View Full Version : Best Party?

05-06-2006, 10:17 PM
What is the best party I can use using nonspecial or secret characters?

05-06-2006, 10:48 PM
My best party was Ramza aqnd 4-5 monks with two swords

05-07-2006, 08:19 PM
depends on how far into the game we are talking about. I prefer at the begining of the game 4 squires and 1 chemist with everybody being able to use items.

Then I move to something like 1 archer 1 whitemage 1 knight 1 ramza at monk 1 theif. I stay at this for a while till I can move to better classes.

By the end of the game though I have everybody mastered in almost everything so I use whatever like 5 knights with two swords or 3 knights 1 black mage 1 summoner. All these combinations are good.

05-08-2006, 04:20 AM
My favorite generic party was a Squire Ramza, with two generic Knights, and two Tiamats. Math Skills on the humans created a nearly unstopable force.

05-08-2006, 07:09 AM
My favorite generic party was a Squire Ramza, with two generic Knights, and two Tiamats. Math Skills on the humans created a nearly unstopable force.
I honestly do not like monsters!!! Everyone else is always talking about how great Tiamats are, and I don't think they're that great. Sure, they're powerful, but not nearly as versatile as a human. I can make a powerful human who is also capable of a whole lot more than just being powerful. Plus, Tiamats are overly powerful. You won't see too many fights that require that level of power, at least, I haven't. The only mosters I ever used was Chocobos, and it was because I had to. I had all of my good generics on a job, and I got in a random battle, so I was forced to enter battle with Ramza, Agrias and 3 chocobos. And we kicked a**.

But my favorite party always consists of Ramza and four generics. I usually have Ramza as a monk or a squire, and he'll have the secondary ability of which ever one he isn't. And I have 2 physical attackers, choosing two of the following: Knight, Ninja, Samurai, and Geomancer (if I'm feeling exotic). And then I have one healer, usually a chemist, but every now and then, I've been known to use a priest. But not often. If I do use a priest, they always throw item as support ability and (of course) item as secondary. Finally, I have a magic attack guy. Always either a Summoner or a Wizard, depends on my mood, and which ever they are not, they'll have that as their secondary ability.

That's my optimum party that has never once failed me. Of course, I'll add some back-up healing power (Ramza's monk skill 'Chakra', and I usually give item to one of my physical attackers, plus the summoner can heal with Mog/Fairy) and various abilities and equipment to round out the group. A force to be reckoned with! But you must reckon quickly because it's also a force that will ace you.

However, I'm currently going through FFT in my spare time, and I'm trying to use classes I never made much use of before, such as Oracles (gag), Time Mages, Mediators, Archers and so forth. I use archers normally, but not really after chapter 1. They get outdated after that, taken over by better classes. But this time, I'm gonna try sticking with them. Heck, I didn't know how much I loved monks until my 3rd or 4th time through the game. Prior to that, I thought that Knights epitomized physical attacks. Boy, was I in for a shock!

05-08-2006, 09:33 PM
Who has the most potential to be the best Melee comabt unit ex. Samurai, ninja, knight etc.)

05-08-2006, 09:53 PM
Who has the most potential to be the best Melee comabt unit ex. Samurai, ninja, knight etc.)

Monks because some of their techs are long range and Ninjas because of their ability to use two swords

05-10-2006, 09:28 AM
I would suggest Ramza as a Monk with Guts, Blade Grasp, Two Swords, and Move+3; 2 Generic male Monks with Steal, Blade Grasp, Two Swords, and Move+3; and 2 Generic female Summoners with Math Skill, Blade Grasp, Two Swords (2 Wizard Rods=+4 MA), and Teleport.
Preferred equipment: Black or Rubber Costumes for the guys, Wizard Robes for the ladies, Ribbons and Chantage for the gals, Bracers for the fellas. :plotting: Yep, that'll do nicely. :mwahaha:

05-16-2006, 02:48 PM
Right now im useing this force which is supriseingly strong and well rounded

Ramza- Squire with steal as a support (had it to steal blood sword and never took it off out of sloth) auto potion as reaction (getting ready for weigraf (sp?) ) two swords (off handing blood sword) and teleport (because i just like the animation :p )

Samurai - jump as support, Blade grasp as reaction ( 5% chance to get hit ftw) two hands, teleport again. a vicious front line fighter

Ninja - Dance as a support, A save reaction, attack up, ignore height I have her in full attack up gear and let her sit in the corner useing the attack dance nice nagging dmg to weaken the enemy

Mediator - Math skill for support , Auto potion, Train, Move +3

Theif - Item , Auto potion, Throw item, Move +2

odd bunch but it gets the job done

05-18-2006, 11:11 PM
My ramza was a squire with guts, draw out, blade grasp, teleport and that ability that the enemy cant break your equipped items (gotta protect that genji set). nothing beats teleporting into the middle of the enemy group and using draw out. If only we could get that blood sucking ability that emldor has.

Rest of my party consisted of mustadio and chemists with the various guns. ramza can already clean out the whole map and the chemists can pick off the weak ones or throw an x-potion at ramza.

edit. maintenance was the ability with the unbreakable equipped items.