View Full Version : ::SPhere Grid

06-04-2006, 04:14 AM
I've played and beaten FFX:INternational about one year ago..

Now i felt that i wanted to dulge in the world of FFX, so i took up the game again.. and if u guys remember, the start of the game is in japanese.. and i dunno how to read japanese.. so i just mash through the option until i can play it back...

the problem is my sphere grid... on my previous adventure, my grid has this blue-ish background colour, but on my new game, the background colour of my sphere grid is somewhat gold-ish..

anyone can explain this to me?

06-04-2006, 04:33 AM
at a guess you have chosen the expert sphere grid, but since ive never used the expert one its only a guess

06-04-2006, 06:48 AM
yes i think it's is expert sphere grid as wel.. In the beginning when you do new game. you get a question with 2 options.. if i am not mistaking the top one is standard sphere grid and the bottom one is the expert.

In the expert sphere grid all of the characters start in the middle of the grid and may follow whichever path the player chooses.
But the Expert grid has a little fewer nodes in total, thus decreasing the total statistic upgrades available during the game..:mog:

06-05-2006, 12:54 PM
ohh so it's the expert grid,aye?

what's the max stat u can get with the grid without editing it..??

d£v!l'$ ph0£n!x
06-05-2006, 01:51 PM
yeh it's the expert grid. don't worry it's waaay better than the standard one. so much easier to get awesome characters

which stat do u mean? u can easily reach 9999hp and ur stats will probably be into the 100's, maybe even 150 or so. apart from luck. that'll be about 50-ish i think

06-06-2006, 04:15 AM
what i mean was a character's full stat (i.e HP, MP, STR, MAG etc) if succeededly move and use all the grid's default node in the sphere..

is the stat lower than when i use the normal grid? if so, then this means it'll be harder to get full 255 value for each character's stat, and which means it'll be harder to beat the dark aeons and penance.. :choc2:

yeh it's the expert grid. don't worry it's waaay better than the standard one. so much easier to get awesome characters

and if it has fewer nodes, why do u say it's better than the standard one? easier to get awesom character?

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06-06-2006, 09:00 PM
It's easier to have characters to learn more abilities, but overall, if you fill the entire grid, your stats will be lower.

There are extra abilities too, that make it easier to get spheres so you can build your stats, I believe.

06-07-2006, 10:38 AM
Oh really?? :hyper:

I can't wait to explore it!!!! :kaohappy2

THanks guys!!

06-07-2006, 11:12 AM
It's easier to have characters to learn more abilities, but overall, if you fill the entire grid, your stats will be lower.

There are extra abilities too, that make it easier to get spheres so you can build your stats, I believe.
The only differences between the Standard Grid and Expert Grid are the number of stat nodes and the layout. Both grids have the same abilities, but the Expert Grid has a less linear path.

06-12-2006, 10:55 AM
I have played standard once.. when i play the game these days i always use the extended..

it's fun beceause a character like kimarhi already knows how to use (use and steal, jinx) etc beceause he starts clos to rikku's grid.. it's also handy to have multiple characters with the haste or cure spel etc.. no big deal but it is fun to see lulu do a power break :love: :tongue: or you can make lulu your white mage and yuna your black mage

06-12-2006, 10:54 PM
Can someone post a picture of what the full expert shere grid looks like? Because I don't own the international version.