View Full Version : Adobe Photoshop problems

06-19-2006, 01:19 AM
So i download text and brushes from some site right?My photoshop (version 7.0) won't load them and it doesn't even show it when i click on Load preset tools...help?

06-19-2006, 02:06 AM
That's because you have to load fonts into your computer, not photoshop. Go to start>run>type in fonts. That'll open up your font folder. Then just drag the font files into that folder.

As for brushes, click on the brush tool in photoshop, then click on the arrow that you use to get to your other default brushes, then there'll be another arrow that has some options next to it when you click on it. Click load brushes and pick the ones you want to load.

06-19-2006, 04:37 AM
ok thanks :D

EDIT:The ones i download are..ABR files but my photoshop only uses TPL
EDIT2:Nevermind..i found it :D