View Full Version : Juggernaut vs. Hulk

05-14-2006, 09:24 AM
Seriously people, this whole Hulk fan boy versus Juggernaut fan boy thing is getting on my nerves. Everyone knows that the Juggernaut is UNSTOPPABLE and would annihilate the Hulk. It would go something like this:

Hulk: "Hulk no like Juggernaut. Hulk SMASH!"

Juggernaut: "What the fuck did you just say?"

Hulk: "Hulk SMASH!" Runs towards Juggernaut and attempts to hit him.

Juggernaut: (Takes Hulk's punch but is unphased) "Motherfucker, do you know who the fuck I am?"


Juggernaut: "Shut the fuck up." (Punches Hulk in his green face). "Take another one!" (Punches Hulk in his face again).

So anyways, what's your opinion on the Hulk vs. Juggernaut battle? (arguably the two strongest individuals on planet Earth).


05-14-2006, 09:39 AM
Seriously people, this whole Hulk fan boy versus Juggernaut fan boy thing is getting on my nerves. Everyone knows that the Juggernaut is UNSTOPPABLE and would annihilate the Hulk. It would go something like this:

Hulk: "Hulk no like Juggernaut. Hulk SMASH!"

Juggernaut: "What the smurf did you just say?"

Hulk: "Hulk SMASH!" Runs towards Juggernaut and attempts to hit him.

Juggernaut: (Takes Hulk's punch but is unphased) "Mothersmurfer, do you know who the smurf I am?"


Juggernaut: "Shut the smurf up." (Punches Hulk in his green face). "Take another one!" (Punches Hulk in his face again).

So anyways, what's your opinion on the Hulk vs. Juggernaut battle? (arguably the two strongest individuals on planet Earth).


Sounds like your a Juggernaut Fanboy there Lycon, but so am I. Even though he would definately beat Hulk he's not unstoppable. X-men stopped them with much work after Rouge absorbed his power. It was like two Juggernaughts battling. Though he was only stopped for a little bit, thats beside the point.

Juggernaught Rocks.

Ya Boy Alex
05-14-2006, 09:46 AM
Actually Hulk would win. This is a hater of both charachters here. Juggernaut has a set strength and powers. The Hulk grows stronger the longer a fight goes on so if Hulk and him were to fight a good 10 minutes in he would win.

05-14-2006, 10:05 AM
Ture, but Juggernaught power is he's pretty much invincible, and I dought the hulks power has an infinate cap on it. Juggernaught would eventually where hulk down.

Ya Boy Alex
05-14-2006, 10:15 AM
I would have to think on that right there. Shoure Juggernaut is nigh invincible but the Hulk also fits that description. Juggernaut I believ got took out way earlier than The Hulk agianst Onslaught.

05-14-2006, 10:45 AM
Whats Onslaught?

05-14-2006, 11:09 AM
Don't care.

05-14-2006, 11:19 AM
Hulk grows stronger the angrier he gets, that's something JUggernaut doesn't have.

Captain Maxx Power
05-14-2006, 11:58 AM
Wolverine would win.

05-14-2006, 02:16 PM
Whats Onslaught?

A storyline of questionable quality from the mid 90's. Basically he was created from a merging of Xavier's powers and Magneto's memories and general evilness festering in Xaviers head (after he had mind wiped Magneto a few years earlier). The result was a rather powerful being named Onslaught.

To settle this, Juggernaut is far from invincible. Sorry to dissapoint the fan boys, but that's a fact. He has been beaten to a bloody pulp before, and likely will be again in the future. In fact, he was beaten to a bloody pulp by Onslaught without any trouble, then tossed half a continent away. He came to absolutely terrified because he knew Onslaught could kill him if he really wanted to, and Juggy couldn't do squat to stop him. Later on, when Onslaught attacks New York and becomes more powerful no less, Hulk not only manages to not get beaten half to death, but rips open Onslaughts armour.

Juggernaut is not nearly as unstoppable as people like to think. In fact the reason he is called unstoppable is because he's supposed to be impossible to stop from moving, as in if he charges at you, nothing can stop his momentum but him. Except that Hulk did stop him once according to Wikipedia. Hulk has no limit to his strength; the angrier he gets the stronger he gets, and he's also quite capable of taking some very powerful hits without any damage to his body. Then you've got his rediculous healing factor that makes Wolverine look like a hemopheliac. He's had the flesh burned from his bones, and fully recovered in minutes. The Hulk is far more unstoppable than Juggernaut ever was.

Heck, now that I look at Wikipedia, it would seem Hulk (as Apocalypse's horseman War) already did beat Juggs. That settles it there me thinks.

