View Full Version : [A]Yunalesca

*angel tears*
05-31-2006, 01:02 AM


opencanvas and photoshop

05-31-2006, 01:25 AM
Man that is beautiful :D Permission to use it in a future signature? Its just stunning, the colours, the light used. Its totally amazing.

*angel tears*
05-31-2006, 01:28 AM
Man that is beautiful :D Permission to use it in a future signature? Its just stunning, the colours, the light used. Its totally amazing.

since you're my first comment you sure can ^_^ just link it back here or gimme some kind of props for it!lol

05-31-2006, 01:30 AM
Thankies :D no probs, I'll try and link it back to this page or your user profile. Have you got anymore to show us? I really wanna see more!

05-31-2006, 01:50 AM
I agree, that image really is beautiful! Do you have any others you can show us? :)

Black Angel
05-31-2006, 01:51 AM
I agree, that image really is beautiful! Do you have any others you can show us? :)
^^ Yeah, yeah!!! So pretty!

*angel tears*
05-31-2006, 01:52 AM
Wow, you work fast with those sigs saphire :D

heres my DA ~> http://anne-marie.deviantart.com/

05-31-2006, 02:00 AM
Omg! It's beautiful! And you have a DA! I must watch you! <3!

05-31-2006, 02:21 AM
Your artwork is stunning. I love the pictures on you DA too... well done :cool:

black orb
05-31-2006, 03:24 AM
>>> Very nice picture and the coloring is beautiful, if only you could draw a more perfect hand the picture would be perfect too.

*angel tears*
05-31-2006, 03:26 AM
>>> Very nice picture and the coloring is beautiful, if only you could draw a more perfect hand the picture would be perfect too.

hands are the enemy!!!!aaaarg!

glad you all like it though, thanks for the comments ^_^

Moon Rabbits
05-31-2006, 03:49 AM
I really like "hooked" on your DA. Yunalesca is good too.

The Heartless Kairi has a wonkey face issue, too me anyway, but the cut of the Nobodies symbol on her eye looks really good.

Poor, poor kairi.

EDIT: Looking at the other art (ie. Quina) you have a real habit of making things twisted...alot of your stuff reminds me of American McGee's Alice.

05-31-2006, 03:49 AM
I must inquire..... digital coloring or traditional? very good for both but more props if traditional. I may just have to watch you on DA...... :cool:

Meat Puppet
05-31-2006, 04:59 AM
I agree with most other posters in this thread. It really is beautiful.

05-31-2006, 05:07 AM
ZOMF!! me likes!!! how do you come up with like the best ideas? *drools*
share with us your secrets..

Twilight Edge
05-31-2006, 06:23 AM
HOLY coolness!!!Lady Yunalesca looks gorgeous!:eek: :D :love:

Heero Yuy NWZC
05-31-2006, 06:58 AM
HOLY coolness!!!Lady Yunalesca looks gorgeous!:eek: :D :love:
True dat, true dat. :cool: Gotta agree with mostly everyone in here. That is one beautiful work you have there. Can't wait to see more. :D

05-31-2006, 07:18 AM
Stunning :D

05-31-2006, 07:49 AM
As usual, it's fantastic. The hair is amazing.

05-31-2006, 01:29 PM
Oh wow, they are great. Hooked and Overworld are stunning, as is Hooked. I love your work!

Rocket Edge
05-31-2006, 03:46 PM
awww thats so cool! choice of colours is a credit to you and its always nice to see characters done that arent the usual sephy or cloud. your style is interesting, the eyes are lovely as always and so is the hair, hope to see even more like this ;)

05-31-2006, 07:50 PM
That's awesome.

05-31-2006, 07:53 PM
I don't comment on artwork very often... But this is a special occation. Great work.
Oh yeah, your stuff over at DA is pretty awesome too.

*angel tears*
05-31-2006, 08:33 PM
All these comments!Holy bujesus!Thanks you guys i feel uber-special ^_^ lol

05-31-2006, 08:36 PM
And so you should! Your a great artist, no doubt about it :D Im going to alter the link in my sig to your DA page.

Owen Macwere
05-31-2006, 08:53 PM
it is great......fantastic

06-02-2006, 12:00 AM
Nicely done.

06-02-2006, 12:23 AM
Its brilliant, well done!