many well developed (and some under developed) characters, lots of gameplay innovation
FF9: Very good story, deep characters, some battle innovation
FF10: Original story that wasn't handled well. Very good, fluent, and innovative gameplay (sphere board/CTB)
FF11: Experimental, in my opinion
FF12: ? Who knows.

I really don't get how many people think gameplay has gotten worse since FF7. FF7 had really lame gameplay, as did 6. 8 had junctions which were fun and very custumizable, 9 had the ability gems, which were very easy to learn and very effective and added to the gameplay, X had the sphere grid and CTB, which i think is innovation beyond innovation.

Ballistix Man
04-13-2006, 09:28 PM
8's system sucked as well as 9's.

04-14-2006, 06:26 AM
FF1: Groundwork
FF2: Adding complexity (slight) to the storyline
FF3: Innovation to the battle system (jobs)
FF4: Deeper characters and story
FF5: Nothing too special, a job system remake and mediocre story
FF6: Deepest of characters and story so far, new innovations to battle
FF7: Very good story line, little innovation
FF8: Very good story, many well developed (and some under developed) characters, lots of gameplay innovation
FF9: Very good story, deep characters, some battle innovation
FF10: Original story that wasn't handled well. Very good, fluent, and innovative gameplay (sphere board/CTB)
FF11: Experimental, in my opinion
FF12: ? Who knows.I agree with most of what aisle_s has said, and I do agree somewhat with the earlier presented categories as well. I like aisle's list because it's game-specific. Some modifications I would make:

FF5 is a much more fluid version of FF3. Jobs and Abilities and everything just makes more sense now. While the story isn't much to behold, in relation to its predecessors it's quite good, about on par with FF4.

I think the FF7-10 have had the most innovation so far. The expanded processing capabilities of PSX and PS2 allow more than just a standard menu. I also agree with the emphasis on romance in the story line and a paradigm shift in game making from "playable video game" to "interactive movie". This corresponds with less detail on storyline and more detail on character development. This also corresponds with the lack of gameplay innovation that is overcompensated by obscure (albeit interesting) ability system innovations.

I was actually relieved to see the return of the updated CTB in FF10, and enjoyed being able to manipulate the lineup. I think FF10 was just as experimental as FF11, and it didn't perform well in some respects, but I am a huge fan of experimenting, and overall FF10 really impressed me. As opposed to FF8, which also had a ton of innovations, but the lack of a driving story.

04-14-2006, 06:59 AM
Hells yeah I disagree.
11: Story is chucked out the window

You are kidding right?


04-14-2006, 07:05 AM
i am going to agree with omecle here, have you even played the game long enough ed? It seems like to me you know nothing of it.

Markus. D
04-19-2006, 05:21 AM
ed ;\

your judgement is'nt to good at all.

....actually play ffxi first, nub.

Nakor TheBlue Rider
04-21-2006, 03:18 PM
1st of all im gonna agree with Omecle and LionX

Having Played FFXI for 2 years it deffinitly HAS a complex and interesting story. Morso than Most if not All other MMO's.

Although Id say that the "Generation" of Games goes by the "Generation" of the Console its Played on.

1-3 = Nintendo = 1st Generation
4-6 = Super Nintendo = 2nd Generation
7-9(+Tactics) = Playstation = 3rd Generation
10-12 = PS2 = 4th Generation
13 = PS3 hopfully = would be 5th Generation

04-21-2006, 05:03 PM
Although Id say that the "Generation" of Games goes by the "Generation" of the Console its Played on.

1-3 = Nintendo = 1st Generation
4-6 = Super Nintendo = 2nd Generation
7-9(+Tactics) = Playstation = 3rd Generation
10-12 = PS2 = 4th Generation
13 = PS3 hopfully = would be 5th Generation

I agree with this method.