View Full Version : Sailor Moon!

Tifa's Real Lover(really
05-16-2006, 11:41 PM
i rememeber when i was 7 or so waking up at 6 am to watch the show:D i heard the theme song and i remember how catchy it was, any one else like this cartoon?

05-16-2006, 11:47 PM
I remember loving that awful awful dub when I was in Junior High. It was my freaking obsession.

Now I cant stand the dub, but the original is amazing and still one of my very favorite anime. Not to mention the beauty of the manga, Code Name: Sailor V, live action Sailormoon, the musicals, and the countless doujinshi. I spent soooo much money on all this stuff, and just recently I've been re-downloading all the music.

I adore Sailormoon, and my favorite character is Minako/Sailorvenus. Wonderful wonderful series.

05-18-2006, 12:40 PM
I've never quite figured out what is so bad about the dub. I loved and still love it. But then again, I can't stand Japanese voice acting.....way too squeaky.
Anyhow, lately I've been watching all the episodes I missed out on. They stopped airing them here in NZ somewhere in the middle of the 'R' series and it really pissed me off. Ever since then (about 10 or 11 years ago) I've been longing to see the rest and now I've finally found somewhere I can see them :love:
For the record, my favorite character is Sailor Jupiter :D

05-18-2006, 12:58 PM
I hate the dubbed version, they miss so much out its ridiculous. Serena sounds too cry babyish, Usagi can be childish, yet serious. Even Luna sounds better in the Japanese version, she sounded like an old woman in the dubbed version. Ive got every last series with the 3 movies, the complete manga collection including the Sailor V series, posters, Sailor Moon dolls and an old SNES game also.

I first got into Sailor Moon in high school, use to watch it on FOX Kids, man the voices were dreadful. And we had our own Sailor Moon club and I was Mercury only because I had short hair, Im more of a mixture of the Sailor Scouts. I can be immature like Usagi, serious like Mercury, firey temper like Mars, protective like Jupiter and loved up like Venus.

05-18-2006, 03:00 PM
I vaguely remember watching it as a little kid but it was cut half way through the first series. The dub was 'interesting'.

05-18-2006, 06:51 PM
Sailor Moon made me realize Magical Girl Anime is awesome, and also that DiC is the devil.

I love you Usagi ^^

05-18-2006, 07:31 PM
Bad things about the dub: missing huge pieces of storyline, throwing out entire important episodes, horrid horrid voices in general, too much 90's slang (as if!), destroying many characters personalities, plot holes, gender confusion, changing names of attacks and transformations that were alread in English, horrid background music, and so on.

The Japanese voices were so beautiful, so that makes a bad dub even worse.

And I'll point out one plot hole, just for the hell of it. In the original, Usagi (Sailormoon) and Mamoru (Tuxedo Mask) were called Princess Selenity and Prince Endymion in their past lives. Not only is that a beautiful reference to mythology, it also avoids doing something lame like having the same name for two lifetimes for no reason (after all, Ikuko chose the name of her child, right?). In the dub, they were known as Princess Serena and Prince Darien. Not only does that ruined what I already mentioned, but it also leads to a plot hole.

When Darien is captured by the 'Negaverse' (I shudder at the very name), he spends most of his time in his Prince Darien form. Beryl refers to him specificly by this name many times. But when Serena encounters him and calls him Darien, he says he doesnt know the name (and he's genuinely confused, not lying). So that makes no sense. And it's one of many many changes that make no sense.

05-18-2006, 08:51 PM
^This plot hole totally brought back something similar I remember thinking, and now I just can't think of it again... Agh! Need to re-watch...But yeah the plot holes were immense. I actually didn't mind the 5 main girl's voice acting though, but I'm all trippy like that.

I like how Neptune and Uranus are... "cousins" ^_^; Coz gay people are ebil and shouldn't be shown on television WhoaoOaoAOa

05-18-2006, 08:57 PM
I used to watch that when I was little. I can't remember how far I watched it, but it got worse as it went. I mean, I liked it but... it got boring withy all the magic moon princess crap.
Tuxedo Mask was a retard... and he stole my identity. :eep:

I know there was some stuff later on when she had a kid or something, and there was like anothe rmillion Sailors, but I barely understood in it the first place.
I could look at it properly now, and I'd probably hate it. Everything was too damn conveniant.

05-18-2006, 10:09 PM
I used to watch it when I was 10 or something. Not for long. It's for girls :p

05-19-2006, 12:52 AM
In sixth grade it was all the rage. I must say that I liked the dubbed version-for whatever reason

Edit~You know who else likes Sailor Moon...DMKA bitches. :eek:

05-19-2006, 08:32 PM
I used to love that show and still do:)
My fav is Sailor Moon I started watching it when i was about 8

05-21-2006, 08:01 AM
While the Japanese version has the story, I still prefer the dub. I love the dub. Lol, kill me as you see fit.

05-21-2006, 08:15 AM
I remember when I used to watch it when i was really young, had no idea what was going on and still loved it!! It might have been all the flashy colours and catchy theme song, So it didnt really matter what language they were blabbering in I still liked it.

I learned the names of 4 planets just by hearing the theme song. From memory my favorite one was sailor Mercury

05-21-2006, 08:18 AM
I never was into it XD I just remember making fun of it and how they took half the show showing the sparkly changing into Sailor Moon naked twirly things! :p


05-21-2006, 08:20 AM
yup yup I own it all ^_^

05-21-2006, 05:47 PM
I so want to see live action Sailor Moon. That pic looks awesome ^^~*M0oNLigHt~Rac00n*~<3

05-21-2006, 08:56 PM
It got dull after that cool bad guy got squished. The one who could have been a woman... and worked with that woman who could've been a man. -~
Can't remember which one died first, but I think he was frozen. After that cool big swirly thing on the road. And he actually figured out who Sailor Moon really was! And then... died.

Millia Billia
05-21-2006, 09:32 PM
Wasn't that the show about the blonde girl with giant blue eyes and a really short skirt who fought monsters with toys?

That was awesome.

05-21-2006, 09:33 PM
Yeap thats it :D