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06-20-2006, 01:39 PM
What are your thoughts of the prejudice in the society you live in? I expect a couple of you might claim you come from prejudice-free Happy Land, but prejudice exists everywhere, unfortunately.

People judge me. People judge me often. Of course, 'pre-judging' usually boils down to what they think of one's appearance. However, as I'm approaching adulthood, I thought that things would get far better. I work at a supermarket and with the customers' attitudes there, well, it seems adults aren't too much different, in many cases.

It's the main reason why I hate my job. But I'm glad I have one; it's the first opportunity I've had. Oh, why's that? Maybe because they've prejudged me? In the slackers' industry, the only thing that matters is looking the part - not grades... The irony in this is, that people prejudging ME has caused me to prejudge others.

I now absolutely hate attractive people. When I first started my job, a couple of months ago, as a cashier, I enjoyed greeting people and generally got nice responses. However, I soon started to notice a pattern. The people who ignored me were attractive people. It really started to piss me off, and I believe one day I'm going to snap. Now I don't even speak to many attractive people when I'm doing my job unless they have enthusiastic body language in the first place.

Anyway, what's it like for you? For me, nothing's changed.

06-20-2006, 02:08 PM
heh, I do cashier stuff as well, but in a games shop! :monster:

Yeah, I am full of prejudice towards things myself. Its not like I approve of it, but I cant help it. I am incredibly intolerant of children, because they "are idiots"

Ironically, I was in such an age group not so long ago, and hated those older..I am a little predudiced against the maori in general, but this just because I used to get beaten up by maori bullies in several schools when i was little.

Prejudice is everywhere, as long as we are human, it will be around.

06-20-2006, 02:18 PM
Man, I'm partially white/ black/ Asian, so can you imagine what I've been through?

The whites don't think that I'm white enough. The blacks don't think I'm black enough, and the Filipinos don't think that I'm Filipino enough.

I've heard it all. Seriously, I've been called everything there is to be called. :(

06-20-2006, 03:40 PM
Reine: I'd much rather be in a games shop! ^^ I'd be working with some like-minded people.

Chris: Yes, racism is one of the worst forms. Being insulted for your skin's colour is just plain wrong, and plain stupid to be honest. That said, you're probably not insulted for anything physical other than your skin colour. I know racism is terrible, but being prejudged based on your looks or whatever really does get you down.

kidney / theif
06-20-2006, 04:40 PM
In the 9th grade, I was the only black person in a few of my classes. :cry: And we read.. Huckleberry Fin or something like that.. some old book, and it had the 'n-bomb' in it every other word and when the teacher read it people started snickering and looking at me. It kinda made me uncomfortable. But since then, I've gotten use to it, and it doesn't bother me much anymore.

06-21-2006, 06:50 AM
Chris: Yes, racism is one of the worst forms. Being insulted for your skin's colour is just plain wrong, and plain stupid to be honest. That said, you're probably not insulted for anything physical other than your skin colour. I know racism is terrible, but being prejudged based on your looks or whatever really does get you down.

06-21-2006, 07:00 AM
I don't know if I've ever been prejudged... I kind of get along with everybody. I've never been made fun of for anything, I don't think. If people do call me a racist name, that racist name would be "Jap," and those people that call me that are my friends, and they only say it jokingly, because I even call myself that around them. Hell, I'm only half Japanese. Haha.

I do see racism though. It sucks. And prejudice. I don't see it that much, but I sure do see it.

But, don't hate attractive people. =(
Not all attractive people are like that, so even with saying you hate attractive people, you're stereotyping and prejudging. It just so happens that you tend to meet attractive people that don't treat you right, but I know plenty of attractive people that aren't prejudice, and practice morality like a job.

06-21-2006, 07:26 AM
I have a fear of being judged by other people :(

06-21-2006, 05:06 PM
I have a fear of being judged by other people :(

Let me guess, you live in the U.S. or Europe right?

06-21-2006, 05:19 PM
Where I live everyone who wears a bomb on their head is called a BombHead. And yes, you pronounce it with the capitals.
Don't tell me you don't know how to pronounce capitals...:mad:

06-21-2006, 05:28 PM
So, a couple of weeks back I was walking down the road and some dude shouts out to me "Rock on!" and gives that devil hand sign thing, blatently being sarcastic and in his mind clever. He did this because my hair is a bit longer than most guys' and I was wearing a beany hat.

I found it pretty funny.

06-22-2006, 10:14 AM
In the 9th grade, I was the only black person in a few of my classes. :cry: And we read.. Huckleberry Fin or something like that.. some old book, and it had the 'n-bomb' in it every other word and when the teacher read it people started snickering and looking at me. It kinda made me uncomfortable. But since then, I've gotten use to it, and it doesn't bother me much anymore.

