View Full Version : Favorite Radiata Stories character (s)

04-27-2006, 10:45 PM

Yes. Well, Ridley's pretty cool too. :cat:

04-28-2006, 12:02 AM
I have this coming in the mail... When it gets here I'll let you know all about who's who in my book...

On first impression, Jack is sexyness to the Extremex10

Timber Maniac
04-28-2006, 12:33 AM
I was about two hours into Radiata Stories when I stopped playing. This was back in like... October? I dunno, it was all just a bit too playful/cartoonish for me. I'm only keeping this because it might be worth something a few years down. Maybe I'll play this again when I'm in another RPG drought.

04-28-2006, 03:23 AM
The story is playful and funny, it just is. (Well, near the end, not really funny at all, but whatever.) Being two hours into the game isn't far enough at all, whatsoever to judge the game at all. You haven't even gotten far enough into the story, nor have you gotten to the point where links/skills and commands have been given to you. Although it's up to personal preference whether you enjoy the (for the most part) non-serious story. :cat:

But anyway...I could've sworn that there were alot of other RS players here before. *sigh* :cat:

Elwen is still teh awesomnesz!1!one

Edit: And, recruiting all 177 characters. That can't be forgotten. :p

04-28-2006, 03:38 AM
I bought the game solely for "its funny" reasons. Now I love Xenosaga's crazy drama just fine, but I have a sweet tooth for the Shadow Hearts series too, so I wanted a nice change of pace. Something funny, please!

04-28-2006, 05:05 AM
I play RS. I have beaten the game once so far. Havent gotten all the characters but I think most of the vancour knights are cool. pretty cool looking armour and such. *(to bad the best armour I found is no good :mad: ) but as for a fav character, I have to say too many to put a fav on any one person.

04-28-2006, 05:09 AM
You don't think the Valiant Mail looks awesome? :p Or are you talking about some other armour? (Absolute Guard? Robot Suit? :p )

Here's more evidence of Elwen's supreme awesomness, she can kill the final boss alone in one minute:



04-28-2006, 05:15 AM
oh the armour I was referring to was the one that can be found in Alangandars castle. Its black with a cape. Havent found the valiant mail still searching for it. I believe in the power of Elwen but then agian I still beat the final boss at lvl 55 in about 45 min of running around screeming and using many upon many items.

04-28-2006, 06:27 AM
Oh...was he that hard to you? Well, I had Kain uber-healing me all the time, so I guess I wasn't too afraid. :( I was at level 54.

The Demon's Armour? If you have a high-level Auto Cure on, it'll pretty much be fazed out, so I'd still wear because of the super-high defence of any in-game armour.

As for the Valiant Mail, it's in the post-game-optional-dungeon that's in every tri-Ace game. (It's a new Travel Pig destination, if you didn't know.)

05-23-2006, 01:55 AM
I got this game two weeks ago and I've been playing it almost non stop. I took the human path and now I'm at the end and picking up some missed characters. Lily is my favorite character. She's been in my team since before my first independant mission.

05-23-2006, 06:39 PM
Ridley, without a doubt. Jack looks awesome with the Divine Coat, though.

I beat the final boss with Jack, Ganz and Gil alone, in protest for a certain character's disappearance near the end of the game. I'm not sure I got any benefits from doing so (well...no), but my point (which is...?) stands.

05-23-2006, 11:16 PM
Is that coat only available in the Fairy Path? That would explain why I never got it...:cat:

Really nice sig btw! :cat: :)

05-24-2006, 05:01 PM
Is that coat only available in the Fairy Path? That would explain why I never got it...:cat:

Really nice sig btw! :cat: :)
It's only available in the Human Path, as a buyable item (maybe that's why you missed it). Honestly, an armor doesn't make up for all the story development included in the Fairy Path...

Thanks a lot. Radiata looks good anywhere, huh?

05-24-2006, 05:20 PM
the best should be Elwen, Kain, Valkyrie, Nyx and Jack(he's the hero)...

the rest that i love is Genius, Lily, Iris, and Flora...

05-24-2006, 09:49 PM
I chose the Human Path for Elwen and Cain, two of my favs. Still, I'd have to say the Fairy Path is much better story-wise.

Cross is still an ass in either case.

06-16-2006, 05:44 PM
for the most part, I like armored characters. I was pleased to note that Jack's appearance could be changed. I like Cornelia/Rachel, Ridley naturally, Cross (he's a jerk but he is pretty), Leona,

06-16-2006, 11:49 PM
I liked Gerald. I worked hard to acquire him as soon as I could, and fought many times till I finally figured out a way to beat him. I was lazy and never got Elwan, so Gerald was in my final party against the EQ. Jack, Kain (uber healer), Valkyrie, and Gerald. When I replayed it I went NonHuman side and used Jack, Valkyrie, the black goblin leader guy (cant remember name), and one of the light elves that could heal, I cant remember her name either lol. Ethereal Queen is so much harder when you dont have Kain, whos immune to status effects and can spam massive group healing over and over again.

Anyways, full list of my favorite characters? Gil, Kain, Ganz, Gerald, The Blood and normal Orcs, and of course... THE BIG LIPPED ANASTASIA (jk, so annoying)

07-16-2006, 10:42 PM
Golye, Elwen*, Ganz in his bandit look, Lily* right up to her blades (though I don't like her profile pic), Iris, Jack has this awesome armor (that consumes his HP 1 point at a time),

Pretty much, if they're human, I like them . . . if they're armored, I like them . . . if fighting Lucian is the end of the game, I'm pissed.