View Full Version : [A] Ralphie the Elephant

05-28-2006, 01:15 PM
Ralphie is my stuffed elephant that I bought in Washington DC. :) Enjoy. I rushed the ear a bit, but it was 10:30 at night and I was really tired.


05-28-2006, 02:06 PM
Aww! Hes such a cutey! The shading looks really good, and the ears look fine!

Nice work Rye :)

Moon Rabbits
05-28-2006, 05:39 PM
Vrr good.

I thought RSL when I first saw it.

Reeno the Alchemist
05-28-2006, 05:43 PM
cool hey whys the bottom bleeped out?

05-28-2006, 05:49 PM
Wow, thats great!! I love it!! Hes so cute :D And the ear is absolutley fine!

Black Angel
05-28-2006, 06:50 PM
Awwwww...!!! ^_^ So cute!!!

05-28-2006, 07:16 PM
Thanks so much guys! I thought of RSL too! And it's whited out because I had my last name there and I don't want people to see my last name for INTERNET SAFETY PURPOSES! xD

Reeno the Alchemist
05-28-2006, 07:22 PM
ooo ic good plan duur im so stupid XD its still very cute though