View Full Version : Coaches are Screwing up and Refs are ruining the World Cup

06-22-2006, 05:19 PM
I am getting incredibly angry with all of the diving and just downright horrible calls going on in this years world cup. Its getting ridiculous. Players from a lot of teams are diving, and getting calls and winning games unfairly. Pimpong for example, dives inside of the box to get a PK to win the game. Bull Crap. Send him off for diving. Most european teams (mainly Italy and Portugal) throw on the academy awards while playing soccer/football. They will slip and fall and get a free kick. Brazil is another team that loves to dive. It's horrible how one Bull<img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"> call changes the whole outcome.
Oh yeah anyone catch USA vs Italy? The cards on USA weren't deserved at all. Pope's fouls were dives.
Mastroeni shoulda got a yellow

Now the coaches, I'm just pissed off at bruce arena. Who the hell plays a 4-5-1 if you need to score goals? How about a 4-3-3 or 4-4-2 dumbass?

P.S. Kasey Keller sucks ass.

06-22-2006, 05:26 PM
On the whole, the refereeing in the World Cup has been rather good, but with so many decisions to make, there will always be errors. A way to stop this would be video refereeing, but FIFA are extremely opposed to this, presumably so they can't give smaller nations an unfair advantage, for example South Korea in 2002 (and perhaps Ghana in 2006, because that was not a penalty. We'll see how they fare against Brazil)

Oh, and 4-5-1 is essentially the same formation as 4-3-3. If the opponents are attacking, the wingers fall back and it becomes a 4-5-1, and when you break into a counter attack, your wingers push forward (and the one on the opposite flank to where the ball is goes into the centre to support the main striker) and it becomes 4-3-3.

06-22-2006, 05:27 PM
Like I said before, FIFA has the worst reffs EVER.

06-22-2006, 05:33 PM
They're only human. Give them a break.

Bart's Friend Milhouse
06-22-2006, 05:49 PM
the referee will always have a tough job but more often then not they get some crucial decision spot on. I reckon FIFA have to toughen up on such issues like diving (i.e. fining). In my opinion a player is doing himself no favour in diving anyway. The whole world is watching the world cup and by diving he is only showing how dishonest he is.
As for the USA/Italy game I thought all three red cards were justified. Masteroni went in with both feet showing a clean pair of studs and the only thing I might remember about eddie pope after he reitres is the amount of bookings he got in previous world cups.
I thought Bruce Arena did a marvellous job with the US soccer team in 2002 and if it wasn't for Torsten Frings they could have been reached the semis. However not picking Friedel as your no 1 goalie just puzzles me (unless he was injured???).

06-22-2006, 05:50 PM
Friedel has retired from international football.

06-22-2006, 05:51 PM
I don't think the Ghana bad pentaly call matters so much since the US team is too bad to actually win a game against a good team anyway.

Bart's Friend Milhouse
06-22-2006, 05:52 PM
Friedel has retired from international football.

Oh...didn't know that
But he can always back down from that decision like Henrik Larsson

06-22-2006, 06:25 PM
The biggest coaching cockup so far has been a certain baldy taking only four strikers. One who is Theo Walcott.

Old Manus
06-22-2006, 06:45 PM
Somebody isn't happy about the USA result...

06-22-2006, 06:58 PM
i agree with the whole referees part anyone see netherlands-argentinia yesterday?

how many unfair cards did we (netherlands) get i mean that one of kuyt wasnt even a foul let alone something to pull a card for.

and players dive way to easily nowadays i actually cheer when a attacker doesnt "fall"after he get a little nudge

06-22-2006, 07:33 PM
Here's a video for all you diving fans to enjoy! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGlXKDJnEiY)

It features that spoof training session from that awesome Guardian advert (The Guardian? Awesome? I feel dirty) My favourite dive on there is probably Samuel Eto'o's against Atletico Madrid, because he actually manages to look at the referee before he even hits the ground.

06-22-2006, 08:15 PM
oh my god i always suspected that they trained on that but serieusly everyone here who plays football himself know no one falls that easily wwhy then do the referees fail to see it.

