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04-21-2006, 03:27 PM
No, not my body thank God. Here:

I was driving along the highway like usual, and I noticed the 2nd car in front of me was slowing down. So I start slowing down....then I noticed they weren't slowing down they were stopping (!!!!)

So I put more pressure on brakes and managed to stop. Looked in the mirror....

Weeeee car was barrelling down on me. Clunk. I go '><' and put the car in park, turn off the engine, etc. Guy behind me hasn't left the car yet...hmm... By the time I left the car the person behind us is checking on our friend here. He's dazed. His windshield is shattered. No damage to my car (at first glance). The guy behind us was driving a pickup -- the front is caved in.


So we talk to the guy -- he's fine. The 3rd person has called cops and two tow trucks come by. I'm still fine so I drive off to the shoulder. Cops and Paramedics come and it seems everybody is fine except the person in the middle -- he ended up hitting his own face when the airbag exploded. At this point I notice my rear bumper is all out of whack -- the sides are unhinged.

My laptop's still in there actually. Gotta get it out.

But yeah, I'm fine, but I have a slight whiplash. Gonna see physio later.


Car accidents, general maladies, and rantings :D

04-21-2006, 03:33 PM
I got whiplash headbanging at my friends house once.

04-21-2006, 03:38 PM
I got whiplash headbanging at my friends house once.

I get neck pains just sitting on the bus facing the wrong way. Like around here there are seats that face away from the front at an angle -- you try to sit that way and look at the front, you get neck cramps


04-21-2006, 03:43 PM
Yeah, I know how ya feel. My neck could barely support the weight of my head for two days, I had to lie down most the time.

04-21-2006, 03:45 PM
Yesterday, I thought I was gonna die in a car accident. I was in the front passanger seat and we were driving on the highway. Mom glanced out her window and was like "OMG WTF GAS PRICES ARE 3.05!11"! and then she drove on the cement pavement that had the seperator rail and she was like "Oh crap!" and she drove off quick, but the car started swerving like insane and on my side, there was a big 16 wheeler truck that if she would've hit, probably would've really hurt me. I was scared to death. xD But we didn't hit anything. :)

04-21-2006, 03:47 PM
Nice One.

04-21-2006, 03:48 PM
That sucks o.o The only thing close to a car wreck I've been in is riding in a car on an icy road, and the car spun out, I was with my grandma.

Meat Puppet
04-21-2006, 03:51 PM
When I was like 11 I was riding my bike really fast and then all of a sudden white and pleasing thoughts and then I woke up in a field and I was pretty upset because I lost my shoe and all these Samoan ladies were hugging me and crying and one guy called me his brother but the actual chances of him being a like long lost brother or something were slim as he was really black and twice my age but he did carry my bike and I found my shoe eventually it was by a rock and I told my uncle pete that I got hit by a car and he put me in a bath and I had a gash on my left butt cheek. :-)

04-21-2006, 03:57 PM
Yesterday, I thought I was gonna die in a car accident. I was in the front passanger seat and we were driving on the highway. Mom glanced out her window and was like "OMG WTF GAS PRICES ARE 3.05!11"! and then she drove on the cement pavement that had the seperator rail and she was like "Oh crap!" and she drove off quick, but the car started swerving like insane and on my side, there was a big 16 wheeler truck that if she would've hit, probably would've really hurt me. I was scared to death. xD But we didn't hit anything. :)
Moms are the second-worst drivers in the history of the world. The only group of people worse are grandmoms.

04-21-2006, 04:29 PM

04-21-2006, 04:33 PM
I don't trust people in cars at all. No matter how good they are there is someone out there who is bad enough to smash the good driver to pieces. Therefore never trust a driver.

Luther X-Rated
04-21-2006, 04:53 PM
I run into random people on accident.

I think that counts : I

04-21-2006, 04:56 PM
My dad and older sister were hit by a lorry, they spun upside down and ended up in the middle of the roundabout. And my dad and mum crashed into a skip.

Elite Lord Sigma
04-21-2006, 04:58 PM
I've a got a few.

1. When I was 2, I was sitting in a shopping cart at a furniture store. A desk on the top shelf near where I was fell on top of me, breaking my collarbone.

2. When I was 10, I was on my scooter with my brother and cousin. We went down a hill near where I used to live while crouching. I fell off and broke my left arm, along with getting several bruises, scratches, and cuts.

04-21-2006, 05:02 PM
A 18-wheeler lorry smashed into the back of a friend's car when the guy driving was concentrating on his phone call rather than the road. Luckily A) The lorry was unloaded and B) the friend in question had a soccer mom-mobile with a large boot.

If the lorry was loaded, and we were in a smaller vehicle, my friend and I in the back seat would have been red meaty goop.

04-21-2006, 05:07 PM
I was in a car crash ages ago,,,but since we had a fuckin huge SUV, we got ONE measly dent, while the poor little car in front got its whole back caved in. I was amused

04-21-2006, 05:30 PM
The only accident I've ever had was in my own driveway when I backed into my friend's van. Nothing happened to her van, but the right rear fender of my car has an ugly dent. I learned my lesson but good.

