View Full Version : wtf, crazy Lost episode ending! [spoilers everywhere]

05-04-2006, 12:06 AM
Did anybody else watch it? This is crazy! I'm not gonna spoil it but what are your opinions on the ending of the episode that just aired? I never saw it coming.

05-04-2006, 03:03 AM
I saw maybe one coming but not the other! That was definitely awesome though. I wonder what will happen now hmm

05-04-2006, 03:08 AM
I heard that it was because the two girls got caught with impaired and that's why the writer did this. I don't know about Michael though.

05-04-2006, 03:22 AM
I heard that it was because the two girls got caught with impaired and that's why the writer did this. I don't know about Michael though.
Yeah, that was my thought, too. But Michael didn't die, because he's in clips for next week.

Not what I was expecting at all. Wow.

05-04-2006, 03:23 AM
(Spoilers n' such)

Yeah that whole drunk driving situation. Real actresses are screwing up my show >_<.

I think Michael flipped just to force everybody to form an army and attack the -OTHERS- without any debate.

I think he's lying about them too, just because he wants his boy back. They probably aren't primitive or small in number he's just saying it so everybody will charge the Other Camp and cause distraction while he sneakies inside their hatch and recovers Walt. Tricky, tricky man.

05-04-2006, 05:21 AM
The most important development of this episode is probably that Jack and Claire are half-siblings. Proof:

In Season 1 Episode "Raised by Another", the psychic that Claire visits mentions 'daddy abandonment, implying that Claire's dad ran off on her.

Christian Shepard goes to the woman's house and mentions something about (I don't have it recorded) "I pay the mortgage on this house, I want to see my daughter."

He chooses to go to Australia in the first place after losing his relationship with his son.

The woman he spoke to looked a LOT like Claire. In fact, I thought it was Claire from far away.

It's been proven time and time again that everyone is connected. Christian being Claire's father would just be another one.

05-04-2006, 05:24 AM
The most important development of this episode is probably that Jack and Claire are half-siblings. Proof:

In Season 1 Episode "Raised by Another", the psychic that Claire visits mentions 'daddy abandonment, implying that Claire's dad ran off on her.

Christian Shepard goes to the woman's house and mentions something about (I don't have it recorded) "I pay the mortgage on this house, I want to see my daughter."

He chooses to go to Australia in the first place after losing his relationship with his son.

The woman he spoke to looked a LOT like Claire. In fact, I thought it was Claire from far away.

It's been proven time and time again that everyone is connected. Christian being Claire's father would just be another one.

Ohh very snazzy! So many connections. I missed the whooole first season before coming into this show though, I'm so behind now! I thought it was going to be about dinosaurs though, not crazytalk and maybe-purgatory-maybenot stuff. I wonder if all those people Hurley killed are related to anyone on the island hmm

05-04-2006, 05:33 AM
Notice how they just seemed to drop the whole big-giant-mysterious-monster out to get them thing? It just seemed to eventually fade away to nothing. And I only caught on to the series at the start the 2nd season too.

05-04-2006, 05:40 AM
Notice how they just seemed to drop the whole big-giant-mysterious-monster out to get them thing? It just seemed to eventually fade away to nothing. And I only caught on to the series at the start the 2nd season too.

Well, I guess there was that black mist that floated up to Mr. Eko and looked ominous before floating away again. I'm not sure I'd classify that as a monster though.

I guess it did fade away.. Kind of like the survival aspect of it. Now everything they could ever need is in the hatch in unlimited supply :p Well, everything but a way off the island anyway.

05-04-2006, 06:07 AM
Del Murder and I totally called the ending.

Del Murder
05-04-2006, 06:09 AM
Michael is working with the Others to get his kid back. He was probably sent to kill Anna Lucia because she isn't 'good' or whatever, and now he's going to frame Henry for all of it so that he can get away with it. At least that's what I think.

I think Jack's dad is the leader of the Others. He's behind it all!

05-04-2006, 06:11 AM
Del Murder and I totally called the ending.

The Mods ARE psychic! I knew it...>_>

Jack's pops? Twisty twisty... I'm all tingly for the finale.

