View Full Version : My thoughts about this one.

06-15-2006, 09:19 PM

It has been a while since I finished IX. A month or two, I think. But this evening I battled Trance-Kuja and Necron again. I sat back and enjoyed the ending scene. But when I saw the credits roll by, the beautiful 'Melodies of Life' in my ears and the FMV pieces shown, I suddenly realized again what I realized when I first finished the game. And what I realized was this: Beautiful, simply beautiful. There can't be enough words to describe how I feel about this game.

I'll try to describe what I felt, remembering all the great experiences from the game.

1. Characters
First thing first are of course the characters. Well, what can I say? I've been playing VIII and VII these last two months and while I greatly enjoy Squall's emotions (please go away, Cloud, it's nothing personal, but I just do not like you), it was great to see Zidane and the whole cast again. The party of four in a battle, the well made models of each characters, their backgroundstories and personality, it is simply perfect.

This game offers verything when it comes to characters. We have to optimistic and helpfull hero/teenager, who completely acts like a teenager should. Zidane was a perfect main character. He was how boys liek him are supposed to be, the facts of his past are well made plottwists when you'll find out about them. And I like his Ultima Weapon.

We have the Princess and her loyal Knight and Paladin (Beatrix). What can I say? I liked Garnet. She was just like a girl her age should be, and that's fine. No though girls who use their fists or pinwheels. Back to the classic white-mage = rod bearers. And it suits her just fine. Steiner is like a knight should be and I wished Beatrix was a playable character.

We have other great characters, such as young mage Vivi, a character with much personality. Or Freya, the Dragon Knight with her deep background story. We have the man/woman Quina, a nice Blue Mage with a scary fork, the lone wolf Amarant Coral and Eiko Carol as young kid. All these characters added so greatly to a well build up story.

2. The story
Simply amazing, how deep it was. The plottwists, the overal feel it gave, it was just plain simply perfect. I can't help it. With all the bad emotions of the world, I cannot see this story as bad. it's impossible. Guys, this IS a final FANTASY story. This reflects how Final Fanatsy was originally intended to be! You are not a FF fan if you dislike this story, because this story IS FF!

3. The villain: Kuja
Another good character in the game is its villain, Kuja. While I hear many complaints about him, I find them all PATHETIC.
Guys, okay, he looks a bit like a girl and he wears revealing clothes. What? He had a perfect plot, managed to plummet a whole continent into war, became almighty, destroyed a whole world all by himself and outsmarted his master! And than you guys would go and complain about his CLOTHES??? What the smurf? I hear nobody complain that Rikku is next to naked in FF X-2, and yeah Kuja is a man, but so? It's a nice change.

4. Necron
Oh yes, the biggest complaint of the game is its Godly Final Boss. Throwback at NeoExDeath, the almighty (in a certain way) Necron. What I hear is people complaining about how 'random' he is. Let me tell you, he's not. Let me give backup for that sentence:

Necron appeared right after Trance Kuja destroyed the Crystal, source of all life and existence. I've always imagined that Necron was sealed in teh crystal, it's exact counterpart.

Think about it, Necron is destruction, The Crystal is the bringer of Existence.

Inside the crystal, Necron saw all of Trance Kuja's actions and made his own conclusion about it all: Kuja wanted a total destroyed world, so he would not be alone in death. Necron concluded: All life desires a world where there is no pain, or suffering, or all the other problems life brings.

The crystal was destroyed and Necron came free. His mind was set on his ultimate and only goal: give life what they desired. A world without all those problems caused by life. How? By destroying every existence, where there no longer could be a crystal to give life and suffering.

You can't call that random. He had a goal and that goal was caused by Kuja's actions. Some sort of chain reaction. Necron can be seen as a better worked out version of NeoExDeath (which is logic, they even use the same smurfing attack, Grand Cross).
So, random? Don't think so.

Now, the place where you fight him... That's a harder cookie.
Well, I see it like this, and I think it kinda makes sense.

