View Full Version : where to get the glide ability..??

04-25-2006, 12:45 PM
the poster duty is really hard.. i can't finish it in 30secs i did it in 40secs
and i don't have the glide ability.. help! :cry:

04-25-2006, 01:57 PM
LvL up Final form for Glide.

04-25-2006, 02:04 PM

Go powerful women
04-25-2006, 03:05 PM
If you level up final form do you get to use glide in normal sora then?

04-25-2006, 03:23 PM
If you level up final form do you get to use glide in normal sora then?

Yes... He'll earn Glide as a natural ability when Final hits level 3 I think. If you get Final Form all the way to level 7 Sora will zippity-do-da all over the place like a kung-fu eagle.

04-25-2006, 03:23 PM
yep, every form gives sora abiliteis as they lvl.

04-25-2006, 08:20 PM
At level one of the form, the ability is usable only in form, Sora cannot use the Learned ability from the form yet while in normal form
At level three, the ability converts to level 2, and level one is usable by Sora
At level five, the ability converts to level 3, and level 2 is usable by Sora
At Maximum Drive levels, the ability converts to level 4/MAX, and level 3 is usable by Sora

Level Valor by attacking anything. The more the hits (weapon strikes), the more the EXP.
Level Wisdom by killing Heartless, all Heartless counts for 1 EXP.
Level Master by gathering Drive Orbs, from most Hollow Bastion enemies.
Level Final by killing Nobodies, all Nobodies count for 1 EXP.

Giga Guess
04-26-2006, 11:19 PM
To add to that:

Valor teaches High Jump
Wisdom teaches Quick Move
Master teaches Aerial Dodge, which is essentially Double jump, save for the fact that the second jump doesn't get a ot more air...
Final teaches Glide