Del Murder
05-04-2006, 06:13 AM
I hope Eko doesn't die. They showed him falling of the cliff in the preview and he hasn't been in the episodes lately. :(

05-04-2006, 06:28 AM
Michael is working with the Others to get his kid back. He was probably sent to kill Anna Lucia because she isn't 'good' or whatever, and now he's going to frame Henry for all of it so that he can get away with it. At least that's what I think.

I think Jack's dad is the leader of the Others. He's behind it all!

You're most likely right. At the end of the episode it looked as if Michael shot himself in the arm instead of the chest now that I think of it. And Jack's dad does seem to be attached to alot of different people so far.

05-04-2006, 07:16 AM
I don't think that Michael is working with the Others. I think the Others brainwashed him or something so that he <i>had</i> to kill. He probably doesn't even realize that he shot anyone.

05-04-2006, 07:54 AM
What's with the numbers?

05-04-2006, 08:19 AM
What's with the numbers?
Well that's a loaded question.

05-04-2006, 11:30 AM
Michael is working with the Others to get his kid back. He was probably sent to kill Anna Lucia because she isn't 'good' or whatever, and now he's going to frame Henry for all of it so that he can get away with it. At least that's what I think.

I think Jack's dad is the leader of the Others. He's behind it all!

EXACTLY what I've been thinking. Jack's dad has been bringing all these people together, meeting them in bars, etc.

I knew that Michael was the traitor but it shocked me all the same. Though like Leeza said, it's probably to get his son. And yes, if Eko dies, I will sob, because I love him. But what KB said is right, I think. I thought she looked like Claire and sounded like her too.

Loony BoB
05-04-2006, 02:09 PM
I haven't read any of this thread apart from the first post out of a huge fear of a spoiler in it somewhere, but I just have to say that you guys are making me so eager to go home early and get this and watch it the second it's downloaded. xD

05-04-2006, 06:18 PM
For those of you who watched this week, did you catch the "fake" commercial for Hanso Corporation? I was particularly pleased with myself for catching it, despite fast forwarding through with TIVO.


I don't think that Michael is working with the Others. I think the Others brainwashed him or something so that he <i>had</i> to kill. He probably doesn't even realize that he shot anyone.

I don't think so. Why would he applogize before he did the deed? I'm gonna go with him being controlled by the other, perhaps in a ploy to get his son. Remember: Where did his rifle go? Someone took it from him... and I thought they were barely armed?

I hope Eko doesn't die. They showed him falling of the cliff in the preview and he hasn't been in the episodes lately. :(
I don't think he will. Usually when they show stuff like that, it doesn't happen. If he does die, however, it will make me think that Michael is out to get everyone from <I>that</i> side of the island... what do they know?

05-04-2006, 07:09 PM
For those of you who watched this week, did you catch the "fake" commercial for Hanso Corporation? I was particularly pleased with myself for catching it, despite fast forwarding through with TIVO.


Haha, yeah. Did you call the number? 1-877-HANSORG. It's probably busy right now. It's for a new online adventure called "The Lost Experience." The UK people will start to get clues in their episodes, and we work together to learn stuff about Dharma and Alvar Hanso and stuff. So far the only thing I've discovered is that the "disease" is some kind of meningitis.

05-04-2006, 07:34 PM
They did a similiar thing with Alias like they're doing now with The Lost Experience. You would have to accept a "mission" as a CIA agent and then run around the internet looking for clues. Man, some of the clues were hidden in the weirdest pages on the internet, but it was so much fun trying to decipher all the clues and whatnot.

05-04-2006, 07:44 PM
I heard that it was because the two girls got caught with impaired and that's why the writer did this. I don't know about Michael though.
Michelle Rodregez was on Regis and Kelly this morning and she said she knew she'd be killed off at the end of the season since she started.

Oh, and about the Eco getting thrown off the cliff on, the actors who played Eco and Micheal were also on Oz and Micheal was killed by throwing him off somewhere, and Eco might've been involved somehow, since I think it was the black gang that did it. DUN DUN DUN Probably not though, it's been at least 5 or 6 years since I've seen that particular episode of Oz.