Trance Kuja destroyed the crystal with his all powerful Ultima. I think such an immensly powerful attack could easily destroy the ground our characters stood on.
Trance Kuja destroyed the crystal world and we saw him fall. It would be nothing more but logic if our characters fell with him. And where tehy landed was the Hill of Despair, with Necron's 'colloseum' up in the smoke of the fires (or clouds, whatever) around them.

It would make sense if the Hill of Despair was below the Crystal World. How else would Kuja have teleported Zidane and the otehrs to safety after the battle? So Kuja was somewhere on or below the Hill of Despair as well.

Conclusion: Necron fitted in the storyline completely and not random. His actions were caused by Kuja and so was his freedom. Can you call that random? Sure, it was unexpected that he came, but not random.

Also, you could have guessed Trance Kuja was not the end. He's too un-Final-Bossish for it. He's too small and not very impressive, ya know. He could not be the Final Boss. Making him transform again would kill the story and making his trance form more impressive would have spoiled the Final Boss form on the end of the 3 disc.

So, please stop complaining about Necron. This part may be completely wrong, but if you look it through my way, you can see some logic, I think. Trance Kuja had a great soundtrack, but it was also not very Final-Bossish, and his background was not very Final-Bossish as well. Necron had a great battle theme as well, less cool than 'The Dark Messenger', but still great and surely fitting the last battle. My only complaint was Necron's background. I found it not very Final-Bossish. I think a cross between Zeromus and NeoExDeath's background would have suited him better.

5. Music
One of teh best parts of the game is the music. Teh composer did a marvelous job at making this music. Soundtracks like 'You're not alone!', 'The Dark Messenger' and 'The Final Battle' as examples, all fit very well on teh places they are played. Of course soem tracks are better than teh others, but the music of IX is the best music I heard so far of all FF, this maybe personal opinion, but this music again gives you the classical feel of Final Fantasy.

6. Gfx
For being the last PSX FF, IX did a perfect job to drive everything teh PSX could offer to the edge or even across it. The magic looks gorgeous, the characters and NPC's are all made up very well, the backgrounds are stunning and the FMV's are beautiful which is an understatement.

7. Difficulty
Teh game was relative easy, teh magic system wasn't all that hard and leveling up went fine. Bosses could be hard but not impossible. For FF starters this is certainly a good game. Easy to learn. Sometimes things can get difficult, no matter what level you are (Grand Cross!). And if you want a challenge you can fight some optional bosses. I haven't battled Ozma or that book creature, but I did fight Hades.

8. Minigames
This game had some very fun minigames. Tetra master is fun to pass time if you feel bored or just want something else. The jumping game in the beginning is quite hard, but I never bothered getting further than lv 20. Catching frogs with Quina is amusing.

But of course, the best of it all is the chocobo hot-and-gold. It's the most fun Chocobo raising system I ever played, although I never really finished it, it was still very fun to do so. And the prizes you can get at some spots, make it all very worth to do! These minigames made the game even better than it already was.

9. Conclusion
All in all, Final Fantasy IX was the perfect Final Fantasy. It was a perfect throwback at FF's roots and in my opinion it hasn't received all attention it deserved, perhaps the PS2 was coming out soon.

This game certainly deserves a 10/10. This game simply was what Final Fantasy is about. If you do not like this game, you can't be a Final Fantasy fan, that's impossible.

For people like me who played all FF from I to VI, it was nice to see all these throwbacks. For people who just get into FF, start with this one and you'll immediatly receive the full Final Fantasy experience. For people who played FF VII and VIII and think those are the best FF's ever, nothing wrong with that, but give IX a chance to prove it's worth as well.

If I ever wanted a port of a PSX FF, it would be IX. I would love to be able to play it anywhere. After the exams I'll have two months of vacation, and I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to replay this game again and this time get all the godo stuff (except Excalibur II, it's not worth it.)

Any comments? Different opinions or disliking of the game is of course accepted, but it has to be said and stated without bashing, insulting and flaming. Thanks. :)

06-15-2006, 09:24 PM
Completely and utterly true. I once had an argument with someone when I said I didn't like Spirit's Within because it wasn't what Final Fantasy really was, and they told me FF was all about sci-fi. That's the problem; most people played 7 and 8 and made their decision that that was what FF was all about.
I've played 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10, and I love 9 the best. It's simply brilliant, my favourite game.

