View Full Version : Beyond Good and Evil and FF8

Future Esthar
04-27-2006, 11:59 PM
This is not intended to be a theory thread nor a long one.

I just played BGE and note a lot of similarities to FF8 and some FF7 references like the "materia christals".

1-Jade gets infected by some aliens as Edea gets possessed.

2-Jade owns an orphanage related to a lighthouse like Edea.

3-The main city is shielded a little like Esthar.

4-The beluga looks a lot like the Ragnarok.

5-Aliens fall from the moon in meteors

6-An interactive battle with aliens appear on the moon on the same way that we see the students battling with the soldiers on GG.

7-Mamago garage is located on the middle of the ocean and the rhinos fix things a little like in FH.
You can even use the roof to land the ship.

8-The orphans had their fathers killed in a war against the Domz (aliens).

9-One of the hovercraft runners is called "Doctor Benzine"

10-From the outside the factory resembles a single pillar from the DDprison along with one of the upper pathway pair.

11-An anttena appears over a mountain near the main city.

I wonder if they got inspired by FF8?

04-28-2006, 12:20 AM
Perhaps, and the similarities are real big! Although the games were made by different companies, not to mention that the game system is real different from each other. But there’s a small possibility that the FF 8 may give the inspiration for the BGE…

Moon Rabbits
04-28-2006, 03:14 AM
This is not intended to be a theory thread


Anyway, there are alot of similarities...interesting. Maybe FF8 was an inspiration.

Future Esthar
04-28-2006, 11:10 AM
But I researched the internet and people along with Ubi only point to Zelda as the inspiration.

04-28-2006, 12:11 PM
But I researched the internet and people along with Ubi only point to Zelda as the inspiration.

That's odd. I mean that game have more similarities than with the Zelda game. :confused:

Although I never played Zelda...

Owen Macwere
04-28-2006, 01:21 PM
this is really odd there is so much semilarities to ff8 i like that:D
anyway, i think that when games get like that sort of this make them boring right....?
i mean well, when u play a game that was similar to another what the point then of playing it.......u already know the story ^_^

Future Esthar
04-28-2006, 06:07 PM
Good to know I am not alone.Should I made a poll?

*~Angel Wing~*
04-30-2006, 01:59 AM
That's really cool...They probably did copy off of FFVIII, I mean who wouldn't? It's only THE BEST GAME IN THE UNIVERSE!!! :kaohappy2 :D

Future Esthar
04-30-2006, 02:17 PM

Totally agree.

I would like to see opposite opinions though.

04-30-2006, 05:17 PM

Totally agree.

I would like to see opposite opinions though.

FF8 is the worst game EVER! All discs of it should be found and neuralized and virused so that when they are played they destroy the platform!

Have a nice day! :)

Future Esthar
04-30-2006, 09:08 PM
Opposite oppinions on the subject of this thread,I mean.

05-07-2006, 06:35 AM
Well, just for the sake of arguing, I'll try.

Although I've never played BGE, they might've not gotten their ideas from FF8. It could just be highly coincidental. Afterall, stories about aliens are popular, as well as orphans. Aliens give the sense of fantasy of science fiction. Orphans give the sense of disadvantage, and if the main characters are orphans, you feel energy from them, and you might feel sympothy from them, giving them more character and background. Put them together, and you have a story about orphans and aliens.
What better place is there than to have aliens fall from than the moon? What better way is there for past heroes to die and have kids at an ophange than from being murdered by aliens? None. So you have main characters who are orphans and enemies who are aliens.
Now, Edea got possessed right? Well, if you have a story about aliens, it's not a TRUE story with aliens until someone gets abducted, probed, infected, whatever. Jade got infected, pretty predictable from Alien stuff, yeah?

I'm just gonna stop right there because I've basically flooded this post with fallacies. It's tough to make an arguement when you don't even believe in the side you're defending lol.

Future Esthar
05-07-2006, 04:00 PM
Mr "everything is a coincidence" guy talking here.

What about the "Materia" chrystals?

