View Full Version : Lord of the Flies

kidney / theif
06-09-2006, 05:42 AM
This book haunts me. [I read it and saw it in my English 10 class] :eek: :shifty:
I really thought it was sad, and a little creepy. What are your thoughts on this book?

06-09-2006, 05:45 AM
I liked the idea of the book, but some parts just made me laugh. I didn't care for the book or the movie.

06-09-2006, 05:55 AM
The movies were pretty crap. (There's an english black and white version, and an american colour version)

The book is alright. I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it if it wern't for the deep analysis' in English classes.

06-09-2006, 06:00 AM
I don't really care if it's a literary masterpiece or if it has a ton of symbolism, the fact is, that book is terribly boring. I wasn't enthralled by it in the least. Sure, it was interesting (if only for numerous high school analysis), but it was still terribly boring. I won't read it again willfully.

Del Murder
06-09-2006, 06:03 AM
I like the symbolism. Simon was my favorite character.

06-09-2006, 07:43 AM
I enjoyed the black and white movie, the book was ok, too much description, not enough dialogue. And I hated nit-picking it apart cause now I do that with every book, film or TV programme. It annoys people around me cause I go on about symbolism and such.

The scene with Piggy and the boulder was so sad. I had to watch it for my GCSE english whilst my mates watched To Kill a Mockingbird or Of Mice and Men. That annoyed me because I had heard of those books and films, but most of the time when you mention Lord of The Flies or William Golding, people havent got a clue.

06-09-2006, 07:46 AM
I read it in English 9 honors. I liked it myself, I just didn't like how Jack treated the other kids.

Blitz Ace
06-09-2006, 08:56 AM
i probably wouldve liked it had it not been butchered by my english teacher... seriously, when you go into to much detail analyzing a text, it really ruins the story...

06-09-2006, 08:58 AM
I thought about that book for a long time after reading it :eek:

Brian The Pink Shark
06-09-2006, 10:38 AM
One of my favorite books, i really need to find a copy of it, it's such a great story and i cried when Piggy and Simon died, that Jack is a right bastard.

it's apparently based on another book where a group of kids get starnded on an island but have a great time, even the main Characters are named Jack and Ralph as well. So really Lord Of The Flies is amore sinister, more realistic version of that story :choc:

I Took the Red Pill
06-09-2006, 11:52 AM
I thought it was great, but it's obviously a very complex novel with alot more going on than what's seen on the surface. You have to dig deep to understand alot of it, and even though I love the book, I know I still don't understand it 100%

06-09-2006, 06:38 PM
I studied it for English Lit. I once read 3 chapters in 15 minutes for a lesson. I never want to read it again.

kidney / theif
06-09-2006, 06:58 PM
Me either, but because it was so .. creepy. I saw the black and white movie in my English class and the part when Piggy died.. I was like um ok I never want to read this book again. :cry:

Itsunari 2000
06-09-2006, 07:27 PM
I liked this book. It's clearly set in the aftermath of a global nuclear war, contrary to the common belief that it's set during World War 2, symbolised by the " brassy glare " of the clouds.

06-09-2006, 07:29 PM
It's a good book, but not my favorite

06-09-2006, 07:30 PM
I enjoyed the symbolism as well, though it's another one of those books that reading in school ruins, though most would never read it if it wasn't required in most schools.

I loved the 'Piggy's death' scene in the American film. The boulder actually bounced off of his head like a beachball.

06-09-2006, 07:31 PM
I like it when Piggy falls off the cliff.

06-10-2006, 04:09 AM
I did this for English Lit aswell.
I personally didn't enjoy it, Golding seems to think there is no hope for mankind whatsoever, lawl.

I only saw the first half of the movie, and that was the black and white English one.
I can't remember why I didn't see the second half.
But then again I don't really care.

06-10-2006, 05:04 AM
I'm currently reading it for my grade 10 class. I really like it, yeah it's sad. but it shows an interesting story and way of showing what happens in situations like that. Lord of the Flies > Peter Pan's way of young boys being stranded alone on an island

06-10-2006, 07:15 AM
poor Piggy :cry:

06-11-2006, 03:42 AM
The book was alright, had to read it last year for English. The color movie was very funny though. Especially when Piggy got hit by the rock (which seemed to bounce off of his head lol) and then he fell down about two seconds later. So the book was ok, not great but ok. The movie was just horrible though.

06-11-2006, 08:52 AM
I have this wierd thing that anything read at school becomes bad. So, lord of the flies reminds me of school, therefore I hate it.

EDIT: Although I did love the simpsons version!

06-11-2006, 10:32 AM
i had to do it for english as well lol!? well mid through the book i found it boring so i went for chapter summaries and movie adaptations...but i did feel sorry for piggy though!

06-11-2006, 04:36 PM
It was a good book, I thought. A little dry, but good. And the working of symbolism was *gorgeously* done. Prolific, but gorgeous.

However, I disagree with the author on principles. His beliefs in the natural evil inherent in human beings.... no, I just thing he's wrong. Mark Twain was more my belief system- humans are innately good, we just get twisted around by society into doing evil things for "good" reasons fed to us by our culture.