06-15-2006, 10:50 PM
post of the year maybe?
spot on with everything you said.

06-16-2006, 02:05 AM
Elipzo, you deserve a golden globe for that speech.

You just gave proof and hope to every FFIX fan out there, that it's not VII that's the best, it's not VIII, it IX! Now every FFIX fan out there can back up any opinion of the game that they want, and win a debate!

FFIX is the best game! FFVII was great, and FFVIII was ok, and it didn't get much better than that, but FFIX was the BOMB! I mean, sure it wasn't sci-fi, but it was funny, witty, entertaining, sad, tearful, joyful, and absolutely breathtaking all at once. None of the other FFs did that for me. So yes, I don't think it should have been VIII or X getting all the attention, (If it wasn't for FFVII, the series wouldn't even be popular right now) FFX-2 sucked, so I think it definetly should be IX that gets more attention, and it should be IX that gets a sequel.

Thanks, Elipzo. You just MADE my night! :D

06-16-2006, 02:19 AM
Indeed FF IX is a great game. It ranks up there in my list along with FF VI and FF IV

06-16-2006, 02:25 AM
LAWL if your reading a thread this old you suck!

06-16-2006, 06:55 AM
Thanks guys, I feel flattered. :)

06-16-2006, 11:53 AM
Nice review. Yes, I've loved this game ever since the first time I finished it. I can't begin to describe my feelings about it. Everything is perfect from the characters to the story. It all comes together so nicely in the end. How could you not love this game? :)

06-16-2006, 11:56 AM
People dislike FFIX because they're horrible idiots.

06-16-2006, 01:24 PM
I mean, sure it wasn't sci-fi, You say that like it was a problem. Being in the fantasy era rather than the sci-fi era really gave the game that much more quality, I reckon.

Twilight Edge
06-16-2006, 02:49 PM
Let's see......

1.Characters-Perfect review.Nuff siad.

2.Story-Probs one of the best compared to VII,VIII and X.

3.Kuja-Nothing much,but just so you know,he wears a thong.

4.Necron-I'm going to pull back my words at the "Rnadom boss discussion" thread.

5.Music-Is there even any reason to say that there is ONE SINGLE "NOT-SO-GOOD" music in this game?........Nah,I can't even spot a bad music.


7.Gameplay-another :thumb:

8.Minigames-I haven't done all of it,but I can still say it's cool.

9.MY conclusion-They should have a Nobel Prize for Gaming Fighters.

06-16-2006, 03:54 PM
Great review! Maybe a few things I'd say about it.

1. Characters - One of my favorite casts, very well designed. I also like most of the interaction the characters have with one another, and the love story between Zidane and Dagger is one of the more realistic and thoughtful relationships in the FF series.

2. Story - One of the highlights of this game.

3. Kuja - This is how villains should be. Not completely evil (Exdeath, Kefka), but still having their own reasons why they're against the protagonists. Oh, and I do hear too much complaints about Rikku being half-naked in FFX-2, and I find that stupid too, considering there's more to her character than looking like Christina Aguilera.

4. Necron - A tribute to Chaos, Dark Cloud, Zeromus and Neo-Exdeath, I'd say. I don't think the crystal was destroyed, though, since I thought all life would instantly come to an end if it was destroyed, and Necron came to end all the worlds because he thought people had lost their will to live because they tried to destroy the crystal, the source of all life. Besides, you'll see the crystal sparkling at the very end of the game, during the ending credits.

5. Music - I could go on about this for ages, as FFIX has my favorite soundtrack. There's about a 150 songs in the game, and over 30 of them have been fully orchestrated for the cinematic scenes. That is one huge soundtrack! And I find only one song out of them all to be annoying, and that's the one which plays during the ceremony when Zidane/Dagger and Vivi/Quna get "married". I don't like that high-pitched sound. I noticed a clear step up in synth quality compared to FFVIII's OST, and the game's main theme, Melodies of Life, is even more emotional and better used than the Eyes on Me theme in FFVIII. A lot of different styles too, it's mostly a bit like baroque, and somewhat like the music from the romantic era. Great for a fantasy setting. In addition to those styles and orchestral music, there's still some rocking and upbeat songs too. Great work by Nobuo Uematsu.