04-21-2006, 06:43 PM
I have a similar situation to yours, Moo moo. Last April I was driving in Dallas on I-635, and the car in front of me stopped due to a traffic jam, I stopped, but the car behind me didn't, because she was looking down and not at the road. Damn woman drivers. :D

04-21-2006, 06:53 PM
I have a similar situation to yours, Moo moo. Last April I was driving in Dallas on I-635, and the car in front of me stopped due to a traffic jam, I stopped, but the car behind me didn't, because she was looking down and not at the road. Damn woman drivers. :D

Holy crap. Full speed collision? Did you die????

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Madame Adequate
04-21-2006, 07:09 PM
I've been in three (Or possibly four?) car crashes, but none of them were at great speed, so I never incurred damage.

04-21-2006, 07:12 PM
My Mum was in a crash a few years ago. It wasn't a big one, but big enough to knock her confidence in driving

04-21-2006, 07:17 PM
Fortunately, I haven't been involved in any car accidents yet, although I did lock the wheels last weekend. I guess you can blame an overall lack of experience for that little mishap, as I tried to do a rather quick, sharp turn in a Ford Fiesta. Not a good idea, methinks.

I hope your neck recovers quickly.

04-21-2006, 10:58 PM
Holy crap. Full speed collision? Did you die????

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Yes, I died. The back of my car got totaled, as did the front of hers. The person in front of me had a little damage. But the moral of the story is that I continued on my errand and got Jason Terry's autograph, which was why I was in Dallas anyway.

04-22-2006, 12:23 AM
The back of my right foot got ran over by a car when I was in Korea. The dude got out and looked all like he was in the mafia and he was going to kill me so me and my two friends ran. Luckily the alcohol prevented damage.

04-22-2006, 12:25 AM
PG, is your car insurance rate higher (Well, before the accident, obviously. Of course they'd be higher now) than other people's because of azn driving stereotypes?

04-22-2006, 12:30 AM
When I was 16, I was riding with my mom and we hit another car going about 40-50 miles an hour. I hit the windshield and had a nice concussion. I had two black eyes for about a week...

04-22-2006, 02:24 AM
When I was like 11 I was riding my bike really fast and then all of a sudden white and pleasing thoughts and then I woke up in a field and I was pretty upset because I lost my shoe and all these Samoan ladies were hugging me and crying and one guy called me his brother but the actual chances of him being a like long lost brother or something were slim as he was really black and twice my age but he did carry my bike and I found my shoe eventually it was by a rock and I told my uncle pete that I got hit by a car and he put me in a bath and I had a gash on my left butt cheek. :-)
why am I the only one laughing at this? This is funny!

04-22-2006, 02:55 AM
PG, is your car insurance rate higher (Well, before the accident, obviously. Of course they'd be higher now) than other people's because of azn driving stereotypes?

Azn and because I'm a man. Actually that brings up another double standard. I hate life again.


edit: fun time!

PG is travelling on the highway at 100 KM/h. He is following a pickup truck also going 100 KM/h, until the truck in front starts to decelerate. PG had noticed the vehicle in front of the truck had been slowing down, so he had started decelerating about 1-1.5 seconds in advance. PG manages to achieve zero velocity without contact with the vehicle in front. Assume the distance between vehicles at 0 velocity is 2 meters. He looks into the rear mirror to see a vehicle travelling at him at an unknown velocity. Said vehicle (a Sunfire) does not decelerate enough and smashes into PG. A pickup truck then crashes into the Firebird. Airbags on both passenger and driver side deployed on the Sunfire.

Upon investigation of the damage, PG's car's rear bumper has no additional dents, though the sides of the bumpers were dislodged slightly. The Pontiac's windshield was shattered on both sides, and its hood was ajar. The pickup truck's front bumper and grill were caved in.

Assume sunny day, clear visibility, and clear road conditions. The accident occurred on a highway (naturally).

a) draw a diagram illustrating the accident
b) estimate the distance PG was from the pickup truck in front of him
c) using any researched information involving relevant variables, attempt to estimate the velocity of the Pontiac at the time of collision
d) bonus question: justify asian pride

04-22-2006, 04:14 AM
I've had a couple car accidents.

The first one was because the road was icy and I had to stop fast and was unfortunetly on a patch of ice. So my car started to spin and I was sliding sideways and the car behind(side of me) slid too and broad side me so I had to get my car passenger side door replaced. Luckily the accident wasn't my fault and no one was hurt.

Second time was worse. I was at a stop sign where the side traffic doesn't stop and had to turn left. A van coming from my left was turning right so I went but, there was a car on the side of it hidden(it was a 4 way highway) and it hit me. The accident was my fault, I got a head injury, and to top it off my car was totaled. :rolleyes2

04-22-2006, 05:07 AM
When I got run over, it was one of the most surreal moments in my life. Roadworks had been done during the day on the street I was crossing, so the zebra crossing machine thingies weren't on. The lane right in front of me is at a standstill; I go on tiptoes and look down the road and don't see /xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif/xxx.gif so I bolt. Halfway across, I just knew I was screwed; I turn my head to my left and see a red Ford Fiesta bombing it at me.