05-14-2006, 03:06 PM
Wow, that's a lot of thought behind that post. Perhaps a little too much thought. But anyways, I like the Hulk a little more.

05-14-2006, 03:11 PM
What about Gray Hulk?

05-14-2006, 03:47 PM
I think the key factor here is that comic artists just make this stuff up, so anyone can beat anyone.

05-14-2006, 05:09 PM
The X-Men come and smurf them both up.

05-14-2006, 05:35 PM
Whats Onslaught?

A storyline of questionable quality from the mid 90's. Basically he was created from a merging of Xavier's powers and Magneto's memories and general evilness festering in Xaviers head (after he had mind wiped Magneto a few years earlier). The result was a rather powerful being named Onslaught.

To settle this, Juggernaut is far from invincible. Sorry to dissapoint the fan boys, but that's a fact. He has been beaten to a bloody pulp before, and likely will be again in the future. In fact, he was beaten to a bloody pulp by Onslaught without any trouble, then tossed half a continent away. He came to absolutely terrified because he knew Onslaught could kill him if he really wanted to, and Juggy couldn't do squat to stop him. Later on, when Onslaught attacks New York and becomes more powerful no less, Hulk not only manages to not get beaten half to death, but rips open Onslaughts armour.

Juggernaut is not nearly as unstoppable as people like to think. In fact the reason he is called unstoppable is because he's supposed to be impossible to stop from moving, as in if he charges at you, nothing can stop his momentum but him. Except that Hulk did stop him once according to Wikipedia. Hulk has no limit to his strength; the angrier he gets the stronger he gets, and he's also quite capable of taking some very powerful hits without any damage to his body. Then you've got his rediculous healing factor that makes Wolverine look like a hemopheliac. He's had the flesh burned from his bones, and fully recovered in minutes. The Hulk is far more unstoppable than Juggernaut ever was.

Heck, now that I look at Wikipedia, it would seem Hulk (as Apocalypse's horseman War) already did beat Juggs. That settles it there me thinks.
Yeah, assuming all thats true, which it most likely is, Hulk would win. However Albedo could kick both there buts.

05-14-2006, 06:13 PM
Wow, that's a lot of thought behind that post. Perhaps a little too much thought. But anyways, I like the Hulk a little more.

It's times like that I'm surprised at just how much I know about the Marvel universe. I don't actually read too many different comics. Just X-Men and Spider-Man usually, but I like to check out the comic board over at Gamefaqs every now and then to see what's going on with the books I don't read. Suffice it to say, I've seen a lot of these vs. topics as a result and have a very good memory for this sort of stuff. I've also learned that Wikipedia is a near godly source of comic info.

Tifa's Real Lover(really
05-14-2006, 06:24 PM
juggernaut would win i guess

Old Manus
05-14-2006, 06:24 PM

On May 26, Juggernaut wins.

05-15-2006, 04:39 AM
The X-Men have nightcrawler

Nightcrawler just does the teleport-hit combo, doesnt even get a scratch, and beats em both down to exhasution and wins!

so xmen smurfs em both( well really only nightcrawler ^^)

05-15-2006, 04:44 AM
Juggernaut does have the advantage of not having a wimpy, normal form. What if Juggernaut caught the Hulk by surprise, before he even had a chance to get angry and transform into his Hulk form? A normal human could be wiped by Juggernaut nearly instantaneously, couldn't he?

05-15-2006, 05:24 AM
When Juggernaut gets to full speed, he can't be stopped. I would assume that would give him an edge over Hulk, but the Hulk might be the first to truly stop him

05-15-2006, 06:00 AM
When Juggernaut gets to full speed, he can't be stopped. I would assume that would give him an edge over Hulk, but the Hulk might be the first to truly stop him

Exactly....Juggernaut IS unstoppable and he is also impervious to damage, ao 'actually' Juggernaut would massacre Hulk. You can slow him down, but that's about it.


Ya Boy Alex
05-15-2006, 11:01 AM
He is in no way unstoppable or impervious to damge. All you need to do is take his helmet off and attack his head though people should note that Juggernaut's armor has been cracked before. And Hulk has stopped the Juggernaut while at full speed.

05-15-2006, 12:47 PM
He is in no way unstoppable or impervious to damge. All you need to do is take his helmet off and attack his head though people should note that Juggernaut's armor has been cracked before. And Hulk has stopped the Juggernaut while at full speed.

