View Full Version : a werid feeling......

04-12-2006, 11:26 PM
when i was playing kingdom hearts 2, when i frist meet yuna rikku and paine yuna asked "whats leon's gang up to?"
and when i was about to fight sephiroth he said "what is cloud doing?"
like both of them want to know something about someone,
and they both can dissapear?

i don't know i have a werid feeling that yuna,rikku and paine are conncted to sephiroth in the kingdom hearts 2 world, and its a werid feeling in me all the time?

so do you think so to?

04-12-2006, 11:38 PM
no,why you ask?

i dunno

04-13-2006, 12:04 AM
That suggestion is a logical mess.

04-13-2006, 02:02 AM
That's stretching it... a lot.

04-13-2006, 02:13 AM

04-13-2006, 07:11 PM

Ballistix Man
04-13-2006, 08:33 PM
It took me five minues to figure out what you typed and no thats stretching it further than my shirts.

04-13-2006, 09:09 PM
I disagree with all of you.

It's possible.. if Kingdom Hearts were Darkness, and if Sora were Kairi's brother, then yes, by all means, Sephiroth == YRP is possible. Xemnas == Kefka, and Kefka felt that FFVI wasn't enough, and he had to conquer a new world.

It's entirely possible if: "the desert is the way to Jesus, because you cannot comprehend the possible dilusions of your absence in the mitigation of the ways of the man on the face of the red core of Jupiter, which is actually the moon of eternal gingerbread man with yellow sprinkles on the river in time that will let you understand the folly of your delectible, hardcore, love of nothingness and solidarity, which is in fact, the Joyce way of getting to know anything is possible, because the coast of the Tripoli the the pizza of fire on grass delighted by the summer of trees in cold, hard, fall asleep of the ghetto of junior peppermints", actually makes sense.

If either one of those statements makes sense, then this JAVA program I just compiled will output "this makes sense."
*an hour later*

I just ran it.

The output was a small JAVA explosion, and for some reason, I now have 50 viruses on my computer.

04-13-2006, 09:16 PM
No but I get what you mean by "a weird feeling", and when theres an inexplicable feeling, it cant be helped.

Tifa's Real Lover(really
04-13-2006, 09:39 PM
That suggestion is a logical mess.

04-13-2006, 11:50 PM
:love: Tavrobel

Anyway, about Seph and YeRP. I . . . don't . . . care.
Faeries have a tendancy to appear and disappear and Seph is basically a spirit. Most likely they have no relation, but at the moment, it simply doesn't matter either way.

Chibi Youkai
04-14-2006, 12:32 AM
Nope, didn't even for once think that.
The very idea of Sephiroth and the Gullwings even being remotely connected sends shivers down the spine. But I do see where you could get that conclusion.

-Red XIII-
04-14-2006, 12:35 AM
Sephiroth probably wouldn't hang around someone that looked like that. that would scare me if he did.