I would have felt pretty uncomfortable too... I guess kids have the greater fear of the unknown. Hopefully they don't have racist thoughts today.

I don't know if I've ever been prejudged... I kind of get along with everybody. I've never been made fun of for anything, I don't think. If people do call me a racist name, that racist name would be "Jap," and those people that call me that are my friends, and they only say it jokingly, because I even call myself that around them. Hell, I'm only half Japanese. Haha.

I do see racism though. It sucks. And prejudice. I don't see it that much, but I sure do see it.

But, don't hate attractive people. =(
Not all attractive people are like that, so even with saying you hate attractive people, you're stereotyping and prejudging. It just so happens that you tend to meet attractive people that don't treat you right, but I know plenty of attractive people that aren't prejudice, and practice morality like a job.

Thanks for the lengthy post, and sorry for the slow response. I wouldn't really say I'm stereotyping, as it isn't a stereotype. My thoughts of people tend to be very different than, say, the mainstream thought. Keep in mind I truly do get first-hand experience of what people are like, being a cashier, and a friendly/attractive person really is a rarity.

It's not just work where I get this crap though. If I'm getting ignored a lot of the time at work when the people I'm serving range from thirteen to eighty, imagine what I get from college. People don't even bother trying to talk to me there. I know there are decent people who're attractive, but my point is, there isn't enough of them.

I have a fear of being judged by other people :(

As do I. That's why I haven't made a friendship with anybody in almost a year... Well, technically, it would be several years 'cause I don't know what I'd consider friendship

Where I live everyone who wears a bomb on their head is called a BombHead. And yes, you pronounce it with the capitals.
Don't tell me you don't know how to pronounce capitals...:mad:

A bomb on their head!?

So, a couple of weeks back I was walking down the road and some dude shouts out to me "Rock on!" and gives that devil hand sign thing, blatently being sarcastic and in his mind clever. He did this because my hair is a bit longer than most guys' and I was wearing a beany hat.

I found it pretty funny.

My hair's a LOT longer than most guys'... I really should get it cut soon but I don't think it'll actually make me look okay. Prejudice I've received has made me strongly consider plastic surgery...

06-22-2006, 10:26 AM
Shaun: I tend to be predjudiced against these new people at work, mainly because their not serious gamers like the rest of us...its kinda typical all this prejudice stuff, cant help it, and hate ourselves for thinking that way..

Yeah, whats REALLY stupid about me being prejudiced, is thjat I too, am new there, only there for a month or two..

06-22-2006, 10:40 AM
I guess it's only natural to be annoyed when someone gets employed for their looks/outgoing personality rather than their passion of gaming, which is unfortunately very common.

06-22-2006, 10:49 AM
Yeah, theyre both girls xD

Rather ditzy too...

Thank god I dont have my hours with 'em..

06-22-2006, 11:52 AM
I try not to be prejudiced towards anybody, but sometimes everybody is.

I've only been prejudiced towards a few times in my life, I think. I'm not bothered by it really.

My friends are prejudiced to me all the time because I'm Northern and I live in the South, but they're only kidding, and I'm not at all bothered by it. :laugh:

06-22-2006, 11:59 AM
I try not to be prejudiced towards anybody, but sometimes everybody is.

I can sorta see where you're going from. But those who've been neglected are naturally going to prejudge against those with characteristics similar to those who've hurt them in life. *deep breath* I think that is the less lethal type of prejudice which is sometimes necessary to prevent further hurt.

However, there are people who just call people for no apparent reason other than the way they look or what others have said, and so on. Those kinda people deserve to be shot... :mad:

06-22-2006, 11:59 AM
I'm prejudice twoards n00bs, until I get to know them. :p then I still don't like em ;)

06-22-2006, 12:18 PM
I've received my fair share of flat-out discrimination, and I now spend the rest of my days dishing it back out tenfold in return.

06-22-2006, 01:24 PM
I try not to be prejudiced towards anybody, but sometimes everybody is.

I can sorta see where you're going from. But those who've been neglected are naturally going to prejudge against those with characteristics similar to those who've hurt them in life. *deep breath* I think that is the less lethal type of prejudice which is sometimes necessary to prevent further hurt.

However, there are people who just call people for no apparent reason other than the way they look or what others have said, and so on. Those kinda people deserve to be shot... :mad:

I agree.

06-22-2006, 01:37 PM
Where I'm from, men who look muslim are treated with suspicion due to the paranoia about terrorism. Although my area is quite ethnically mixed so make a racist remark and you will get it.