06-22-2006, 08:26 PM
I hope you guys know im not just complaining about the usa result because that is mostly the team's fault. (coughLANDON DONOVANcough) But a lot of teams are diving, and recieving calls that are crucial to the result of games. Like that dude said on the diving video, "if you wanna be an actor, move to Hollywood." Its just getting annoying, its obvious, and the refs are missing it. Thats their job to make good calls. They get paid to do that. The world cup just isnt entertaining as much any more.

If you think i am angry now, you could only imagine how angry i was last world cup USA v Germany with that handball in the goal by some defender. I started throwing things

thank you psychotic for posting those videos.

Bart's Friend Milhouse
06-22-2006, 08:56 PM
Anthony Sanneh's dive in the Germany/USA match four years ago is the grandaddy of all dives

06-22-2006, 08:58 PM
:p Let us add Graham Poll's decision to not give Mark Viduka a penalty for that foul to this hall of accusations. It was a poor decision.

06-22-2006, 09:23 PM
Another thing really annoying is players are over-exaggerating and calling for stretchers and doctors and waste time. i know theres stoppage time, but it doesnt make up all time wasted. It pisses me off even more that theyre absolutly fine after that. They will be holding there legs in "pain" and then two seconds later theyre running around fine. WTF

06-22-2006, 09:52 PM
That was beautiful! Simunic received THREE yellow cards! :laugh:

06-22-2006, 09:55 PM
Nice work, Graham. xD

06-22-2006, 10:03 PM
Are you reading Graham Poll? Are you reading Graham Poll? Are you reading? Are you reading? :laugh:

Bart's Friend Milhouse
06-22-2006, 10:49 PM
yes i am reading

06-23-2006, 02:32 AM
Every team does it, including USA.
We've been there, we've seen it, we've been really angry about it, and we've given up and just carried on watching it anyway, do that or dont watch the game. Thats not to say that we dont all get pissed off about it, but diving is just so ridiculously common now that we, as fans, just cant do anything about it.
Heres a second place to let your anger out though, since its not easy bottling it up:

black orb
06-23-2006, 03:08 AM
>>> The ref from the USA vs Italy match was pretty fair, and the US coach moaned and yelled the whole game, it was fun to see it.

06-23-2006, 03:11 AM
WHat pisses me off about soccer is how the cry about EVERYTHING thet get hurt and need a stretcher when someone pushes them. WTF? grow some balls and take that non-existing hit.

06-23-2006, 03:21 AM
Its football. Ball + Foot = Football.
Glad I cleared that up :D

06-23-2006, 03:43 AM
On the whole, the refereeing in the World Cup has been rather good, but with so many decisions to make, there will always be errors. A way to stop this would be video refereeing, but FIFA are extremely opposed to this, presumably so they can't give smaller nations an unfair advantage, for example South Korea in 2002 (and perhaps Ghana in 2006, because that was not a penalty. We'll see how they fare against Brazil)I don't think I understand what you're saying, because I don't see the logical flow in that kind of argument at all. Specifically, I don't see how "giving smaller nations an unfair advantage" results from "implementing video refereeing". Do you have any further ideas on why FIFA doesn't allow video refereeing?

06-23-2006, 04:34 AM
Without video refereeing, they can justify a dodgy decision with "The referee only got to see it once and he was several yards away at the time" whereas if he and the other officials got to view several replays of the incident, it would be much harder for them to give the correct (and possibly biased) decision.

As dodgy decisions in international football often go in favour of smaller teams (as I said, check out the controversy surrounding South Korea's run in 2002) the inclusion of video refereeing would mean that that the smaller teams could lose this edge.

Interestingly, I think referees are biased in favour of the big teams in club football, or the home team. The Serie A debacle playing itself out as we speak is a perfect example of this.

06-23-2006, 07:05 AM
Its football. Ball + Foot = Football.
Glad I cleared that up :D
No, I live in America we call it soccer. You can call it football. I don't care, i'm going to continue calling it soccer since I hav emy entire life and every person I know offline calls it soccer.:mog:

Old Manus
06-23-2006, 07:32 AM
Hey guys, I'm gonna play some sawwker

06-23-2006, 01:27 PM
As dodgy decisions in international football often go in favour of smaller teams (as I said, check out the controversy surrounding South Korea's run in 2002) the inclusion of video refereeing would mean that that the smaller teams could lose this edge.As far as I've seen, dodgy decisions have pretty much gone against any team I choose to root for. :\

2002 was pretty much one big exception to international football, what with the US getting to quarters, and South Korea and Turkey getting to semis.

