View Full Version : beautiful/marvellous

06-05-2006, 05:15 AM
Today I was wandering around the Auckland Art Gallery, when I aspied a piece of "modern art" that consisted of some apples nesting on a bed of faux grass. After looking around and being dizzy and not finding out who constructed the artwork, I took a bite out of one of the apples and wandered around some more waiting for this thought to digest.

Upon my return, I was amply rewarded when I saw a fellow art patron staring at the apples, a curious smile playing upon his lips before he was stampeded by the RHINOCEROSES OF TEMPTATION! (*fanfare*)

Private property created crime, I indulge in performance art and in twenty years' time the security tapes will fetch a grand fortune.

Do you find small acts of ironic deviance beautiful, or simply the work of a compulsive vandal? Graffiti vs. Street Art, Banksy the Criminal vs Banksy the Genius, etc., etc., guacamole.


Dignified Pauper
06-05-2006, 05:38 AM
I like some graffiti. and bank robberies do take a lot of work to pull off.

Hmmm.. i guess I can see where you are coming from.. But i'm judgemental and just think delinquints or failure at life.

06-05-2006, 09:33 AM
She meant [Banksy] (http://www.banksy.co.uk/).

Art is what you make of it. I consider what Banksy does to be art. Yes, he does break the law to do a lot of his works, but that doesn't make it any less art. That said, you do not need to break laws or step outside the bounds of society's rules or taboos to make something outstanding or inspiring. Creativity is found in awkward and unsuspected places; it does not necessarily mean you have to go beyond the borders of natural compliance to find it. Have you checked your cupboard lately?

I have a feeling I missed the argument completely.