6. Graphics - One of PSX's best. And the cinematic style FMVs are breathtaking.

7. Difficulty - Not too hard, although I think it's still harder than FFs VI, VII and VIII. The toughest parts are on Disc 3.

8. Minigames - They're pretty fun. Chocobo Hot & Cold is very addictive and a really fun minigame to play. The duel between Zidane and Blank is also great. The card game has the disadvantage that it's pretty much useless after the card tournament at the beginning of Disc 3 since you can't turn cards into any items that can help you in the game.

9. Conclusion - I could quote Kawaii Ryûkishi, but Christmas already did it (it's in my signature anyway), so I'll quote Crossblades, with a bit of editing since there's one part where I don't think the same: Indeed, FFIX is a great game. It ranks up there in my list of favorite FFs, along with FFVII and FFIV.

06-16-2006, 04:06 PM
Is it just me, or was this FF just one that didn't appeal to me?

This game was alright in my opinion.

Characters: Good personalities, bad design. I did not like how the characters looked for some reason. Their heads were too big, or something like that. Zidane looked... wierd. I also didn't like Garnet's yellow... jumpsuit. She should wear a cloak or something.

Story: I like the story, It is designed well.

Music: It was good, but it tended to get on my nerves at certain places.

Graphics: I expected them to be a little better then FF8's graphics, but graphics aren't everything. The FMV ones were amazing though.

Difficulty: Pretty easy, hard at times.

Minigames: Chocobo Hot and Cold was pretty fun. Tetra Master got me mad when I lost some good cards.

Conclusion: Its a pretty good game, it just didn't appeal to me that well. It gets a 6/10. for me.

06-16-2006, 04:09 PM
I totally agree with you Elpizo.

06-16-2006, 05:07 PM
Elpizo, I want to vote you for the Best Member!

Let see....

1. Characters - Masterpiece!

2. Story - Perfect!

3. Kuja - Ultimate Ultima!!!! But I like Kefka more.

4. Necron - Stop talking about this blue statue

5. Music - Excellent! But X is better (Suteki Da Ne.....:love: )

6. GFX - One of the best.

7. Gameplay - Although FFIX gameplay is good, I like VII more.

8. Minigames - FFX-2 wins in this.

9. MY Conclusion - FFIX is the best after VII.

06-17-2006, 10:52 AM
Final fantasy 9 is my favorite by far. Only problem is that the third disk always breaks, i think the playstation like chews on it or something. Anyone else get that?

06-17-2006, 02:30 PM
Final fantasy 9 is my favorite by far. Only problem is that the third disk always breaks, i think the playstation like chews on it or something. Anyone else get that?

mine was always the fourth disk...erg...i havta buy another copy of this wonderful game in order to re-play...cuz now i really want to.

FFIX for life

06-17-2006, 02:58 PM
People who don't like FFIX are retarted.

06-17-2006, 05:25 PM
I also have problems in Disc 3, when Kuja's attacking Alexandria.

I want to replay it but my PSX broke.:(
I'll just have to live with my emulator and PS2.....:kaocry2:

06-17-2006, 05:54 PM
Ive recently started playing the game again and Im enjoying it. Maybe because I have the walkthrough with me this time and Im going for it 100%. Everyone knows its my least fav, but thats starting to change, I think FFX is going to trade places with 9 and become my least fav. So 9 is now rank 4 in my Fav FF List.

06-17-2006, 06:57 PM
I also have problems in Disc 3, when Kuja's attacking Alexandria.

I want to replay it but my PSX broke.:(
I'll just have to live with my emulator and PS2.....:kaocry2:
To all people who don't own a PSX (like me) or it broke, here's the solution of heaven:

ePSXe 1.5.2. The PERFECT Playstation Emulator to run PSX games on your computer! It opens pathways for people like me who are forbidden for a TV console! I finally was able to experience the PSX FF's when I got this neat program on my computer! Of course, I still buy the games from stores, because it's only fair towards Sony and ISO's eat your hardrive space.

