View Full Version : 301 Mission?

04-28-2006, 09:49 PM
There is another mission, It's call: "Cleanup Time".
After you complete the 300 missions, you most enter to Bervenia Palace. Then a play begin with Judgemaster Cid and a ninja.

Then enter to the mission list and appear "Cleanup Time", then go to Cadoan.

Try it.......:p :D ;) :) :cool:

When you finish the mission, Judgemaster Cid ask you if he can enter in your team.
Then enter to the mission list and appear more new missions.

Cruise Control
04-29-2006, 07:35 PM
We know.

04-29-2006, 08:24 PM
JAM777: I believe that you have been asked before to please not post more than once in a row. Use the edit/delete buttom (found in every post) if you wish to add something to your previous post.

Also, this thread is redundant as you cover this in your other thread:
