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06-21-2006, 09:05 PM
My little brother is graduating from Middle School tonight. He's growing up so fast. ;____; This is the second time I've ever attended a graduation that wasn't my own, the first time being my brother's Elementary School graduation. Awww. :)

Do you enjoy graduations? Do you get emotional during them? What was the last graduation you attended (besides your own, if that's the last one)?

06-21-2006, 09:07 PM
No, not really; no, not at all; and my sister's Graduation from College two years ago (one of the only two graduations that matter).

Flying Mullet
06-21-2006, 09:09 PM
I graduated with another degree of awesome last week. :chef:

Yeah, I enjoy the festivities of graduations, but unless you know a lot of the people graduating the ceremony can get quite boring.

06-21-2006, 09:09 PM
Some are better than others, elementary school's cool. Middle school is the BEST. High School is fine...College(don't know) but I'm guessing it's the crappiest. I think they're WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better in other countries than here.

06-21-2006, 09:14 PM
Graduations are really only worth attending if there is free food there, otherwise I dont go.

06-21-2006, 09:22 PM
I've only gone to three graduations: mine, my sister's, and my brother's from high school (going back in time). I found both my sibling's graduations rather long and boring, and my own a little less long and boring (mine was better because I was playing in the bad for it :) )

06-21-2006, 09:22 PM
Graduations are really only worth attending if there is free food there, otherwise I dont go.

The food is always terrible, why do you think it's free?

I've finished school alol together and I'm moving up to college this September, muahahahahaha.

06-21-2006, 09:24 PM
I got upset when our year left high school, but it was amazing. People who didnt even know you gave you a hug and wished you luck, the teachers let their hair down and were all fantastic with us. Same with primary school and college, everyone just hugged and gave out gifts, they were all great. And I cried at all 3 of them :D

06-21-2006, 09:27 PM
I've been to mine and my sister's high school graduation. That's it, I think. Oh, and my middle school one and Sarah's middle school one.

06-21-2006, 09:37 PM
My high school graduation was pretty good. Too hot under those gowns, though. I'm looking forward to next year when I get my BA diploma because that will actually mean something.

Elite Lord Sigma
06-21-2006, 09:42 PM
The last one would probably be my younger brother's from elementary school. And I will be out of middle school for good tomorrow.

06-21-2006, 09:57 PM
I graduated about three weeks ago. Before that, the last graduation I attended was the day before, on my birthday, for Ardmore High School in Ardmore, OK. My cousin's graduation. It was such a fake graduation. Outside, and people were allowed to wear jeans and tennis shoes underneath their robes. They had 3 valedictorians and 2 salutatorians, which is pretty retarded.

I don't really enjoy them because they're boring, and graduating high school really isn't a big deal unless you're in it.

06-21-2006, 10:24 PM
Ok, seriously, I've attended 5 high school graduations, for my own high school. And 2 for other high schools. That's a bit nuts.

I started going in 2002 for my brother's graduation. And I just haven't stopped going since. This last graduation I went to a few weeks ago is the last one I'll ever go to for my high school since the younger kiddies who were my friends and minions have all graduated now. Class of 2006 was the last of the bunch.

One of my minions (I call them minions but they're more like little sisters) sang "Our Prayer" at this last graduation and it was soooooo beautiful. I was about to cry I was so proud of her. But yes, I made candy necklaces for them and gave it out to all my graduating minions and I got a little teary eyed thinking back to when they were just freshman who were a little afraid of me. They grow up too fast! *sobs*

The one thing that doesn't change year to year are the horrible, cliche speeches. One of my best friends wrote an amazing speech my graduating year and it was smart and witty, and lots of dry humor. They refused her speach because it didn't speak highly about the school. I hate all that, "thank you so much for guiding us like fish in a mighty river" crap that most of the graduating speeches consist of.

I'd like to hear something real for once, but it's always censored. =/

06-21-2006, 10:26 PM
Ok, seriously, I've attended 5 high school graduations, for my own high school. And 2 for other high schools. That's a bit nuts.

I started going in 2002 for my brother's graduation. And I just haven't stopped going since. This last graduation I went to a few weeks ago is the last one I'll ever go to for my high school since the younger kiddies who were my friends and minions have all graduated now. Class of 2006 was the last of the bunch.

One of my minions (I call them minions but they're more like little sisters) sang "Our Prayer" at this last graduation and it was soooooo beautiful. I was about to cry I was so proud of her. But yes, I made candy necklaces for them and gave it out to all my graduating minions and I got a little teary eyed thinking back to when they were just freshman who were a little afraid of me. They grow up too fast! *sobs*

pffft! :laugh:

No no, but I'm laughing in a good way, so don't ban me. Touching, I never thought Miriel was tough and full of emotions.

Flying Mullet
06-21-2006, 10:28 PM
I graduated about three weeks ago.
You should have graduated down here, then I could have gone.

06-21-2006, 10:33 PM
pffft! :laugh:

No no, but I'm laughing in a good way, so don't ban me. Touching, I never thought Miriel was tough and full of emotions.
I'll pfft you!

You're just jealous you don't have any minions.

06-21-2006, 10:38 PM
Im not allowed to post in The EOE forum
SO you can reply to this or not.
My dad divorced my mom. I dont see my dad often. I diddnt invite him to graduation and I sent him this and he hasnt replied to it yet and it was sent days ago

This was for my high shcool graduation. I would amke a thread in EOE but I cant.

There just was'nt a whole lot of tickets. We had a huge graduating class so we did not have enough tickets to bring along too many family members per individual.

