View Full Version : How would you rate the individual FF games' soundtracks?

05-01-2006, 08:55 PM
Just curious. Either a list from best to worst or a small review. Can also include FF spin-offs or Xeno/Chrono series soundtracks.

Would appreciate it.

05-02-2006, 01:19 AM
Chrono Trigger
Vagrant Story
Xenosaga I&II

In that order, top being my favorite.
It was really, really hard to say, because while I liked some overall over others, there were a handful of songs that I liked over entire CDs.
So I just kinda did my list according to the # of songs that I liked from each game, (FFT was on top either way).
I wasn't sure where to wedge in FFVIII, because there are only five songs that I really like, but I like them alot (Balamb Garden being one of them).

In the end, I loved them all. Each game has a distinct feel, and each game's music really caters to those mood settings rather effectively.

Angel Heart
05-02-2006, 04:13 PM

There the only one's i've played, FFIX's soundtrack is brilliant. :p

Silent Warrior
05-04-2006, 03:05 PM
What, Xenosaga counts here?? Neat! I'll try to leave Jeremy Soule out of it, though.

1: Xenosaga 1
3: FFX
6: Xenogears
7: Xenosaga 2
9: Chrono Trigger
10: FFIV

Although I haven't played FFX-2, I did get the PSF2-rendition of the soundtrack... and did I hate it or what...

05-04-2006, 05:00 PM
Chrono Cross- 10/10
Chrono Trigger- 10/10
Final Fantasy VII- 10/10
Final Fantasy VIII- 9/10
Final Fantasy IX- 8/10
Final Fantasy X- 7/10 ( My favorite game of the series... The soundtrack, not so much)
Final Fantasy X-2- 6/10
Xenogears- 9/10
Xenosaga Episode I- 8/10
Xenosaga Episode II- 9/10 (Note I'm the only person who thought II's was better then one)
Final Fantasy VI- 10/10

That's all I've got! I'm weird with my musical opinions so... Don't go by what I say

06-02-2006, 06:01 AM

Twilight Edge
06-02-2006, 09:54 AM

06-02-2006, 10:08 AM
FFI- 8/10 Very memorable, nostalgic tunes.
FFII- 9/10 Very well done, for the Famicom.
FFIII- 10/10 Like above, only better.
FFIV- 8/10 Like FFI.
FFV- 7/10 It was okay. Nothing terribly special. Some nice battle themes.
FFVI- 10/10 Very well done, for the Super Famicom.
FFVII- 8/10 Annoying midi, but some good tunes.
FFVIII- 9/10 I just really enjoy this one.
FFIX- 7/10 Gets repetitive since half of the songs are a variation of Fu-ru-sa-to or Melodies of Life, but not horrible.
FFX- 7/10 Some beautiful piano pieces, but too many different composers to say one person made the soundtrack. Also suffers from the FFIX syndrome.
FFT- 9/10 Yes. You'll listen to Apoplexy this very instant.
FFMQ- 8/10 If the game has one redeeming quality, it would be this.

06-02-2006, 05:06 PM
FFIV: 6/10 - Sound did suck but storyline don't.
FFVI: 8/10 - I just love FFVI boss battle theme.
FFVII: 9/10 - Good character theme, funny theme and yes J-E-N-O-V-A rules.
FFIX: 10/10 - Brilliant! Good character themes, good battle themes especially Trance Kuja and Necron battle theme, memorable Melodies of Life.
FFX: 10/10 - Masterpiece! Good character themes, good battle themes especially Otherworld, Good place theme and lovely Suteki Da Ne.
FFX-2: 8.5/10 - Good but I don't like some of it, Great 1000 Word and Outstanding Real Emotion!
FFT: 7/10 - I don't like some of it but storyline drive me to rate it 7.
KH II: 8.5/10 - Definitely cool but I don't feel it enjoying.
FFXII: 9/10 - Outrageous! Stunning but to creepy.

06-12-2006, 06:59 AM
1. FFVI OST (Just my fave)
2. FFVII OST (FF7 or not, still nicely done)
3. FFIV OST (Old and retro but has the most... busi..est... hmm..)

Those are my top 3 OST's -but- I like to stray out.

1. FFIV Piano Collections (This surprised me)
2. FFVI Piano Collections (This surprised me more. *looks up at FFIV*)
3. FFV Piano Collections (I don't know how this one got in there...)

then.. for random

1. FFVI Grand Finale (The version of The Phantom Train, Gau, Terra's theme, and Martial Law is great. And of Course... Aria de mezzo carerette (sp) )
2. Final Fantasy Pray (I had this on my computer waaaay long ago, Love it.)
3. Final Fantasy Concert 2002.02.20 (Listening to it now. xD)
and to throw this in here..
4. Final Fantasy VII: DoC Ost (It sounds like music I'd play in a high school band. :p )

That's it for me. ^^

06-14-2006, 12:06 AM
I'll only do the Playstation area:

Final Fantasy VII

This game had some pretty amazing tracks. From "Aeris' Death" to "The Main Theme" it has it all. Even though some of the tracks sounds horrible synthesized, it doesn't destract for the true beauty of the overall soundtrack. I still listen to this soundtrack whenever I feel like reminiscing all the good times I've had while playing the game. Dig in and enjoy the amazing soundtrack! It is definitely worth the import price. Note: it doesn't really have a "Theme Song" like FFVIII and FFIX, but it's still amazing.

Rate: http://i6.:bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou:/14b6z4x.gif

Final Fantasy VIII

Another amazing soundtrack. The sound was definitely improved from the previous ones, and it does hold some pretty special memories for me and some of my budies. I love how some of the tracks evoked certain emotions; Julia's Pion for example. A pretty stunning soundtrack for a lot of amazing tracks to offer. Do not pass it by, even if you didn't like the game. Oh yeah, Faye Wong's "Eyes on Me" is amazing. I feel like singing this song now, God help us all. God help us all.

Rate: http://i6.:bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou:/14b6z4x.gif

Final Fantasy IX

Do I even need to say more?

Rate: http://i5.:bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou::bou:/14b72p1.gif

Lonely Paper Star
06-14-2006, 08:20 AM
My top 5 favorites; the first being my absolute favorite. =D

5. FFX