Well, I disagree (plus I think the Juggernaut is simply a better character). At full power, the Juggernaut possesses powerful mystical abilities that add to his overwhelming physical strength, so it would take a lot more than just taking his helmet off. Besides, he also has a skull-cap underneath which is even more difficult to remove, and I doubt that the Hulk ever managed to stop the Juggernaut at full-speed because he is unstoppable!! And invincible!! Bow down to the Juggernaut GOD!!


05-15-2006, 01:42 PM
It's times like that I'm surprised at just how much I know about the Marvel universe.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that! I was just surprised at how much you actually knew about it. :D

05-15-2006, 03:12 PM
I have a comic from when I was about five where Hulk beats Juggernaut's face in. :p

05-15-2006, 03:58 PM
I liek the juggernuat better, I personally think the hulk sucks.

05-15-2006, 06:53 PM
Maestro could kill Juggernaut easily.

05-15-2006, 10:16 PM
and I doubt that the Hulk ever managed to stop the Juggernaut at full-speed because he is unstoppable!! And invincible!! Bow down to the Juggernaut GOD!!


Like I said in my first post, wikipedia is your friend (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hulk_%28comics%29#Powers_and_abilities). Like I said before, Hulk has not only stopped the Juggernaut, but gone toe to toe with a character that wiped the floor with him in a single punch. That Wiki link even mentions the fact that he once held up a mountain. Take it from a long time X-Men reader; Juggs isn't on the same level as Hulk. He's just never been shown to have power even near that of the Hulk under any normal circumstances.

On another note however, he only wears the helmet to guard against psychic attacks. Even with it off, his head would be just as durable as the rest of him, but any telepath on the planet could take him out. Obviously not an issue in a fight with the Hulk though.

05-15-2006, 10:47 PM
and I doubt that the Hulk ever managed to stop the Juggernaut at full-speed because he is unstoppable!! And invincible!! Bow down to the Juggernaut GOD!!


Like I said in my first post, wikipedia is your friend (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hulk_%28comics%29#Powers_and_abilities). Like I said before, Hulk has not only stopped the Juggernaut, but gone toe to toe with a character that wiped the floor with him in a single punch. That Wiki link even mentions the fact that he once held up a mountain. Take it from a long time X-Men reader; Juggs isn't on the same level as Hulk. He's just never been shown to have power even near that of the Hulk under any normal circumstances.

On another note however, he only wears the helmet to guard against psychic attacks. Even with it off, his head would be just as durable as the rest of him, but any telepath on the planet could take him out. Obviously not an issue in a fight with the Hulk though.

Relax...I don't need anyone telling me who or what is my friend :). If you want to use WikiPedia for all of your research and wish to regard it as your 'friend', then that's fine by me. The Hulk may have done 'something' to the Juggernaut, but Juggs is still unstoppable when he gets to moving, and he is incapable of being harmed physically (at 'infinite' Cyttorak) due to the combined mystical protection he recieves from Cyttorak and the sheer incalculable strength. You can slow him down or you can knock him down sometimes, but he will keep coming and coming and coming until you're destroyed. :tongue:

Not only is WikiPedia often packed with dubious facts and trivia, but there has been a history of bias against the Juggernaut when it comes to any confrontation on his behalf. In a toe-to-toe, unbiased fight, not only would the Juggernaut defeat the Hulk, but he would absolutely, utterly DECIMATE him and smurf him up beyond all recognition. Oooooooo.....that's gotta hurt.

And in regards to his helmet: This has nothing to do with a fight between the Juggernaut and the Hulk. But since you brought it up again, I'll reiterate that Juggernaut has a skull-cap beneath his helmet which is made of the same mystical metal that the rest of his suit is. On top of his supreme strength, Juggernaut's mystical abilities (which at full Cyttorak give him telepathic powers that would smurf up the Hulk before the green idiot knows what hit him) provide him additional advantages over Hulk.

Bottom line= Juggernaut always destroys Hulk, and I don't need any bias from comic book writers who prefer the creation of the Hulk over the Juggernaut. Probably the reason they even created the Juggernaut vs. Hulk battles in some of the comics was because they knew that Juggernaut could destroy Hulk and they wanted to appeal even more to the Hulk fans and their own bias. :)

Bottom line # 2= Juggernaut owns everyone except some Supreme characters like Gladiator or Galactus, etc...

P.S. WikiPedia is not my 'friend.' It is a useful tool which I don't always put great confidence in. Maybe you should put away some money and sign up for Britannica online. It's only $11.95 a month! Better yet, visit marveldirectory.com! lol


Ya Boy Alex
05-16-2006, 12:20 AM
I have the comic and I am looking at it right now where Jugs gets stopped at full speed with all of his powers. Though it should be noted in recent years Jugs lost most of his mystic powers.