05-07-2006, 05:40 PM
Its not like Materia grants you summons in BG&E, and alien infection and sorceress posession aren't all that similar to me. If Jade is married to some old guy named Cid in BG&E2 I'll give you that one. As for the antenna on a mountain, I don't really remember that in BG&E but really, where would be the best place to transmit? Highest places you can find I would think, perhaps a mountain top? Doesn't surprise me that they'd both come to that conclusion. As for lighthouse orphanages, I thinkg BG&E has a pretty good reason for it. Since they're on an island. A really rocky island. There's gotta be a lighthouse there. And if they're the only ones living on the island. Why not live in the lighthouse? I won't say it's coincidense, or inspiration, though it may be a combination of both, but really, I think they just came to a lot of the same conclusions independantly.

Future Esthar
05-08-2006, 01:54 PM
Materia is not a common name but a PROPER name.And they were chrystals in ff7 as well.
The name itself puts away any possibility that there is no inspiration.

05-08-2006, 02:09 PM
Sounds like too many similarities to be coincidence.

Orphan's living in a lighthouse on a rocky area (be it island, or penninsula)? The only other game to have a satelite dish (or whatever it was) on a nearby mountaintop is Dollet, that I know of anyways. Aliens falling from the moon? Those, and the other similarities listed above make it pretty obvious.

I've never even heard of BGE, let alone played it. But if what FE is saying is true, there must be some sort of inspirationfrom FFVIII. Unless BGE was released before FFVIII, or if they even began developing it before FFVIII (and perhaps it got delayed), then maybe FFVIII stole the ideas from (or was just inspired by) BGE :eek:

I'm purely going on speculation here. I know NOTHING about this game (BGE), aside from what's written in this thread. But like I said, there's a little too many similarities there for it to be coincidence.

05-08-2006, 03:35 PM
There are some similarities, but there's one huge difference. Beyond Good and Evil is a way better game. IMO. I loved the story and the characters, and the game just seemed so well polished.

Future Esthar
05-09-2006, 02:17 PM
First time we even agree,Crazybayman.Good thing.

However I think FF8 is the best game ever created.

To say BGE is better is an exageration.Not only FF8 has more storyline content but it is longer,has more characters,a lot of cities instead of JUST ONE(yea,thatīs it) and a much bigger world map.I liked BGE too much though.

You should go buy it Crazybayman.It seems the price is lower now.This game was very well appreciated by general public but due to a bad market strategy it sells bad.That is probably why you donīt hear too much about it.

05-09-2006, 06:41 PM
Yeah, perhaps I'll give it a try. If I can find somewhere to rent it.

05-09-2006, 08:34 PM

Totally agree.

I would like to see opposite opinions though.

FF8 is the worst game EVER! All discs of it should be found and neuralized and virused so that when they are played they destroy the platform!

Have a nice day! :)

Boy do I agree on that one! I hate this game...

We are allowed to express opinion, after all...right?

05-09-2006, 10:43 PM
To say BGE is better is an exageration.
Are you kidding me? Look who's talking. Explain to me, how am I exaggerating by saying that I think it's a better game? I need more than your usual babble. I need a thorough explanation.

Future Esthar
05-10-2006, 01:38 PM
The explanation was given.

05-14-2006, 04:38 PM
First time we even agree,Crazybayman.Good thing.

However I think FF8 is the best game ever created.

To say BGE is better is an exageration.Not only FF8 has more storyline content but it is longer,has more characters,a lot of cities instead of JUST ONE(yea,thatīs it) and a much bigger world map.I liked BGE too much though.


05-15-2006, 01:50 PM

Totally agree.

I would like to see opposite opinions though.

FF8 is the worst game EVER! All discs of it should be found and neuralized and virused so that when they are played they destroy the platform!

Have a nice day! :)

Boy do I agree on that one! I hate this game...

We are allowed to express opinion, after all...right?
yes.....except this thread isn't about that. There must be about 12092198470147 threads created about how people hate ff8. Post that $%#* there.

Future Esthar
06-01-2006, 03:52 AM
Itīs not like the antennas on BGE are sattelite ones and the monsters fall inside meteors.
But it doesnīt matter.