View Full Version : Anyone here heard of Dir en Grey?

06-06-2006, 02:31 AM
Just wondering if anyone has heard of this band. Just started listening to them really. Very good j-rock band imo. I esp. like the lead singer's voice and how he can transistion from one seemingly soft song like Kasumi to something a little bit crazier (ie, Saku from their new album). Just wanted to see if anyone else has heard this band and could maybe recommend some other good j-rock bands to me.

06-06-2006, 03:06 AM
Merry is a wonderful j-rock band.

Dir en Grey are nice, better than most of the others. Except merry ^+^

Heero Yuy NWZC
06-06-2006, 03:16 AM
HELLS YEAH I'VE HEARD OF THEM!!!:exdee: Dir en Grey are an awesome J-rock band. The lead singer has an awesome voice. They kick ass! My fave foreign band ever man. Anyways, I heard they're going to be on the Family Values Tour here in USA. Too bad I can't go see them. :( Oh well, overall, Dir en Grey is sweet band. End of story.

Azure Chrysanthemum
06-06-2006, 03:28 AM
Can't say I see the appeal, I've never been fond of inintelligible screaming, which is most of the exposure I've had to them.

Several of my friends really like them though, so I hear about them enough. I could probably at least recognize the names if I heard them in street conversation, but they don't come up as much as say, Gackt.

06-06-2006, 09:08 AM
Mm... Dir en grey...

Kyo's abs...

Kaoru's.... everything.. *_*

Check out Withering to Death since it's licensed now :D