06-22-2006, 02:20 PM
I have worked 2 years as a cashier, and the reason why I'm kinda prejudiced is because I'm most often right. I can see if a person means trouble. You said the attractive people were ignoring you, I haven't noticed that, but the 50+ year old mothers. Man, they just keep on ignoring you no matter what. Then they become annoyed at you when they don't heard what you said because they were busy being ignoring. :/ They're just bitter cus they're not hot anymore. Not that they ever was though, since they lived in the 60's and all.

Moon Rabbits
06-22-2006, 02:50 PM
It's rampant where I live.

My mom had the toughest time getting a job, and it was just waitressing. Since she's gotten a better one, but that took 4 years. Men can get jobs 4x faster than that.

There are also neo-nazis and white supremasts all over, wearing white/red laces in doc-martins. I've been jumped by them twice for wearing anti-nazi patches and clothing. They're constantly spray painting terrible messages everywhere, as on the ESL center:

"**** the *insert racial slur here*.

I hate it.

Pure Aerisbeauty7
06-23-2006, 06:50 PM
People who treat other people unfairly because of their race or skin color should now that everyone is the same and just because of their skin color does not make them bad at all. Also, being a certain race does not mean you are white, black, mexican, or any other race. Being a certain race means being yourself. People should learn and get to know other people before judging them.

06-23-2006, 07:26 PM
I worked at Taco Bell ages ago xD It's always the menstrating/old women that cause trouble. Anyone ever notice that it's always the females? ;) *stereotypes* God they're annoying. If I work any customer service job I like dealing with men seven hundred times more.

Racism is bad because people can't change the color of their skin. Unless they like... plastic surgery.. o_O /swt.

Judging people based on their clothing and how they display themselves, that's reasonable. It's not right, no, but it's a lot easier to generalize and in a lot more cases the generalization is true. If you're a guy who wears hardcore gangsta xD clothing with holes in them and has pierced everything etc etc, then even if you're a good straight-A kid who just stays home all day doing chores, no one will think so, and rightfully so - how you portray yourself is a reflection of who you are, right? It's like employers having a right to be prejudiced against you based purely on what you're wearing to the interview, because it really shows how you carry yourself.

06-23-2006, 07:28 PM
Prejudice is intolerable in everyone but myself and Mr. Darcy. :heart:

Racism is snite in everybody and racists are dum-dums and I hate them.

06-23-2006, 08:15 PM
I have a fear of being judged by other people :(

Let me guess, you live in the U.S. or Europe right?

Cut it out already. I'm seeing this type of stuff from you in every other post, it seems. Enough. You're just as bad for thinking that all white people are horrible racists.

I don't remember the last time I experienced any sort of prejudice. There have been times where I've gone into stores with friends, and the people that work there gave us really nasty stares and followed us around everywhere we went, to make sure we wouldn't steal anything. There's the occasional "dumb white girl" comment, but that's about it.

06-24-2006, 04:56 AM
I have worked 2 years as a cashier, and the reason why I'm kinda prejudiced is because I'm most often right. I can see if a person means trouble. You said the attractive people were ignoring you, I haven't noticed that, but the 50+ year old mothers. Man, they just keep on ignoring you no matter what. Then they become annoyed at you when they don't heard what you said because they were busy being ignoring. :/ They're just bitter cus they're not hot anymore. Not that they ever was though, since they lived in the 60's and all.

100% true.

It's rampant where I live.

My mom had the toughest time getting a job, and it was just waitressing. Since she's gotten a better one, but that took 4 years. Men can get jobs 4x faster than that.

There are also neo-nazis and white supremasts all over, wearing white/red laces in doc-martins. I've been jumped by them twice for wearing anti-nazi patches and clothing. They're constantly spray painting terrible messages everywhere, as on the ESL center:

"**** the *insert racial slur here*.

I hate it.

Those SMURFING BASTARDS! :irked: they're lucky I'm not the president/governor of that country/state.

I have a fear of being judged by other people :(

Let me guess, you live in the U.S. or Europe right?

Cut it out already. I'm seeing this type of stuff from you in every other post, it seems. Enough. You're just as bad for thinking that all white people are horrible racists.

I'm just making a point, and no I don't make it everywhere. I'm just agreeing and commenting on what other people have said(that's the purpose of a forum, no?).

And WHERE have I said "white people" I said "Europe or the U.S." And don't blame me that MOST of the times they're the ones labeled as "racist".

06-24-2006, 05:10 AM
Yes, people suck. Probably why I don't really enjoy their company too often. :) (Bar a few lucky individuals.)