05-16-2006, 12:25 AM
I have the comic and I am looking at it right now where Jugs gets stopped at full speed with all of his powers. Though it should be noted in recent years Jugs lost most of his mystic powers.

At full Cyttorak, Juggernaut would destroy Hulk. He has telepathy on top of supreme strength. I'm comparing Juggernaut and Hulk in a toe-to-toe battle based on their capabilites and characters- not based off some biased, backwater comic book that was written to appease fans of the Hulk.


Ya Boy Alex
05-16-2006, 12:30 AM
Sure because we all know you decide whay is and isn't Marvel Comics canon.

05-16-2006, 05:45 AM
Sure because we all know you decide whay is and isn't Marvel Comics canon.

I never said I decide what is official and what is not. I just said the Juggernaut would win and that some of the comics in which he is included seem biased. He's a better, more powerful character than the Hulk. If you can't discern between opinion and "Marvel canon," then that's not my problem. :)

P.P.S My last post, by the way, was factual (about the Juggernaut's powers at full Cyttorak).
P.S. Juggernaut DECIMATES Hulk!


05-16-2006, 06:25 AM
I have the comic and I am looking at it right now where Jugs gets stopped at full speed with all of his powers. Though it should be noted in recent years Jugs lost most of his mystic powers.

Well right now I'm looking at an X-Force comic in which Spider-Man clearly says that Juggernaut can't be stopped. Now granted, this comic is from the 90s so they may have changed it in recent years. But from what this says, at full speed he can't be stopped.

05-16-2006, 06:33 AM
They talk about thier differences, then become friends and destroy the world.

05-16-2006, 11:06 PM
I am willing to fully admit that Juggernaut should be near invulnerable and unstoppable. Fact is though, if there is one character in the Marvel universe short of Galactus that could beat him, it's Hulk. Both at their prime, yeah, you're probably looking at a stalemate, however in the long haul should one of them actually manage a win, I'd say it would be Hulk. In spite of Juggernaut's extreme durability, the Hulk gets stonger as he gets agrier, which means he's getting more powerful the longer the fight wears on. Since their is no upper limit to his strength, eventually you're looking at him managing to hit Juggs hard enough to do some damage. I hate to have to keep bringing this up, but if Onslaught could do it, then Hulk has the potential to as well, being the only character to not only hold his own, but cause physical damage to Onslaught.

With regards to how Juggernaut has been written in the past: yes he should be invincible and unstoppable, but what a character should be capable of and how they're written are two different things. Like it or not, it is the writer's who decide what Juggernaut is capable of, not your desires. So if the writers choose to have Juggernaut losing to characters he probably shouldn't be, then that's too bad, but it's the way it is. You might not like it, but then I don't like Apocalypse jobbing to every second string X-man to come along, or Darkseid losing to Superman in a head to head fight. Probably shouldn't happen but it does, and you just have to live with it.

08-06-2011, 09:44 AM
Okay I'm gonna have to level with you guys on this one. The juggernaut is unstoppable at full speed, however it is possible for beings with amazing physical strength to change the course of his trajectory. The juggernaut is just short of invincible and would easily do damage to the hulk. Now this is where i see a problem. The hulk is absurdly strong having no limit i repeat without a limit to his physical capabilities the writers themselves have defined his power as without a finite limit. Ok so juggernaut comes in and he's mopping up the hulk quite easily, I think it would be too bold to say that assuming the hulk is in hulk form that juggernaut would destroy him in one move. This means the battle is over and im sorry but if the hulk survives juggernauts initial attack the hulk has won. Hulk has been reduced to bones and regenerated within minutes and his skin is nearly impervious. The juggernaut is known more for his invincibility then his offensive capability, and without that ability to kill hulk in a single punch the hulk will live on and get madder. As neither of the two tire or need to sleep or eat it would just be a slug fest until the hulk reached a level where his attacks would hurt juggernaut. Moral of the story: Kill hulk in human form and don't make him mad.

P.S. Yes juggernaut can shatter mountains but hulk has withstood attacks that would destroy continents.

Old Manus
08-09-2011, 08:30 PM
In a dark corner of the world, the one they call Bethor has spent the last five years carefully constructing the perfect argument to the question that has long since been forgotten, but actually remains of the greatest importance in the universe.

Unfortunately, he's wrong, as the Italian Spiderman shits on both of them.

08-10-2011, 08:45 PM
Juggernaut would win. But Red Hulk would drag Juggernaut straight to hell.

08-10-2011, 10:41 PM
Come on, guys. Did no one read World War Hulk? The Hulk took down the majority of the Marvel Universe and fought The Sentry to a standstill.