Alot of people had to sit outside because there wasn't any seats left inside the room of where our ceremony took place. I diddn't think graduation was such a bid deal though honestly. I already knew it was coming it is just a sign that I am getting older. A world of more responsbility is creeping around the corner for me. College starts soon but I have known this momment was coming for years now and I diddn't need any ceremony to make the momment or idea of graduation to feel any more real for me. I would have rather just shown up my last day of school as a student and have taken it seriously as a student I could have skipped waiting in a long line and listening to those unmotivational speaches just to recieve my "certificate" for high school graduation which I already earned.

By saying you are proud of me is not something that is an old routine thing like a graduation ceremony , it actually means something. Graudation ceremonies are just an easy way to show support by merely being there. I don't need to know that you support me in my education just by you showing up for one last get together with the students from school. I dont need anyone to be there realy . The fact that I graduated from a school means that my parents already have supported me . With income and all the other necessaties of an education. Realy gradutaion is just proof that I diddn't waiste my parents money or my time and I realy dont need any praise for that because it benefits me the most in the end.

I never cared for award assemblys they just state what you are capable of and every man should already know what he is capable of if he has tried, and he shouldnt look for a reward from others.

06-22-2006, 04:53 PM
I missed my grauation due to surgery. I have been to my siblings graduation ceremonies though...I was happy for them, but incredibly bored...

Luther X-Rated
06-22-2006, 05:13 PM
I just graduated from High School this year!

I don't really get emotional, I was just really happy it was over : )

06-22-2006, 05:30 PM
I graduate tomorrow. :p It's probably going to be a stiff-necked affair.

06-22-2006, 05:37 PM
The last graduation I went to was my own from middle school. It sort of meant a lot to me, because I've been to that school for 9 years straight. Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade all at one school. Crazy. Anywhoo, the last one I went to other than my own was my sister's high school graduation. The only other graduation I've been to was her middle school graduation. My older brother dropped out of high school, so that never happened. D: My little brother is still at my old school, so yeah.

Actually, I'm in the band, and it's mandatory for us to play at graduations here, so I'll be at one tomorrow (as well as next year, and the next, and the next being my own). I'll miss all my senior friends. D:

Do I enjoy graduations? I suppose they're... okay. Usually much better if you know more than one person graduating. Do I get emotional? I haven't in the three I've been to before. :o Will I in the future? Maybe.

They had 3 valedictorians and 2 salutatorians, which is pretty retarded.
Hah, same for my school. It's sort of ridiculous.

06-22-2006, 05:58 PM
Lets see... the last graduation I attended was my own high school graduation last year.... it had to be bloody 90 degrees that day (and for central NY in june that's bloody HOT) and I just had to wear black robes! Ah well, better to look like a sweating judge than a great pumpkin (my school's colors were orange and black.....) The next one I'll attend if one of my best friend's high school graduation on saturday. same high school.

06-22-2006, 06:11 PM
I went to my sister's in '03. I was pretty happy to see her make it through. I didn't think it was boring or anything. I didn't get emotional, but I respected the fact that she made it so far.

06-22-2006, 07:37 PM
Uhmmm I don't think we had one when I left Primary :3 We had a "leaver's assembley" though, and I have it on tape. I look so awful :D

06-22-2006, 08:37 PM
My sister is graduating today. The elementary and middle school graduations all seem to have singing involved while I haven't seen a high school one have singing yet...

06-22-2006, 08:38 PM
We have graduations here in the UK, other than for University? :confused:

06-22-2006, 08:40 PM
We have graduations here in the UK, other than for University? :confused:
I can't see a load of 10 year olds sitting quietly for hours at the end of primary school.

I know we have one at the end of Secondary. (Me in two years O_O; )

Vincent, Thunder God
06-22-2006, 09:45 PM
My sister's graduation from elementary is coming up, but unfortunately I will probably be too busy to be there. I would have only gone for her, I don't really tend to enjoy these things too much.:erm:

06-22-2006, 10:01 PM
I went to my mother's college graduation, my BBF's graduation, my boyfriend's brother's graduation because he was valadictorian and gave a speech, and my cousin's graduation. I didn't go to my high school graduation or my college graduation because I couldn't stand the thought of sitting there waiting for my name to be called.

06-22-2006, 10:08 PM
I assossiate graduations with University and Colleges. :) There's no big thing for Primary to High School, or leaving High School - 'cept Leaver's Ceremony.

Anyway, I went to my Mum's University Graduation when I was younger. :) I have a picture. I am wearing a red dress. xD :cool:

06-22-2006, 11:26 PM
No ceremony or anything at all here in Norway. We get our grades, then some of the kids sing or play the piano or whatever the crap their parents told them they were good at, then Alice Cooper - School's Out is played, and then we hit the road. I think there's a real graduation at universities, though.

06-23-2006, 02:40 AM
Ha, my high school grad was a joke. We just walked up on stage, got our certificates, and went back to sit in our uncomfortable seats. What a complete waste of time. Me and my buddies decided to make our grad party, and man, that was awesome.

Madame Adequate
06-23-2006, 02:58 AM
No. It's a retarded ceremony and I intend to never, ever go to any if I can at all help it. It's like Mr. Incredible says; They keep finding new ways to celebrate mediocrity, but if someone is genuinely exceptional...

Fortunately we in England tend not to mess around with it. That's one thing we get right, at least...

06-23-2006, 03:22 AM
I enjoy the partys after graduation.

06-25-2006, 01:11 AM
I had to go to my girlfriends this year....because I made her go to mine. And that was the 5th one of my high school's that I went to, and I have one more when my sister graduates. Let's just say they keep getting worse.

Of course, I liked my graduation, but I was a bit biased that night.