View Full Version : Armor with 4 empty slots

Michael Belmont
05-16-2006, 01:08 PM
Does any of you have any idea where i can find armor with 4 empty slots for all 7 charaters?

05-16-2006, 01:23 PM
Buy it from Wantz. He's in Macalania Woods South, near the Thunder Plains.

05-16-2006, 03:21 PM
Buy it from Wantz. He's in Macalania Woods South, near the Thunder Plains.

They cost 100,000 gil each purchase, in addition.

Alternatively, you can fight certain Omega Ruins and Monster Arena Monsters that will randomly drop them.

05-16-2006, 05:38 PM
Buy it from Wantz. He's in Macalania Woods South, near the Thunder Plains.

They cost 100,000 gil each purchase, in addition.

Alternatively, you can fight certain Omega Ruins and Monster Arena Monsters that will randomly drop them.
yep. Although good luck in waiting for monsters to randomly drop one for each character.....or even the one you want for that matter.

100,000 gil isn't that big a deal by the end of the game. You can make that back easily by even selling off some of the useless weapons & armour you have accumulated.

05-16-2006, 06:23 PM
Go capture an Adamantoise from Inside Sin. Then go to the monster arena and fight it repeatedly. It has a decent chance of dropping both empty four-slot weapons and armor. Just keep fighting it, and make sure you overkill it. The money you make from selling the weapons/armor you don't want will more than make up for the cost of fighting it repeatedly.

Or, you could just buy it.

05-17-2006, 12:18 AM
i think it's best to jus buy it from wantz cos it gets frustrating when enemies dont drop what you want. And if u need gil, just equip a weapon with gillionaire and fight mimics in the omega ruins. i found that they were more common near the entrance of the ruins. Soon you'll be rolling in your own gil and laughing at how cheap everything is...except maybe zanmato

05-17-2006, 12:36 AM
i think it's best to jus buy it from wantz cos it gets frustrating when enemies dont drop what you want. And if u need gil, just equip a weapon with gillionaire and fight mimics in the omega ruins. i found that they were more common near the entrance of the ruins. Soon you'll be rolling in your own gil and laughing at how cheap everything is...except maybe zanmato

Zanmato is only expensive in the NA/Jap versions.
Int. has Zanmato requirements that are worth a weapon's sell price with abilities:
Triple AP
AP--> Overdrive
Triple Overdrive

Ironically enough, these are more common than 4Os armor/weapons.

Big D
05-17-2006, 04:22 AM
If you've got the PAL version of the game (Europe, Australasia, etc), then some good weapons and armour are often dropped by the Dark Aeons. Usually four-slot, but often with one or two very powerful abilities - Ribbon, for example.

05-17-2006, 09:50 AM
um..im not sure if yo0h can but this...i think its like a secret arnour.....flexible arm - rikku

05-17-2006, 12:13 PM
um..im not sure if yo0h can but this...i think its like a secret arnour.....flexible arm - rikku
Yes, that one is Rikku's claw with 4 empty slots.

05-17-2006, 03:11 PM
Abuse the fight with Dark Yojimbo to get Break HP limit armour with other three empty slot.

05-17-2006, 03:22 PM
Abuse the fight with Dark Yojimbo to get Break HP limit armour with other three empty slot.

True, but for those who do not have that option (*cough* Int. sucks *cough*), just customize the BHPL on a 4Os Armor/Weapon.

4Os > 3Os