View Full Version : Getbackers Ending

06-02-2006, 08:34 AM
Yes, this thread will contain spoilers of all Kinds for this series. You have been warned.

For a long time I've been collecting the Get backers Anime, and it was also one of my favorites. Great Characters, great story arcs, and then I got to the end and thought, wtf.

The whole series I was wondering who won? Ginji Amano, the Lighting Emporor, or the powerful Ban Midou. It wasn't the fact Ban won that got me, it was it was mentioned in one line and passed off like nothing, as if it was completely irrelevent and pointless. In addition Dr. Jackal was crushed by Ban like nothing.

The enemies they fought this time around were also pansies compared to some of the people they've fought before. It even says Emishee could have beaten wind boy if he wasn't attacked from behind like that.

Fudo came back for two minutes and died. It seemed fairly pointless. I do know it wasn't for a big fight mostly, but to get more of a look into the kind of people in the Brain Trust and Ban.

Also, Kagami, the guy with the Glass, didn't even fight. I've been so eager to see him fight all out against someone, and I get nothing. He just watches, and watches, and watches some more. The other dude you see from Babylon City, the one who guides Ginji and Ban to the Light guy, barely does anything. He comes in and thinks that Ginji was a bug from Babylon City, and a reason why men shouldn't try and play God. Makubex's plans and eliminating the Brain Trusts power was awsome though.

Most things in this had wonderful Premise to them and great Ideas, but were executed poorly. I want to read the Manga now, hoping that it wraps up much better than the anime.

I still enjoy the anime, but the end kinda killed some of by joy in watching it.

What were your thoughts on the ending.