05-04-2006, 07:48 PM
Also, I really don't think Hurley's girl is going to die. She had a bunch of stuff that might have softened the blow a tiny bit and also, in the preview, someone said "SHE died", and not "THEY died." Plus, you only saw Ana Lucia's dead body in the preview.

05-04-2006, 07:52 PM
It was a blanket, and she was shot 3 times. Whoever, Kate I think, said she died was saying it to Sauyer, who wouldn't care about Libby.

05-04-2006, 07:54 PM
The title of last night's episode was "Two for the road". Heeehee. I'm sorry but that's funny given the situation. :p

05-04-2006, 08:14 PM
Have they actually explained anything in the 2nd season or do they just keep on letting loose more plot twists?

05-04-2006, 08:16 PM
I think Jack's dad is the leader of the Others. He's behind it all!

I kinda thought that too. But I think it's gonna be more Science Fictiony than that, like it turns out they all actually died in the crash and they're in a test or something. It'd explain the random monsters...

05-04-2006, 08:21 PM
Or it was all a dream. A dream that they all had. Final Destination eh?

05-04-2006, 09:52 PM
Lame ending, shocking, but what was lost was something special.
I did find it cool how the title was made clear at the end though :cool:

05-04-2006, 09:53 PM
What is the ending like?

05-04-2006, 10:05 PM
Its all opinions, some thought it was great, some hated it. I hated it.

05-04-2006, 10:58 PM
Spoilers everywhere:

Well, I don't really get why Michael did that. Let's suppose he really found the Others (remember the guy with the fake beard said they wouldn't be found, unless they wanted). Michael did what he did because of Walt, but I can't see Michael and the Others making a deal. Henry said the Others would never make a deal and I agree, first because Henry is worthless, second because Walt is special in some way, so he's too important to be exchanged, even for a couple of deaths (why would they want her dead anyway? As for the second one it seems it was an accident, coz Michael looked surprised, but he would have to kill her anyway coz she witnessed all of it).

Well, I'm lost :D

Shine On...
05-05-2006, 04:06 AM
I kinda thought that too. But I think it's gonna be more Science Fictiony than that, like it turns out they all actually died in the crash and they're in a test or something. It'd explain the random monsters...

I thought that would always be cool, its a shame that the theory "they are all dead and in like purgatory or something" has been disproven by the creators. if you want to see officially disproven theories, go to www.losttalk.net and into the general lost discussion. It should be stickied. Also that episode was great, But like what was said before, i think that Michael framing himself to make a bonified army against the others, and I don't think that they are worse off than them I just think he did it to make sure they attack the others. Also did anyone else notice that Michael seems to have changed? he wasn't all like "NEED WALT...NOW!" in fact it seemed like he didn't even care for some reason.:confused:

Moon Rabbits
05-05-2006, 04:25 AM
spoilers below:

The 1-877-Hansorg line is busy, but my commercial just said 1-877-hanso...maybe I misread.

Also, thehansofoundation.org has lots of easter eggs for the show

First go to the newsletter and type in a screen name, then it gets all messed up and you receive messages from "persephone". S/he will ask for a password, it's 'breakingstrain'. I don't know the use of this, probably because it's not been implemented yet...but meh.

Also, in Joop's Corner send joop the message "persephone" and see what happens ;D. Once you do, connect the blue orb deals and you'll see two documents between what seem to be people affiliated with Hanso...something about the outbreak of a meningitis (sp) strain of diseases, perhaps this is the incident we've heard about?

Also, in the current projects section, go to to the World Wide Wellness and Prevention program, then click into the world map. Once you're there click near the bremuda triangle then mouse over the blank box...those symbols are awfully ominous

There are also interviews with executives from the Hanso Foundation floating around Amazon, as well as a cell phone number of one of them where you can leave voice mail (it's long distance for me, so it's a nono).

But, it really looks like the Lost ARG (alternate reality game) is shaping up rather well.