I haven't seen any statistics confirming weaker teams getting calls, though. I feel like I've seen major teams (especially divers like Argentina and Italy, and now Ghana) get all sorts of ridiculous calls go their way.

Even if that theory were true, then the US wouldn't have gotten their <img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"><img src="/xxx.gif"> luck calls. Oh wait, some retard decided to rank them fifth. My argument has crumbled.

Interestingly, I think referees are biased in favour of the big teams in club football, or the home team. The Serie A debacle playing itself out as we speak is a perfect example of this.Unfortunately I don't follow the European leagues (I assume that's what you mean by "club football") - I guess it's difficult to get news of it out here. I also haven't watched Group A except for the first match, but I assume you're talking about Poland dropping out of the tournament?

06-23-2006, 02:50 PM
Its football. Ball + Foot = Football.
Glad I cleared that up :D
No, I live in America we call it soccer. You can call it football. I don't care, i'm going to continue calling it soccer since I hav emy entire life and every person I know offline calls it soccer.:mog:

Oh okay, then do you watch A bunch of pricks running around looking like mattresses or bed covers American Football
Okay joking aside, how the hell did America manage to shorten Association Football to Soccer???? 'soc' makes sense, but what about the rest.

The idea that video refereeing is bad because it wont give the unfair advantage for small teams is just stupid imho. There should be NO DIVING, NO BIASE, JUST PLAIN HONEST FOOTBALL :D
Better team wins. I really dislike it when a win is thought to have come from an unfair advantage. No pride.

06-23-2006, 07:49 PM
Its football. Ball + Foot = Football.
Glad I cleared that up :D
No, I live in America we call it soccer. You can call it football. I don't care, i'm going to continue calling it soccer since I hav emy entire life and every person I know offline calls it soccer.:mog:

Oh okay, then do you watch A bunch of pricks running around looking like mattresses or bed covers American Football
Okay joking aside, how the hell did America manage to shorten Association Football to Soccer???? 'soc' makes sense, but what about the rest.Actually, the Americans didn't shorten the word at all. The English did, back in the 1860's when the rules of the game were first officially set down. The games of rugby and soccer were simply variations on the same rule set at this stage, referred to as Rugby Football (nicknamed Rugger) and Association Football (Soccer).

So yeah, there's no point in blaming the Americans for the name-change. Perhaps you could fault their logic in naming their own sport football when it involved very little use of the feet, but the name soccer is nothing to do with them.

On the subject of video replays, I think that while there might be some argument against their use in all aspects of the game, there is no denying that they must be introduced to settle goal-line disputes, and fast. In the vast majority of cases referees and linesman do little more than guess whether or not a ball crossed the line, and that is simply not the right way of doing things in the biggest team sporting competition in the world. Sadly, it will probably take some huge event, like a World Cup Final being decided on such a decision, to convince FIFA that such measures are required.

06-24-2006, 04:57 PM
Interestingly, I think referees are biased in favour of the big teams in club football, or the home team. The Serie A debacle playing itself out as we speak is a perfect example of this.Unfortunately I don't follow the European leagues (I assume that's what you mean by "club football") - I guess it's difficult to get news of it out here. I also haven't watched Group A except for the first match, but I assume you're talking about Poland dropping out of the tournament?
Noo, he means the Italian league (Serie A) scandal (assuming you're referring to that?). Something about match-fixing, I think. I didn't understand it all too well, but it surrounds Juventus and it's big news and it's nasty. Moggi. Moggi Moggi.

The Brazilian ref. for the Germany - Sweden game is a Sadist. He smiled really strangely as he handed Lucic his red card. :(

06-24-2006, 07:31 PM
It looked like a sort of smile of pity or something like that. Its only on slowmo where it looks evil l0l.

Bart's Friend Milhouse
06-24-2006, 11:05 PM
i like to think of it as an "we won't be seeing any more of you today" type of look

06-25-2006, 03:24 AM
i like to think of it as an "we won't be seeing any more of you today" type of look

Your description beats mine. :rolleyes2