"Oh fu--" *BLAT!*

The next thing I know, I'm lying on my front in the road. I don't know quite where in the road I am, but logic tells me that if I roll left (I don't dare open my eyes yet) a few times, I should reach the pavement. Trying to roll up the kerb was weird, but seemed to work out alright. Finally on my back, I hear footsteps and open my eyes to see the owner of the shop I was heading for looking down at me.

"Bloody hell mate, you alright?"

I reach into a pocket, pull out my cigarettes and then spark one up.

"I am now." And then I start giggling like a motherfucker.

I guess it must have been shock, since I didn't feel a damn thing. What apparently happened is the car hit me in the left knee initially, causing it to buckle. The additional momentum of the car + me buckling resulted in me headbutting the windshield, taking all the skin off the left side of my face, giving me two black eyes and several small scars around my left eye where individual shards dug in. Then comes the fun bit; the car finally comes to a stop and whee! I go flying a further two meters down the road.

The next day, the left side of my face is one heaving mass of scab and my eyes are so swollen I can't even open them; naturally, I strut around as school turfs out since I got the day off.

The moral of this story is: chicks dig scars.

04-22-2006, 05:13 AM
I got into one in Jan 2006

So I stop at a red light in Phoenix, az (worlds worst drivers). As I'm sitting at this stop light I see a truck flying at me in my rear view mirror, so I slam the gass but was too late. got hit buy a huge 350 dodge ram doing around 50.

now it starts to get good. The guy driveing the truck is bleeding out of his head all over, has a very obvoius broken arm and you'll never belive it.....yep still holding on to his beer.

Now it Gets even Better. The cops show up rather quickly about a minite. The guy who hit me starts to run, and the cops just watch him run away. I was VERY MAD screeming go get that jackass who hit me, the cop says " let him run we have his truck".

NOW IT GETS EVEN EVEN BETTER. The guy was an illigal imagrant from mexico, no insurence in the truck, and the guy never was caught, and even if he was caught nothing I can do becuase he's not an amercian. Cops wouldn't pay for anything even though they watched the driver quickly stumble around

Good thing I had full coverage, but still had to pay 500 for the deductable.

p.s. Jetta's are very good cars for safty, his truck was distroyed and so was the driver, but My car had a smashed bumber and trunk and thats it, and I didn't get hurt at all.

04-22-2006, 05:14 AM
I feel close to getting into a wreck any time I try to cross the twice daily intersection between home and school.

*especially* when there's people facing me trying to turn left. And I try to edge around a car turning right between us, but they do the same thing and I have to stop before I pile into the side of them.

I've been in three wrecks I think. Twice was guys rearending my mom and once was when a van shot off the interstate exit ramp without looking and piled into the side (my side;o) of the blazer. I've never been hurt from one though.

Agent Proto
04-22-2006, 05:17 AM
I was in a car crash ten years ago. Still have scars from it on my left arm. Anyway, yeah. I'm a totally safe driver, as I haven't been in a car crash when I was driving.

04-22-2006, 05:35 AM
Oh jeez, man!!

Is the car alright?

04-22-2006, 06:37 AM
HAHA! Yamaneko. I'm sorry that happened Pureghetto. I hope you have insurance. Anyway, my mom was in a car accident a couple of years ago. What had happened this man was driving on this really low lit road, and hit a deer which made his car go out of control. Well, my mom was coming in the same direction and he ended up flipping over my mom. He crashed into a ditch or something. But it was already fatal, because when the car flipped he fell out of it. The moral of this story is stop trying to be cool and wear your freakin' seat belts.

black orb
04-22-2006, 07:08 AM
>>> I just get hit by flying objects.. since I dont drive, I dont know about car accidents, when i was little I used to cross the streets recklessly but i never got hit..

04-22-2006, 07:38 AM
Of course I have insurance. I would be in big trouble right now if I didn't :)

04-22-2006, 12:47 PM
tut beening ran over is nothing to me know i have been ran over 6 times it just means i have no road sence lol hehe :D

04-22-2006, 02:16 PM
a) draw a diagram illustrating the accident
b) estimate the distance PG was from the pickup truck in front of him
c) using any researched information involving relevant variables, attempt to estimate the velocity of the Pontiac at the time of collision
d) bonus question: justify asian pride

That's something only an azn can do!

04-22-2006, 02:23 PM
I remember years ago when I was going back in the car from France. On the motorway, there was this upside-down car with loads of beer cans littered around it.

04-22-2006, 03:39 PM
Chinese drivers are crazy. To them, traffic rules are more like guidelines. I know, because I've taken cabs in Beijing.

Itsunari 2000
04-23-2006, 12:50 AM
Unfortunately I have not been in a fatal accident as of yet. I intend on tailoring my appearance towards achieving a colourless look ie. grey suit and dyed grey hair, that will make me indistinguishable on some bleak Sunday morning as I cross the road and hopefully I will be mown down. I improvised a little poem about it. It's pretty amusing :

Grey walks
A phantom in motion
Steel and chrome connects with bone and sinew
Grey crumples
Red spreads in a hot pool on cold tarmac
Fade to black
Unseen, unheard.