Loony BoB
05-05-2006, 01:37 PM
There are a lot of theories that have crossed my mind.

The father being the mastermind is an obvious one. But a little too obvious for my liking, you know? I can't imagine Lost's creator doing anything short of a complete surprise. Maybe he'll pull a 'Usual Suspects' on us and have 'Henry' be the mastermind. Maybe it'll be a group of their parents, such as Jack's Dad, Sun's Dad, etc.

But it's more than just that, for sure. The smoke monster thing, the way that the island has healing qualities, stuff like that just can't be 'organised' by a mastermind. There is definitely some level of fantasy and/or science fiction involved with all of this.

There are a lot of stories that we still need to learn about that a lot of people have forgotten to think about, particularly the latter of the below.
Walt's "powers".
The French girl.
The smokey monster type thing.
What the numbers mean.
The guy who escaped from the hatch and ran away.

Nobody ever brings up the Irish dude anymore. He ran away, and that was that... it can't be that simple. Nothing, as far as I'm concerned, is that simple in this show.

I often wonder just how many groups of people have come to this island.

Also, does anyone else find it not to be a coincidence that the parachute with the food etc. arrived right when Loc was trapped, and Henry might not have done anything? It could well be that the ticker actually sends food down. That's rather trivial, though, I have to admit.

I think that the final episode will involve the numbers not being punched into the computer.

But I won't pretend to know anything. I've picked a few things that have happened, but I'm more than happy to just be surprised. :)

I'm glad Anna Lucia is gone. She's too much of a character-drive actress, so it felt like I was watching the girl from every movie I've seen her in, rather than a character in Lost. I think they should avoid actors/actresses that play the same kind of character in all their movies etc, as it just makes you think of the actor rather than the character in the show.

05-05-2006, 06:34 PM
Walt's "powers".
The French girl.
The smokey monster type thing.
What the numbers mean.
The guy who escaped from the hatch and ran away.

Nobody ever brings up the Irish dude anymore. He ran away, and that was that... it can't be that simple. Nothing, as far as I'm concerned, is that simple in this show.

Also, does anyone else find it not to be a coincidence that the parachute with the food etc. arrived right when Loc was trapped, and Henry might not have done anything? It could well be that the ticker actually sends food down. That's rather trivial, though, I have to admit.

I think that the final episode will involve the numbers not being punched into the computer.

But I won't pretend to know anything. I've picked a few things that have happened, but I'm more than happy to just be surprised. :)
I actually believe Henry when he says that he didn't put the numbers in. Remember, the video with Doc Candle said that the exercise would go on for 180 days - Desmond said that he'd been there for three years.

I thought I had read somewhere that the creators of the show said that the numbers wouldn't ever really be explained, because they're not explainable.

There's obviously a serious line between the "good" ones and the "bad" ones, and I think the entire show will center around this.

I think that the end of the season (which is only 4 episodes away) will involve an encounter with The Others. I don't think that Walt is coming back again (he's already 14 years old). I think that Charlie will eat it.

05-05-2006, 07:46 PM
Wait Walts 14!? Can you just please spoil the whole Walt story. Like why they took him and such. Cause I'm never gonna see the second season unless I buy it so yeah.

05-05-2006, 08:18 PM
My person theory is that the station with the numbers is a life extension place, and the stuff that Desmond was injecting was... life extending. And he had to keep busy every 108 minutes or there would be bad site effects...

I duno.

05-05-2006, 10:05 PM
Jack's dad is dead. That whole thing was resolved in Season 1 when Jack was able to find the coffin and finally bury his father.

I really doubt that they'd open that up again when it was so neatly resolved. And if they do, it would be sooo lame.

05-05-2006, 10:20 PM
I agree. Having Jack's dad still be alive would really, really be lame.