It ran IX as good as a real PSX! But I went through hell to get the patches so it could play my PAL version...

If only they made a perfect PS2 emulator, I would be happy. Then I could play X, X-2 and XII (I'm really looking forward to XII, luckily a friend of me will buy it so I can play it there.)

Hey Vivi, I have a question, you said I should stop talking about our blue statue Necron, do you hate him or something? It's just a normal question, because I don't know if the sentence was mend negative...

Ive recently started playing the game again and Im enjoying it. Maybe because I have the walkthrough with me this time and Im going for it 100%. Everyone knows its my least fav, but thats starting to change, I think FFX is going to trade places with 9 and become my least fav. So 9 is now rank 4 in my Fav FF List.
Sapphirestar that made me happy. I never will force anybody to hail IX as the best FF, but I do think that this game deserves a lot of respect. I'm very happy for you too, that you are enjoying it, that's what games are about in the first place, after all!

06-17-2006, 10:10 PM
Final Fantasy IX was my Favorite RPG not just Final Fantasy. Why? Because if you want to try and complain on certain Mini Games (Tetra Master many people complain about although I liked it) then you can complain. But by far this game has the best storyline out of all of them. It comes after a game that in my opinion was a pretty bad attempt at a real love story, but IX has a great love story. They filtered in so many different plot turns and events in the game to stop you from thinking "GOD JUST ASK HER OUT ALREADY!" (big problem in FFVIII) but by the end of the game reminded you of what the game was really about. True love between two unfortuante teens.
I give this game 10/10.

06-17-2006, 10:20 PM
Ive recently started playing the game again and Im enjoying it. Maybe because I have the walkthrough with me this time and Im going for it 100%. Everyone knows its my least fav, but thats starting to change, I think FFX is going to trade places with 9 and become my least fav. So 9 is now rank 4 in my Fav FF List.

That's good to know, cuz everyone deserves to love 9! :love:

06-17-2006, 11:03 PM
Elpizo, I think FFIX is even better on ePSXe than on a real PS if you have a good computer and video card. Playing the game on 1024*768 resolution and full 3D effects makes the game look a lot better than on PS. Well, even having 3D effects on a 512*384 resolution in my old computer made the game look better than on a PS. You could also speed up the game and use save states, though I used neither method myself.

Ive recently started playing the game again and Im enjoying it. Maybe because I have the walkthrough with me this time and Im going for it 100%. Everyone knows its my least fav, but thats starting to change, I think FFX is going to trade places with 9 and become my least fav. So 9 is now rank 4 in my Fav FF List.

That's good to know, cuz everyone deserves to love 9! :love:

It's good that you're enjoying the game, ~SapphireStar~. And yeah, SakuraAngel623, FFIX deserves some love, I guess. *high-nines with you* :D

06-17-2006, 11:49 PM
One of us, one of us :D
Lol, yeah I didnt give this game respect before, but its getting some now. Im actually loving the characters as well, even Steiner amuses me now instead of annoying me. So yeah Im happy to be a fan of it :D

06-17-2006, 11:57 PM
One of us, one of us :D
Lol, yeah I didnt give this game respect before, but its getting some now. Im actually loving the characters as well, even Steiner amuses me now instead of annoying me. So yeah Im happy to be a fan of it :D

Which reminds me how amazingly fantastically loving the BeatrixxSteiner couple is! :love:

Actually, about a week ago, I played 8 again. I'm on disc 2, and it's actually pretty good! :D I love Selphie, and Squall just keeps getting hotter! It's just a really big change from hating it to liking it a lot! :D

Moon Rabbits
06-18-2006, 05:08 AM
I <3 IX almost as much as I <3 IV and I <3 VIII.

06-18-2006, 05:19 AM
Hey Vivi, I have a question, you said I should stop talking about our blue statue Necron, do you hate him or something? It's just a normal question, because I don't know if the sentence was mend negative...

