View Full Version : I'm going to end up on the neeeeeews~

06-13-2006, 10:38 PM
Heh, not really. I might though. I wrote a letter. To the court...I think. It's about my school. It's really really bad. I'm telling them about what happens in the school. I told them that I want something done about this. That's all I really said. So...Have you ever done something that made any kind of difference anywhere?

(Here's the letter: )

To Whom It May Concern:

I am a student at Parker Junior High School, and let me tell you, it is AWFUL. It’s just…everything! The students, the behavior, and no one really does anything about it. There’s stuff like Book Checking and V-Bombs. A Book Check is where someone knocks all of your books out of your hands. A V-Bomb is where someone throws something or hits you in the eye. Some students also fight others for any reason, like a disagreement or something. Many get hurt. One girl got her earring ripped out of her ear in a fight. Some students bring BB guns and knives to school. Drugs, too, like marijuana. Many kids have been expelled for this stuff. Not to mention they have been expelled for behavior issues. Many, I mean, MANY students have horrible behavior. They disrespect the teachers and swear and get away with it. Students who are “popular” or “preps” insult and make fun of those who are “unpopular.” I am “unpopular,” and so are many of my friends. There are many things that make those “unpopular,” like being poor, wearing loose clothing, who are weird, different, who aren’t pretty, who don’t wear clothes that are in style, who don’t have it all…the list goes on. Some are just not liked because they just have that “feeling.” I have been called many things, like goth(I dyed my hair black, so that’s what started it, but I dyed it back), slut, bitch, ugly, fat, zit face, gothic freak, and many more. I cannot make many friends, and the same with others. They spread evil rumors about others and me. This hurts. They wouldn’t know, though, after all. No matter how many complaints, it still goes on. They keep going and never stop. They think that they can get away with anything. They have no discipline. I might be paranoid, but I think some students are treated specially and never get in trouble when they should, never get a bad grade when they should, because of who they are and where they come from. Maybe their parents bribe the officials. That’s messed up, that’s kind of like corrupting the system, I think. Like I said, I’m probably being paranoid, but maybe it is happening. All of this stuff is breaking the rules. The Parker expectations are “Be respectful, be responsible, be peaceful, be there/be ready, and be positive.” None of this happens. Or if it does, it’s rare. Another thing is, in the handbook, one section says “What to do if you have a concern about another’s behavior or if you have a conflict with a student, you should tell an adult.” I have tried this, but the adult didn’t do anything about it. One rule states “No drugs/weapons/anything that looks like drugs/weapons.” Students break this rule all of the time. There is some bad stuff written in lockers and bathroom stalls/doors, and it hasn’t been cleaned up. No one ever really respects other people. Parker is NOT a safe place, and there should be something done about it. Thank you for taking you time to read this.

06-13-2006, 10:57 PM
Good job with the letter.

No, I'm lucky enough to have attented a good school. There's never been any trouble at my school, and the teachers are some of the most dedicated I've ever come across. I hope you get somewhere with your letter, but the chances are pretty slim that you will.


06-14-2006, 12:32 PM
Can't you just move to another school in the area? You sound as if you need to get out of there.

06-14-2006, 02:06 PM
No court or any power can change that popular kids make fun of unpopular kids, sorry there. I would have revised your letter just to mention the guns and drugs part though, if that was bothering you enough. That is something they can change. But they can't change kids being stupid. Good luck though. :)

06-14-2006, 04:42 PM
yeah good luck squishy, like Rye said the guns, knives and drungs is what the courst will act on. there was a big investigation in my school because valium was being passed around. a lot of students were suspended for about 2-3 weeks.

Good luck with the letter and i hope something is done to help


06-14-2006, 08:09 PM
Can't you just move to another school in the area? You sound as if you need to get out of there.

ALL schools should be good and SAAAFE!

In my country NO schools would be unsafe or bad(some maybe below average but not unsafe).

PS: Washu!!!!!!!!!! *points to icon and sig* :love:

06-15-2006, 11:43 AM
I shouldn't worry about the popular kids. I get called similar things all the time, one girl at my school even said she wished I'd get run over by a bus. I found out that she was bullied at a younger age, so sometimes these people have had problems in their past which has lead them to behave like this. No one can really change the fact "popular" people pick on the "unpopular", the best thing to do when people treat you like that is to ignore it and don't take it personally. Wherever you are, they all seem to say the same things.

06-15-2006, 02:32 PM
Well, I just left my school a couple of weeks ago (I just go in for my GCSE's now), and it's quite a silly, deranged one. In fact, it was so silly that I suspected most of the teachers of being inbreds and/or cave trolls. A couple of them didn't have personalities either.

06-15-2006, 04:43 PM
Yeah, I kinda took the part about the popularity issue out. They did say that they'd take care of this stuff asap. ^_^