05-05-2006, 11:01 PM
They did a similiar thing with Alias like they're doing now with The Lost Experience. You would have to accept a "mission" as a CIA agent and then run around the internet looking for clues. Man, some of the clues were hidden in the weirdest pages on the internet, but it was so much fun trying to decipher all the clues and whatnot.
Hey another that like alias lol awesome! What do u think of the new episodes!? Now that i think about it they did so something simiar to alias! Not to mention both episodes prior were called "S.O.S"!

anyway i saw something on the web page for msn and it said "Lost still shocks fans" and then i come here and saw this thread, didnt go in it but i downloaded it and my goodness it was indeed one hell of a shocker! Michael oh Michael what the hell did u go around and do that for!? I'd like to think most parents would do anything for their child but that is kinda stretching it!? There must be something else...i also have to/ want to...whatever agree with the whole brainwash thingymabob!

05-05-2006, 11:05 PM
Jack's dad is dead. That whole thing was resolved in Season 1 when Jack was able to find the coffin and finally bury his father.

I really doubt that they'd open that up again when it was so neatly resolved. And if they do, it would be sooo lame.
To me, the question of Jack's dad's death was resolved, but the coffin WAS empty, wasn't it? I just kind of assumed that the fact that his dad still wasn't not where Jack could find him perhaps symbolized the fact that he still had more to learn of his father, perhaps the whole thing with Claire.

05-05-2006, 11:08 PM
Locke's dad staged his death. I dunno why Jack's Dad couldn't have. Also, Jack saw his Dad on the island a lot in the beginning. It was considered a mirage, due to exhaustion, but maybe it wasn't?

05-05-2006, 11:08 PM
I thought he found the body? Or did I just make that up in my head? I'm confused now. :confused:

Another thing that makes me doubt Jack's dad as the mastermind to all this is because he was shown to be a drunken fool. He killed a patient by being drunk in the operating room and was kicked out of the profession for that. And Henry Gale spoke of "him" in awe and respect and said that "he" is a "great man". I somehow doubt that Christian Shepard can be seen as a "great man" when he was an alcoholic and from the last episode probably had an extramartial affair that resulted in a child who is most likely Claire.

But I will say that he has his name going for him. Christian. Shepard. The "Others" might be his flock if we're going with the Christianity references. But I think that's a bit of a stretch.

05-05-2006, 11:23 PM
Heny Gale also spoke of is leader of that who does not forgive, christian sheperds issue stem from being unable to say sorry in the first place

i wouldnt be surprised if the creators decide to pull something like out of the bag though!

and the coffin was empty!

05-05-2006, 11:23 PM
I thought he found the body? Or did I just make that up in my head? I'm confused now. :confused:

Another thing that makes me doubt Jack's dad as the mastermind to all this is because he was shown to be a drunken fool. He killed a patient by being drunk in the operating room and was kicked out of the profession for that. And Henry Gale spoke of "him" in awe and respect and said that "he" is a "great man". I somehow doubt that Christian Shepard can be seen as a "great man" when he was an alcoholic and from the last episode probably had an extramartial affair that resulted in a child who is most likely Claire.

But I will say that he has his name going for him. Christian. Shepard. The "Others" might be his flock if we're going with the Christianity references. But I think that's a bit of a stretch.

Yeah, but he's a very smart man, and the part where he says that he's not forgiving makes it seem more so, because he wasn't forgiving with Jack, really. Also, when you saw Jack's Dad with a light beard, he LOOKED like the leader. Except without the crazy fake beard. It's a crazy theory, but I'll cling to it. xD

05-05-2006, 11:25 PM
But that's part of the resolution that occured in Season 1. While he was drinking away with Sawyer, he said that he loved his son and that he was proud of him for what he did. And then Sawyer told Jack and Jack got all weepy and the violin music started to play. Ta da, resolution, forgiveness, acceptance, the whole shebang.

05-05-2006, 11:27 PM
That's true. Hm. I just think that the leader of The Others has to be related to the characters in some way, and the easiest one was Jack's Dad. :p

Del Murder
05-06-2006, 02:31 AM
But that's part of the resolution that occured in Season 1. While he was drinking away with Sawyer, he said that he loved his son and that he was proud of him for what he did. And then Sawyer told Jack and Jack got all weepy and the violin music started to play. Ta da, resolution, forgiveness, acceptance, the whole shebang.
There's also the idea that the creators didn't have him planned to be the leader from the beginning, and now they're just molding the past to fit this new 'twist'. There's a literary term for that.

