View Full Version : Sylph World Pass....Not sure what else to do???

06-21-2006, 01:07 AM
I have turned everywhere, and this looks like my last shot at getting on...I have tried for about 3 days total, 8hrs each day to try and get on the sylph server, let me rephrase, get back on the sylph server....I am a returning player and would like to get back to where i made alot of friends, although i dont remember most of their names and the ones i do know, seem not to be playing anymore......I am looking for any type of advice to get back on, I'll try anything, I'm in the process of creating and deleting characters right now but since they fixed the glitch, now it takes 3x as long to do so, u cant just create and see where your character is, you have to go through the entire opening scene......so, please kindly leave me some advice on what to do next?? or i know its a long shot, but if anyone knows of a pass i could use, id gladly repay the price back, very quickly........i thank anyone who could at least give me some advice......

06-21-2006, 10:56 AM
Sign up to FFXIOnline.com and request a world pass in the servers forum on there. Someone will get you one pretty quickly I assume, it's your best chance to get one.