View Full Version : Is it worth it?

04-30-2006, 04:51 AM
I haven't played FF crystal chronicles nor do I own a game cube. My question is this game worth buying a game cube for?

Ballistix Man
04-30-2006, 05:30 AM
If you have 3 to 4 friends who can spend all their time at your house playing it.
Oh they would also all have to have GBA's.

05-02-2006, 06:17 PM
IMO not really. The characters had no personalities, repeatative and I dont like real time battles. I wouldnt buy a GC souly for that game. Get Harvest Moon, Skies of Arcandia (sp) or MGS: Twin Snakes.

05-02-2006, 10:27 PM
I wouldn't buy a gamecube just for FF:CC, but if there are several games you like you might as well get it along with the others.

05-20-2006, 10:43 PM
There are plenty of Game Cube games worth getting, and this is one of them, but this game alone isn't worth the price of a Game Cube.

05-21-2006, 01:42 AM
NO this game was not made to be played but rather to make GC players think that they matter in Square's eye. But if you even bother trying to play this game you better have friends who will be over every time you want to play. (Actually this could work because you'll never want to play).

Spawn of Sephiroth
06-05-2006, 10:56 PM
straight up answer, no its not. i made the mistake of buying a gamecube just for crystal chronicles and that game sucked really bad. it is repetitive.:choc2:

Markus. D
06-08-2006, 07:59 PM
if you like blacksmithing then this has a pretty good system.

and there is lots of differamnt equipment to make and enhance for your character.

the places are really pretty to explore to.

it wasnt so much plotless.... as it is clearly something about a black knight and the crystal or something...

I must get this game again someday.

06-08-2006, 08:53 PM
If you get RE4, Mario Kart Double Dash, Super Mario Sunshine, Zelda Windwaker, and Twilight Princess along with Crystal Chronicles than yes, it is worth buying a Gamecube.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and Super Smash Brothers.

06-08-2006, 10:12 PM
Unless your a super nerd with 4 friends who ALL have gba's and gba gamecube link cables, then yea go nuts. but if not its not worth it. I really have no idea why square is making 2 sequels......

06-09-2006, 01:08 AM
Mainly because the DS has opted most people to throw out or sell their GBAs, thus making Crystal Chronicles a game long past.

06-11-2006, 04:25 PM
I wouldn't buy a gamecube for it, but it's fun to play multiplayer anyway ^^