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06-10-2006, 04:55 AM
Have any kitchen accidents lately? A few weeks ago I used a cleaver to cut a frozen burrito in half, and while one half stayed where you'd expect it to, the other one shot out as anyone would expect but not want if they thought about it for a moment. So it flew out to one side and killed a fluted glass and hit the microwave with a large smack. The smack made the microwave do it's little *ding* sound.

Today I opened the freezer and a bottle of Bols slipped out and almost knocked me in the family jewels. I caught it between my thighs and spent a few strange seconds holding it there and then extracting it. It's back in the freezer in secure atop of several other round bottles. :|


06-10-2006, 05:00 AM
I don't have kitchen accidents, because I am amazing. But daddy had a plate on one of the burners of the stove a couple weeks ago, and thought he turned on the burner BEHIND it, and he actually turned on the burner the plate was on, and it went nuts and the plate exploded kind of. And burned said food on said plate and it was bad. He was upset, but I said it's okay. And it was!

06-10-2006, 05:11 AM
not recently, thank god.

A few years ago, in my freshmen year in college I got up early to do some dishes (bad idea) and I sliced my finger open 0__0 that was fun.

Then like a year ago my mom left the burner on and completely screwed up a really good pasta pot.

06-10-2006, 09:20 AM
a few days before Valentine's Day 2006, i ruined a pot of porridge. now porridge looks like oatmeal mixed with eggs and i had to scrape the burnt pot base with a spoon to remove the charcoal.

06-10-2006, 09:29 AM
I spilt some milk, its okay though, I didnt cry :D

06-10-2006, 11:12 AM
Recently nothing worth noticing, though a pair of drawers broke, but it wasn't me.