Anyway, I think Jack's dad is the mastermind and I also think the writers make up half the stuff that happens on the spot with no real idea of a resolution. That's just how TV is.

05-06-2006, 03:14 AM
Did anyone notice that it was Sawyer that Jack's father hit with his car door when he opened it up as he was going to see his <i>daughter</i>? What was Sawyer doing there?

05-06-2006, 03:23 AM
It was in front of a bar, after he didn't get to meet his daughter and it leads into the secene with Sawyer and him in the bar.

05-06-2006, 03:31 AM
Oh you're right. Well still, it's just a bit too coincidental to be running into him anywhere.

05-06-2006, 04:20 AM
Thats how the show is though. Coincidences or fate if you want to take it that way. Like back in that same episode when they were pretty much all in the airport at that exact same time. For some reason that hasn't been brought to light yet, all of the people that survived the crash were brought to the island for a reason.

05-06-2006, 04:24 AM
Well, I wouldn't really consider them all being at the airport together a coincidence because they were, after all, all there to catch the same plane. But running into each other in the middle of the night in Sydney is coincidental.

05-06-2006, 05:50 AM
Thats how the show is though. Coincidences or fate if you want to take it that way. Like back in that same episode when they were pretty much all in the airport at that exact same time. For some reason that hasn't been brought to light yet, all of the people that survived the crash were brought to the island for a reason.

They're all connected somehow.

Take Locke, he works at a box company. Hurley wins the lottery and uses part of that money to invest in the box company. In one of Jin/Sun's flashbacks, Sun is channel surfing and watches Hurley on TV as they interview him about winning the lottery. The woman who read the winning lottery tickets on TV was also one of the women that Sawyer slept with in one of his flashbacks. Jack has two car accident patients brought into him, one is a girl who ends up being his future wife, and the other Shannon's father. He chooses to operate first on the girl so Shannon's father dies.

There are loads more "coincidences" that exist in Lost.

They're all linked. So just because Jack's father is linked to multiple characters doesn't mean that he's somehow the mastermind of the whole thing.

05-06-2006, 12:53 PM
Oh my god. I found a link to a site that tells us who's next to die. I think it's true.


05-06-2006, 05:52 PM
Oh my god. I found a link to a site that tells us who's next to die. I think it's true.

Freakin' Misfit.

05-06-2006, 09:50 PM

05-06-2006, 10:50 PM
The total of 71 exclamation points is what convinced me that he was right.

05-07-2006, 09:57 AM
I found the ending both surprising and shocking to say the most. It was definitely a cliffhanger and I'm surprised they didn't save this for the season finale.

I think that Michael shot his own arm at the end to make it look like Henry killed them, and attempted to kill Michael as well...but that DOESN'T explain why he killed the two women in the first place.

I also think that there's a possibility that Michael killed Ana Lucia because he talked to the Others, and made a deal with them. The deal was to get Henry out of the hatch and and bring him back in exchange for Walt.

And one more *weak* possibility is that Michael has sided with the Others. He lies to Jack/Kate/Locke, giving them false infomation about the Others, thus giving them false hope to make them think that they can take them on.

Vincent, Thunder God
05-07-2006, 05:08 PM
It changes the whole dynamic of the show! I'm yet to decide if I like where this is going or not.

Personally I don't want any character to die from his or her wounds, but especially not Libby. I was interested in where her relationship with Hurley was going, and also about how she was in the psych ward with him!

Also, I agree that this would have been a good way for the season to end (cliff-hanger wise anyway), and yes, unless they have something even worse up their sleeves (which they probably do!) it would almost have been just as effective as Season 1's ending.

I knew something was wierd about Michael! He sounded very forced around the others. Maybe he's been brainwashed, or has been forced into doing this... or maybe he's made a shady deal with the Others...

05-09-2006, 06:33 PM
AHHHHH lost rules!!!!! thats all i have to say because i get a lot of people saying they dont like.