Yup! I dislike him, Kuja should have been the last boss.:mad: Anyway, he's blue, I like blue colour, so I never feel mad that much.

ePSXe didn't work for my computer :( . That's mean......I will never get to replay VII and IX.....and never play VIII (I never play VIII).

This is sad.......

:( :whimper: :whimper: :whimper: :kaocry2:


06-18-2006, 06:38 AM
Hey Vivi, I have a question, you said I should stop talking about our blue statue Necron, do you hate him or something? It's just a normal question, because I don't know if the sentence was mend negative...

Yup! I dislike him, Kuja should have been the last boss.:mad: Anyway, he's blue, I like blue colour, so I never feel mad that much.

ePSXe didn't work for my computer :( . That's mean......I will never get to replay VII and IX.....and never play VIII (I never play VIII).

This is sad.......

:( :whimper: :whimper: :whimper: :kaocry2:

I'm not really going to argue, but I just have to put some defenses up for our dear Blue God. Like I said in my part about Necron, Kuja was too un-final-bossish, his form and music were not Final Bossish enough. Sure, they could make him transform again, which would be totally cliché, or they could have made his transform in disc 3 much more Final Bossish and spoil the Final Boss form on disc three already!

And Necron totally fits in the story. Just see him as a result of Kuja going mad and start blowing up things, that's how our Necrie got his strange 'theory'.

But ah, each to his own. Not saying you should start loving Necron, I respect every opinion, I have learned that by now. I just find it a bit sad, because Necron trully was a good Final Boss in my opinion, he just seemed so much like a God, which I loved. :)

Too bad that ePSXe doesn't work on your computer... Guys, we should try to help an unhappy member out! But now I'm totally out of ideas...

06-18-2006, 08:07 AM
I'm on my first playthrough of the game. (Disc 3) I've played (and beaten) FFVII, FFVIII, FFX, and FFX-2. I like the game, but it's not my favorite game or favorite final fantasy for that matter. I think the ability and synthesis systems are the best systems in Final Fantasy. But, I don't really like the fact that characters are midgits, Amarant, or Eiko. Please don't kill me. This is only my OPINION. It's a good game. (Much better than FFX-2) :)

06-18-2006, 08:46 AM
I'm on my first playthrough of the game. (Disc 3) I've played (and beaten) FFVII, FFVIII, FFX, and FFX-2. I like the game, but it's not my favorite game or favorite final fantasy for that matter. I think the ability and synthesis systems are the best systems in Final Fantasy. But, I don't really like the fact that characters are midgits, Amarant, or Eiko. Please don't kill me. This is only my OPINION. It's a good game. (Much better than FFX-2) :)
Hey, no prob, other opinion are accepted, as long as they are without flaming or bashing towards the game itself. :)

I doesn't need to be your favorite Final Fantasy or Game, as long as you enjoy playing it, I'm happy. :)

06-18-2006, 12:06 PM
Actually, about a week ago, I played 8 again. I'm on disc 2, and it's actually pretty good! I love Selphie, and Squall just keeps getting hotter! It's just a really big change from hating it to liking it a lot!
Happy to hear that SakuraAngel623 :D Stay a true fan to 9 though :)

06-18-2006, 05:13 PM
I just don't like Necron, don't take it too hard. But he's blue!:) I like BLUE (and Green)!!! But I won't give up, I will try and save some money, repair my PSX. Then............I'll play IX. And I'll make sure that I get to play FFVIII at least once!

Now this is weird.....I'm starting to like FFX-2, but my hate toward FFX keeps growing.

What's happening to my brain......

~:choc2: / :mog:

06-18-2006, 05:35 PM
Now this is weird.....I'm starting to like FFX-2, but my hate toward FFX keeps growing.

What's happening to my brain......

~:choc2: / :mog:
May Yevon's blessings be with you in your time of confusion.

Darth Cid
06-19-2006, 06:15 PM
Zidane: *tear in eye* omg, Elpizo, you said everything I would have said in all nine categories, incredible post, ENCORE!