View Full Version : secrets

lady yunalesca
04-24-2006, 12:31 AM
i just saw a thread called "rumours". it talks about rumours of secret ff characters and such. i was just wondering how many of you have done something out of the ordinary, or a little bit sneaky with any of the ff series?

do any secret chracters really exsist? etc etc!! you get the idea. if you have any extras to share, please do!!! :)

my example of this would be finding out Daggers true name in FF9............thats sort of thing!!! (by the way its sarah

04-24-2006, 12:56 AM
Nothing is new that hasn't already been documented by gamers and guide makers. However, you can revive Aeris if you play Cid, the resident creator and CEO of EoFF, 1 million dollars.

The singular exception is all the items in FFIX, which is not at all reliably documented by the BradyGames Strategy guide. However, online walkthroughs are better.

If you REALLY want a new secret item, then wait for FFIIIj on DS.

Also you can share such rumors in that thread...