View Full Version : bradygames strategy guide

06-18-2006, 07:47 AM
I've been playing FFIX for 3 days now. I'm on disc 3. (I play like 8 hours a day and well into the night) I also own and use the bradygames strategy guide to help me. An exhorbitant amount of the guide tells you to go to PlayOnline.com for side quests and additional help throughout the game. So, I went to PlayOnline.com and all the site had was FFXI stuff! What's up here!? Am I gonna have to buy another king of guide? Because this PlayOnline.com thing really sucks. Thanks in advance, kupo. :)

06-18-2006, 07:55 AM
Omfg, I HAAAATED that guide... It was the worst, and so, I only used it on some occasions. If I really needed help with something and the guide said to refer to PlayOnline, then I went to GameFAQs and looked at the guides there. I know it's a bit more inconvenient, because you want easy reference, but that's what I had to resort to.

06-18-2006, 01:02 PM
Personally, I never use guides. I think it is a lot more fun figuring things out for yourself. Yes, even if it takes all day.


06-18-2006, 06:49 PM
The guide can be a pain in the backside. I mean the one that makes me laugh is the opening paragraph.

It tells you to go light the candle in the middle of the room. So I automatically did. The I read what to do next ... Before you light the candle there is a potion and 43 gil (something like that) in the top corners of the room. Make sure you get it before you light the candle, otherwise you wont get them ...

Talk about retarded, why structure it like that? And why should I use the Internet in order to get side quests? Ive just paid £12.99 for this guide and I still have to use the Internet? What have I paid for then? Just a walkthrough, weapons and abilities advice? What if I have no Internet connection? Im pretty much stuffed! It is one of the worst guides Ive used by Bradygames.

Quindiana Jones
06-19-2006, 08:26 PM
I've only used the Piggyback one. But that opening sentence sounds like a b****.
The Piggyback has the same PlayOnline crap too. It sucked, because I went on PlayOnline before I got the guide (can't remember why) and saw the code things. I thought "Nifty" but didn't care enough to get the guide. When I finally get the damn guide the sites gone arse-up.

Best thing is ignore the PO stuff. Any help needed, there's a big beautiful forum right here :D

06-19-2006, 08:40 PM
I got the guide after I beat the game just to see the stuff I missed so I could get it next time around. It SUCKED so much!:mad2: I wasted $15 on that stupid guide. A while back I went to PlayOnline to see all the stuff on the guide, it took me a while to find it but I found the keyword thing it talked about and after I used it my internet connection was cut so I didsn't use it. After a while I went back and I saw that everything was FXI so I kept looking around and I found the main site with all the FF games but they might've got rid of the FFIX keyword 'cause I didn't see it in the FFIX section.